"The United States is 49th in the world in literacy (the New York Times, Dec. 12, 2004).
. The United States ranked 28th out of 40 countries in mathematical literacy (NYT, Dec. 12, 2004).
. Twenty percent of Americans think the sun orbits the earth. Seventeen percent believe the earth revolves around the sun once a day (The Week, Jan. 7, 2005).
. "The International Adult Literacy Survey...found that Americans with less than nine years of education 'score worse than virtually all of the other countries'"
. Our workers are so ignorant and lack so many basic skills that American businesses spend $30 billion a year on remedial training (NYT, Dec. 12, 2004). No wonder they relocate elsewhere! "
Public Education at its finest.
The one about "those with less than 9 years education" cracks me up. Nothing like looking at junior high dropouts....