Down goes young Anti-Party...
I'm impressed. This is the smartest post you have ever written. I really like Political parties aren’t really voluntary institutions, they’re brainwashing institutions for the brain-dead.. That should be in your signature if you came up with that. I assumed you were a Libertarian because you make posts about being proud to vote Libertarian and have a Libertarian signature. MY BAD. lol
Come on Anti-Party, you can do it...
Even if that kid had a clue about what pose to take, still no way in hell success was to follow
Simple minded 14 year old, Nothing more
One more body (or head in this case) blow for Anti-Party
damn dude... these are seriously friggin funny... huh?
Actually I've not heard of that site. There was a thread started yesterday on the Rivals football board where someone said post your best gifs here. It was a whole bunch of these. At one point yesterday I had to stop working because I could not quit laughing.
Notice the other guy actually looked it up and stopped debating. You clearly didn't look it up.
Republicans started that war. Republicans started 7 of the last 8 wars, Clinton bombed Iraq. Libya is debateable. But no matter what level of interference we call war, the % stays the same. Up until Obama you could see a significant difference in the amount military weapon manufacturers gave the Republican party. Today, they are paying Obama nearly as much, and all as a total some claim Obama is getting even more money.
It's why we need money out of politics. Read about the WolfPAC, end money corrution on political parties. Next, the NRA.
Any chance you might list the eight wars you were referring to and who you believe started each?
You missed Nam there kiddo lol
Is that your way of saying you don't know anything about the Haiti or Somalian wars the US fought?
I know the bias loop holes. "Iraq wouldn't have started without the Congress!" Save it kid.