America Seems Doomed to Split Up


Let's go Brandon!
Just one of five reasons:

Liberalism has become hostile to America: What happens when one of the two major political parties in a country decides that country is no longer a good place filled with good people? What happens when they decide the Founding Fathers and heroes of the nation were all racists who should be scorned and not celebrated? What happens when they decide the Constitution is a “living” document and thus meaningless? What happens when their political strategy focuses on dividing America as much as possible while encouraging each of these groups to think of themselves as oppressed victims? What happens when it becomes impossible to reason with them because they consider disagreeing with them as de facto proof that you are a bad person and thus, are automatically wrong? Can a country that has two major political parties survive long-term when one party believes in it and the other is committed to destroying it in order to create some kind of socialist utopia from the ashes? That seems doubtful.

Who the f*ck is “Joe Bongino” and why would anyone think “Joe Bongino” knows anymore about anything than they do?

But playing the game:
Conservatives are “hostile to America - it was conservatives a month and half ago who attacked the very center of American Gov’t in order to reverse a national election and precent the Legislature from executing their Constitutional duty cause they didn’t like the results

Government is functional - functional for the first time in four years, Trump’s TV reality show could have never pulled off the vaccine efforts which are bringing America back for the brink today

Deficit/Debt - that is just laughable, we got eight years of the Bush Administration and four years of the Trump debacle where the right was perfectly content with Gov’t spending and debt, but now, just as with 2009, deficits and debt are their concern. You don’t give a trillions dollar tax break during healthy economic times if you are focused on deficits and debt

“Joe Bongino’s” fourth “point” is inane, pure radio rhetoric

Conservatives tried to “blow up the system” - as mentioned, January 6th is all one needs to see that

And as far as America splitting up, ain’t happening, those areas “Joe Bongino” thinks conservatives would create wouldn’t survive without the coastal Blue States.

Now do you want to know what my barber thinks, he’s just as authoritative as “Joe Bongino”
Its your kind, my dear, who choose to ignore whatever part of the constitution doesn't suit you. Just look at the disaster you created over our last election.

Article I Section 8 is routinely ignored by Democrats. Just look at the last bill that they passed.....

fuck that clown. trump went out of his way to call democrats radical socialists who did not love this country, that big cities sucked because of democrats, that democrats rigged an election, that democrats started a hoax about how dangerous covid was to destroy "his" economy, over and over again, and NOW this little bitch is saying we are becoming too divisive?

About 63,600,000 results (0.58 seconds)

Trump lashes out at Democrats, seeking to pass the blame for › 2020/04/17 › politics › donald-trump-lib...
Apr 17, 2020 — President Donald Trump lashed out Friday at Democrats, trying to pass the buck for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and hoping to ...

Trump blames Democrats for his grounded campaign, even as › politics › 2020/05/19
May 20, 2020 — Despite a pandemic that has killed more than 90000 people nationwide and forced economic shutdowns, the president has said he will soon ...

Trump accuses Democrats of a 'new hoax' over coronavirus › election-2020 › ct-trump-d...
Feb 29, 2020 — NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — As global markets plunged amid growing fears about the coronavirus outbreak, President Donald Trump and ...

Trump blames Democrats after GOP rejects payroll-tax cut › homenews › administration › 508718-tru...
Jul 23, 2020 — President Trump on Thursday sought to blame Democrats after Senate Republicans rejected a payroll-tax cut in the coronavirus relief package ...

Trump Accuses Media and Democrats of Exaggerating › U.S. › Politics
Feb 28, 2020 — The accusations came as other elements of the federal government moved to head off a broader wave of infections like those in China.

Trump Blames Democrats for Trumpcare › trump-blames-democrats-for-...
Snyder's father said his son had been doing well despite depression: “He was certainly thrilled about all of the accolades for 'Nomadland' and told us many ...

Trump Defense Tries To Switch Blame, Saying Democrats › sections › 2021/02/12 › trump-defense-tri...
Feb 12, 2021 — Attorneys representing former President Donald Trump equated instances of violence and rioting that broke out during protests for racial justice ...

'The Hoax Is on Them:' Trump Blames Democrats for › watch
Feb 29, 2020 — The U.S. is banning travel to Iran in response to the outbreak of the new coronavirus and elevating travel warnings to regions of Italy and South ...

Trump blames Democrats for not allowing campaign › 2020/07/19 › trump-blames-democrats-f...
Jul 19, 2020 — President Trump blamed Democrats for "purposely" refusing to open schools and stopping him from holding campaign rallies in the run-up to ...

Trump threatens retaliation against Michigan and other states › trump-michigan-nevada-funding-cares...
May 20, 2020 — Trump says he'll cut off funding to states that make it easier to vote. That's unconstitutional. By Ian Millhiser May 20, 2020, 12:00pm EDT ...
fuck that clown. trump went out of his way to call democrats radical socialists who did not love this country, that big cities sucked because of democrats, that democrats rigged an election, that democrats started a hoax about how dangerous covid was to destroy "his" economy, over and over again, and NOW this little bitch is saying we are becoming too divisive?

About 63,600,000 results (0.58 seconds)

Trump lashes out at Democrats, seeking to pass the blame for › 2020/04/17 › politics › donald-trump-lib...
Apr 17, 2020 — President Donald Trump lashed out Friday at Democrats, trying to pass the buck for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and hoping to ...

Trump blames Democrats for his grounded campaign, even as › politics › 2020/05/19
May 20, 2020 — Despite a pandemic that has killed more than 90000 people nationwide and forced economic shutdowns, the president has said he will soon ...

Trump accuses Democrats of a 'new hoax' over coronavirus › election-2020 › ct-trump-d...
Feb 29, 2020 — NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — As global markets plunged amid growing fears about the coronavirus outbreak, President Donald Trump and ...

Trump blames Democrats after GOP rejects payroll-tax cut › homenews › administration › 508718-tru...
Jul 23, 2020 — President Trump on Thursday sought to blame Democrats after Senate Republicans rejected a payroll-tax cut in the coronavirus relief package ...

Trump Accuses Media and Democrats of Exaggerating › U.S. › Politics
Feb 28, 2020 — The accusations came as other elements of the federal government moved to head off a broader wave of infections like those in China.

Trump Blames Democrats for Trumpcare › trump-blames-democrats-for-...
Snyder's father said his son had been doing well despite depression: “He was certainly thrilled about all of the accolades for 'Nomadland' and told us many ...

Trump Defense Tries To Switch Blame, Saying Democrats › sections › 2021/02/12 › trump-defense-tri...
Feb 12, 2021 — Attorneys representing former President Donald Trump equated instances of violence and rioting that broke out during protests for racial justice ...

'The Hoax Is on Them:' Trump Blames Democrats for › watch
Feb 29, 2020 — The U.S. is banning travel to Iran in response to the outbreak of the new coronavirus and elevating travel warnings to regions of Italy and South ...

Trump blames Democrats for not allowing campaign › 2020/07/19 › trump-blames-democrats-f...
Jul 19, 2020 — President Trump blamed Democrats for "purposely" refusing to open schools and stopping him from holding campaign rallies in the run-up to ...

Trump threatens retaliation against Michigan and other states › trump-michigan-nevada-funding-cares...
May 20, 2020 — Trump says he'll cut off funding to states that make it easier to vote. That's unconstitutional. By Ian Millhiser May 20, 2020, 12:00pm EDT ...

Time Mag admitted that the Democrats rigged the election.