America is sick with fascism

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Avery accomplished and famous doctor recently told me, "if you really listen to the patient, they will tell you the diagnosis." His advice applies to many areas of life. For example, journalists and other people who think and write publicly about politics should follow it. When newsmakers (and everyday people too) talk, we should listen closely and not try to impose our own meaning and agendas on what they say. Too many times there is an impulse and bad habit of trying to discern secret meanings to triangulate and make inferences that are not present or merited.

If you listen closely, people will tell and show you who they really are, what they actually believe, and by doing so reveal their true character. Such a process of honest listening brings us much closer to the truth — even if we do not like what we find there. To wit, when Donald Trump and his supporters communicate their threats, love of violence, and overall contempt for democracy, they mean exactly what they say.

Words have actual meanings. Through her words, Greene has repeatedly shown herself to be a hate monger, white supremacist, White Christian nationalist, antisemite, neofascist and supporter of the Jan. 6 coup. Those facts must be repeated and not assumed or otherwise glossed over as something "obvious" because to do so is to normalize evil. And it is through normalization that neofascism and other forms of authoritarianism and illiberalism penetrate and poison an entire society.
Marjorie Taylor Greene's speech at CPAC (and the larger pattern of attacks on the LGBTQ community by the right-wing) is part of a strategy known as stochastic terrorism, where a malign actor uses repetition, coded language and overt threats, humor, and other rhetorical moves to stigmatize an entire group of people as a way of encouraging violence against them. When said outcome takes place, those same actors will then deny any connection to the lethal events they incited.

America is sick with fascism. Fascism, at its core, is corrupt power. The Republican fascists and their allies and followers will not stop with the LGBTQ community, they are targeting other groups of people who they deem to be "un-American" or "immoral" or "not Christian." By its very nature, fascism knows no limits or boundaries to its violence and cruelty. That rule applies to those people who are sympathetic to or even outright support Donald Trump, the Republican fascists, and the "conservative" movement. Such leaders have no respect for their followers and view them with contempt. In that way, fascism is cannibalistic. It starts with the so-called Other before it then turns its sights to "normal" people.
Avery accomplished and famous doctor recently told me, "if you really listen to the patient, they will tell you the diagnosis." His advice applies to many areas of life. For example, journalists and other people who think and write publicly about politics should follow it. When newsmakers (and everyday people too) talk, we should listen closely and not try to impose our own meaning and agendas on what they say. Too many times there is an impulse and bad habit of trying to discern secret meanings to triangulate and make inferences that are not present or merited.

If you listen closely, people will tell and show you who they really are, what they actually believe, and by doing so reveal their true character. Such a process of honest listening brings us much closer to the truth — even if we do not like what we find there. To wit, when Donald Trump and his supporters communicate their threats, love of violence, and overall contempt for democracy, they mean exactly what they say.

Words have actual meanings. Through her words, Greene has repeatedly shown herself to be a hate monger, white supremacist, White Christian nationalist, antisemite, neofascist and supporter of the Jan. 6 coup. Those facts must be repeated and not assumed or otherwise glossed over as something "obvious" because to do so is to normalize evil. And it is through normalization that neofascism and other forms of authoritarianism and illiberalism penetrate and poison an entire society.

GOP is a fascist party. Speaker McCarthy is part of the neo-fascist movement.
Avery accomplished and famous doctor recently told me, "if you really listen to the patient, they will tell you the diagnosis." His advice applies to many areas of life. For example, journalists and other people who think and write publicly about politics should follow it. When newsmakers (and everyday people too) talk, we should listen closely and not try to impose our own meaning and agendas on what they say. Too many times there is an impulse and bad habit of trying to discern secret meanings to triangulate and make inferences that are not present or merited.

If you listen closely, people will tell and show you who they really are, what they actually believe, and by doing so reveal their true character. Such a process of honest listening brings us much closer to the truth — even if we do not like what we find there. To wit, when Donald Trump and his supporters communicate their threats, love of violence, and overall contempt for democracy, they mean exactly what they say.

