America is becoming ungovernable: the visceral political hatreds behind the shutdown

what democratic "fringe" person in office are you so upset at that you say they are the same as these tea tards?
This has far less to do with hyper partisan politics and just about everything to do with radicalized southern politics. Who are these tea baggers that are having such a profound impact on radicalizing the GOP? They are predominantly southern radical conservatives, financed largely by ubber wealthy oligarchs. They represent approximately 5% of the nation mostly in the south and rural Midwest.

Unfortunately they have a constituency who have bought into southern nullification, a completely discredited political philosophy. Why is it discredited? At the most fundamental level because it cannot govern.

The Democrats have often been criticized for their lack of organization and correctly too. Dems are famous for their circular firing squads. Repubs on the other hand can't stand prosperity and have a tendency to let radicals lead the party and they usually lead the party to obscurity. That appears to be happening again.

From the article.

In Britain, most MPs of all parties consider Westminster to be as much home as their constituencies.

But the United States is different. The senators and congressmen who fly into Washington on Monday nights and jet out again on Thursdays never cease to belong first and always to Kansas, Montana, Alabama or wherever else they hail from.

President Eisenhower said ruefully about Washington: ‘Everyone is too far from home.’
Most Republican constituencies are not merely thousands of miles from the capital; they are also culturally light years distant.

Many of the legislators orchestrating the federal shutdown feel as foreign among East Coast smart-asses — as they would characterise Washington’s elite — as did the Tennessee frontiersman Davy Crockett when he was elected to Congress in 1826.

Constituency boundaries have always been ruthlessly manipulated to create safe seats for either Republicans or Democrats. The consequence is that party primary elections are often decisive in determining who gets to go to Washington.

This is how the powerful Right-wing Tea Party, dedicated activists, have gained such leverage. Incumbent Republicans live in mortal dread of being ousted at election time not by Democrats, but by far-out Right-wingers on their own side.


Divided: Seldom, if ever, has the chasm between the sophistication of the East Coast and the primitive passions and thought processes of middle American lawmakers yawned wider

Even if they would like to act temperately in this crisis, they dare not.

What a crew they are. Steve Stockman, a Texan who sits in the House of Representatives, is a former homeless man who has faced drugs charges. He distributed bumper stickers during his last election campaign urging the arming of foetuses: ‘If Babies had Guns, They Wouldn’t be Aborted!’

The grassroots are obsessed with firearms. I have sometimes struck up casual conversations about gun law in rural states such as Kansas or Wyoming; it is like holding a dialogue with Martians.
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when we get all dems or mostly dems things get fixed.

then the republicans pretend the fix is horrible and will end the world as we know it.

then they spend all their energy in office tearing the hell out of government.

then we get a crash of some kind and the dems get back in fix the mess and start to get things done and then the republican scream the things they are doing are killing grandma or some other lie and it starts all over again.

savings and loan crashes.

energy crashes

housing crashes

they are all due to republican deregulation.
Say, how well did one party Democrat rule work in Detroit?
the democratic party didn't rule there.

Its was corrupt businessmen who paid off whomever was in office.

your team just didn't get that money.

is that why your so pissed about it?
what democratic "fringe" person in office are you so upset at that you say they are the same as these tea tards?

I pretty much quit following partisan politics, i did so all my life, and was a registered Dem.

No doubt the tea party is one of obstructionism - my concern is more about the war party both sides are held hostage to.

I could make the case Obama's Afgan policy is actually worse the Bush's, with his escalazation/de escalation and his "transitioning" very similar to "Vietnamization"

we'll have to see how the Afgan National Army holds, up, once we cut the ties - but the Taliban kinna remind me of the Viet Cong;
they aren't going to just be happy in a support role with any Afgan gov't
I pretty much quit following partisan politics, i did so all my life, and was a registered Dem.

No doubt the tea party is one of obstructionism - my concern is more about the war party both sides are held hostage to.

I could make the case Obama's Afgan policy is actually worse the Bush's, with his escalazation/de escalation and his "transitioning" very similar to "Vietnamization"

we'll have to see how the Afgan National Army holds, up, once we cut the ties - but the Taliban kinna remind me of the Viet Cong;
they aren't going to just be happy in a support role with any Afgan gov't

so you cant name ONE dem who is in fed office and is BAD AS ANY tea party member.


if you don't pay attention then don't make blanket statements that are WRONG on he facts.

