America is over: Let’s just split into different countries

According to your understanding of reality, which seems to be poor, very likely because you dont care enough about learning, you dont do enough of the work required to get better.

What does Trump even stand for? What are his principles? He's been contradicting himself since 2015.
What does Trump even stand for? What are his principles? He's been contradicting himself since 2015.

You have had five years to figure out what is going on but have not....there are only two possible reasons for that....1) you are not smart enough....2) you dont want to.

Either way talking to you is a waste of my time.
You have had five years to figure out what is going on but have not....there are only two possible reasons for that....1) you are not smart enough....2) you dont want to.

Either way talking to you is a waste of my time.

Here's what's going on.

Trump tells you what you want to hear, which gains your trust of him. Once he's earned your trust, he manufactures imaginary threats, and once you've been sufficiently riled up, he proposes himself--and only himself--as the solution.
There are a number of these proposed...