Words have actual meanings. Through her words, Greene has repeatedly shown herself to be a hate monger, white supremacist, White Christian nationalist, antisemite, neofascist and supporter of the Jan. 6 coup. Those facts must be repeated and not assumed or otherwise glossed over as something "obvious" because to do so is to normalize evil. And it is through normalization that neofascism and other forms of authoritarianism and illiberalism penetrate and poison an entire society.

It's infected with leftism which has the same effect on the brain as syphilis
Avery accomplished and famous doctor recently told me, "if you really listen to the patient, they will tell you the diagnosis." His advice applies to many areas of life. For example, journalists and other people who think and write publicly about politics should follow it. When newsmakers (and everyday people too) talk, we should listen closely and not try to impose our own meaning and agendas on what they say. Too many times there is an impulse and bad habit of trying to discern secret meanings to triangulate and make inferences that are not present or merited.

If you listen closely, people will tell and show you who they really are, what they actually believe, and by doing so reveal their true character. Such a process of honest listening brings us much closer to the truth — even if we do not like what we find there. To wit, when Donald Trump and his supporters communicate their threats, love of violence, and overall contempt for democracy, they mean exactly what they say.

Words have actual meanings. Through her words, Greene has repeatedly shown herself to be a hate monger, white supremacist, White Christian nationalist, antisemite, neofascist and supporter of the Jan. 6 coup. Those facts must be repeated and not assumed or otherwise glossed over as something "obvious" because to do so is to normalize evil. And it is through normalization that neofascism and other forms of authoritarianism and illiberalism penetrate and poison an entire society.

If you are quoting lie filled filth from, you just might be a brainless moron. This is perfect example of Democrat projection. You lack the brain to comprehend the obvious. :palm:
Marjorie Taylor Greene's speech at CPAC (and the larger pattern of attacks on the LGBTQ community by the right-wing) is part of a strategy known as stochastic terrorism, where a malign actor uses repetition, coded language and overt threats, humor, and other rhetorical moves to stigmatize an entire group of people as a way of encouraging violence against them. When said outcome takes place, those same actors will then deny any connection to the lethal events they incited.

America is sick with fascism. Fascism, at its core, is corrupt power. The Republican fascists and their allies and followers will not stop with the LGBTQ community, they are targeting other groups of people who they deem to be "un-American" or "immoral" or "not Christian." By its very nature, fascism knows no limits or boundaries to its violence and cruelty. That rule applies to those people who are sympathetic to or even outright support Donald Trump, the Republican fascists, and the "conservative" movement. Such leaders have no respect for their followers and view them with contempt. In that way, fascism is cannibalistic. It starts with the so-called Other before it then turns its sights to "normal" people.

Fascism defines the Democratic Party of the Lying Jackass. But alas, you would need a brain to comprehend the obvious. :palm:
Democrats the real fascists
S.V. Cloke Martinez

Once again, a Democratic National Committee member called the Republicans fascists. Since the Democrats do not seem to know the definition of fascism, maybe this will help Democrat voters realize it is their party who are the fascists.

Fascism – “Force and terror are combined with massive propaganda to further the interests of the state. In Fascist states, only the political party of the ruling elite is allowed. No form of dissent is tolerated and a highly developed secret police and informer system is used to ferret out and eliminate all opposition. Fascism rests upon two tenets utterly contrary to those of democracy: (1) the leadership principle and (2) statism. Unchallenged power whom all must obey. The extreme expression of totalitarianism – the state embodies everything. In fascist doctrine, all matters, political, social, economic are subject to the state.”

The left “forced” our children through indoctrination to behave as mini antagonists. They’re told to insult, assault, confront, shout down others, commit violence, falsely accuse, and manufacture phony scenarios about conservatives. In other words, no form of dissent or you’ll be accosted, jeered and lied about and financially ruined. Passing of massive propaganda is the main goal and purpose of the MSM. The Democrats placed informants and “secret police” (the FBI and IRS) in positions to harm conservatives, and to spy on to defeat Republican opponents.

For Democrat voters who have no clue about socialism, “Socialism is a philosophy of economic collectivism, advocating public ownership of major instruments of production, distribution, and exchange."