The dems in office are not fringe.

the tea party is killing this country.

its their entire plan
Nova again rolls out the line "Dems refuse to negotiate"

But the spending in the CR is way below what Dems wanted; it's almost down to the Ryan budget, and includes the sequester cuts.

So the Dems have already given up a lot of what they want. And yet the repubs say "Dems won't negotiate". Why should the Dems give more? Why don't the Repubs pass the clean CR - for an amount they wanted - instead of sending up individual bills or instead of tying the CR to the ACA?

Why do conservatives think it's the Dem's fault? Honestly - I'd like to know - why do conservatives think Dems should, at the last minute, give up even more than previously negotiated?
because no one else but them matters.

its why they think the minority of the minority party should get its way
Nova again rolls out the line "Dems refuse to negotiate"

But the spending in the CR is way below what Dems wanted; it's almost down to the Ryan budget, and includes the sequester cuts.

So the Dems have already given up a lot of what they want. And yet the repubs say "Dems won't negotiate". Why should the Dems give more? Why don't the Repubs pass the clean CR - for an amount they wanted - instead of sending up individual bills or instead of tying the CR to the ACA?

Why do conservatives think it's the Dem's fault? Honestly - I'd like to know - why do conservatives think Dems should, at the last minute, give up even more than previously negotiated?
Nova was in the navy and passed on free college!
Not shocking he's an angry teabagger now
Senate blocks debt-ceiling extension; talks offer no signs of progress...

Republican Rep. John Fleming said there was “definitely a chance that we’re going to go past the deadline” of Thursday that Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has set for Congress to raise the $16.7-trillion debt limit.

Earlier in the day, the Senate rejected a Democratic effort to raise the government’s borrowing limit through next year.

Republicans objected because they want the extension to be accompanied by spending cuts.

House Speaker John Boehner told fellow Republicans earlier Saturday that his talks with Obama had stalled.

“The Senate needs to hold tough,” Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., said Boehner told his party’s House lawmakers. “The president now isn’t negotiating with us.”

Saturday’s Senate vote derailing the Democrats’ debt-limit measure was a near party-line 53-45 in favor of the bill. That fell seven short of the 60 votes required to overcome Republican objections to considering the measure under Senate procedural rules.

House conservatives said Obama was to blame for the talks with their chamber running aground.

“Perhaps he sees this as the best opportunity for him to win the House in 2014,” said Rep. John Fleming, R-La. “It’s very clear to us he does not now, and never had, any intentions of negotiating.”

Obama has said repeatedly in recent weeks that he will not make concessions to Republicans.
why does the right pretend they went into this not already KNOWING Obama would refuse to allow it to be used as a political club to beat the country with?
if hes the same as Bush you should love him right?

your memes just keep bumping into each other huh
the democratic party didn't rule there.

Its was corrupt businessmen who paid off whomever was in office.

your team just didn't get that money.

is that why your so pissed about it?

So the honest ethical politicians of Detroit were forced to take money from corrupt businessmen? Do you have any examples of this? Is it the business people's fault that ex-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is in prison? Should we rally to his side and say its not his fault that he's corrupt?

A gentleman I work with his family has had a long time consulting contract with the city of Detroit. Kilpatrick told him you will pay 10% extra on the side to my father's 'consulting' company or you will lose your contract with the city. They didn't pay Kwame's father and lost the contract six months later when it came up. Is this an example of the corrupt businessmen you speak of?
This is why we need someone to suspend the constitution, declare martial law, and rule by decree. Only one candidate has the balls to take these vital steps and stick it to the know-nothings in congress: vote Watermark 2016!

What really stupid idea. Good thing you're just a commie wannabe on an Internet blog site.
Isn't it amusing when low information sheeple who chose a divisive asshat like Obama now whine about his efforts to drive a massive wedge in the nation with his petulant divisive partisan politics.

Another false promise; to heal and bring the nation together. How's that hope and change working for you?