Revolutionary socialism eventually leads to communism and I fear we will encounter the revolutionary rather than the evolutionary form of socialism if the Democrats are ever successful in taking charge again - neither of which is acceptable.

The Democrats are the real fascists.
Edward B. Harmon: Democrats are rushing toward fascism

When candidate Donald Trump stated in a presidential debate that he would have to think about whether he would accept the election results if Clinton won, the media and Hillary correctly attacked him.

The ever-sincere Clinton stated “that is not the way our democracy works” and termed it a “direct threat to our democracy.” Hillary was right. Americans have come to expect a peaceful transition of power, even in a close election, but Trump’s win from an Electoral College perspective wasn’t even close.

Did the Democrats peacefully accept the election results? No, unlike the Republicans acceptance when Jack Kennedy likely stole the 1960 presidential election from Richard Nixon with electoral fraud in Illinois.

After Trump’s victory, the Democrats rioted, physically threatened Trump supporters while attacking them in the streets as well as do everything possible to delegitimize the election.

If anyone expresses opposition to Democratic positions, such as infanticide, reparations, open borders or “free stuff,” Democrats react as fascists. Conservatives are demonized, viewed as speed bumps and not as Americans. They are not entitled to be treated with respect, due process or be heard in public. Instead, they are persecuted, fired, demoted, harassed and even had their careers destroyed.

This type of organized fascist violence has never been accepted in America, but to see it so often committed by the “liberal” Democrats, and not uniformly condemned by the media and party leaders, demonstrates to Americans how deeply entrenched fascism is in the Democratic Party.

Some other hallmarks that “liberals” share with fascist regimes are even more clear — use of law enforcement to oppress contrasting views. Take for example Portland, where police were told to “stand down” by a Democratic mayor during a violent liberal protest where a reporter was savagely beaten.

The worst example of abusing law enforcement was within the senior leadership of the FBI, that essentially attempted a coup d'état by using the Steele dossier, which was unverified and a figment of imagination and possibly Russian disinformation to obtain multiple warrants to spy on Carter Page and the Trump campaign. They also hid from the court exculpatory evidence, and that they actually changed documents to fit the narrative, all in the interests to unseat Trump as president.

Another fascist move is to disarm the populace so they can’t rise up against the government or defend themselves. Democrats figure if they cannot get rid of the Second Amendment, then they will sharply limit the rights it accords to all citizens.

It is critical to an effective fascist society to limit the influence of religion in public life just like in Nazi Germany, fascist Italy or Cuba. Democrats seek to divide people by race, religion, gender and nationality.

Control of the media is critical to the establishment of a fascist state. The dream of the Democrats is that all public places be like airports, where we are forced to watch CNN, and only CNN, 24 hours a day. Liberal mainstream media work to hide the 7 million new jobs created, wage gains and the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.

Liberals and most media treat Trump’s massive accomplishments with the same approach as newspapers in Italy under Mussolini, North Korea and other fascist regimes by misrepresenting, downplaying, lying or contorting the truth.

Another tenet of fascism is the state’s control of society. The Democrats plans to essentially nationalize the health-care industry with “Medicare for All” or the single-payer option, which will destroy related industries and make Americans even more reliant on the government.

A final example. Out of 5,000 University of Florida faculty, not one would volunteer to lead the UF Republican Club, except me. Why? Most are Democrats, or fear repercussions for their conservative views.

It is hilarious, but it appears that those free-spirited fascists running the Democratic Party are anxious to let the state, like in fascist regimes, control the economy. They have so much faith in the competence of the government and believe that they will, not a conservative Republican, always be in control of the White House.

Will this work? Will they be able to convert America to a fascist state? I think not. Neither the “deplorables,” nor many millions of other Americans, who value our Constitution and the liberties abundantly available, will roll over and surrender.

They have risen before and they will rise again. End the rise of fascism in 2020 at the ballot box.

Edward B. Harmon, a monthly Sun contributor, is a retired mergers and acquisitions lawyer and law school professor living in Alachua.