American adults score poorly on global test

well there are actually a lot of facts that do back her up. Her claim that the US had the best public schools is hyperbole but she is right that right wing politicians, particularly those in the south have systematically undermined funding public schools. That's happened in large northern metro areas too where white flight has occured though the problem there is not of the scope and pervasiveness that it is in the south.

In the south there are vast swaths in which the economically dominant cultural class (business class whites) have systematically undermined public education by politicizing it. With breath taking short sightedness they do not want to invest in public education when they do not see it as directly benefiting themselves. As a result you have a pervasive culture in the south of large groups of minorities (mainly Blacks and Latinos) and working class whites who do not have strong cultural ties to educational achievement that results in a self perpetuating cycle of ignorance and poverty.

When these types of test are performed outside of the south east and south west regions the average and median scores for Americans are much higher and often place us in the top 5 of these categories. What that really shows is that the south remains largely what it has always been. An economic and cultural backwater that drags down the rest of the country and that is due mainly to the radicalized nature of southern conservative politics.

Yes Mott, I've read your rants about the South before. You presented zero facts about actual education funding and what equals fully funded and how that is compared to today.
Yes Mott, I've read your rants about the South before. You presented zero facts about actual education funding and what equals fully funded and how that is compared to today.

It is amazing how hostile he is towards the south, yet he never can back up his bullshit claims. You would think he would link us up to some data to support his position. But like Desh, he just goes on a hate filled rant with nothing to substantiate his claims.
The country that most closely follows the USA in the world, England (not the UK - England) is in a worse state: the older people score far better than the younger ones. The reason, of course, is that the class-war tories are imitating America in taking more and more from the poor to give to the very rich, which always has powerful negative effects on education: keeping the pigs fat does COST, you know!
And my "lie" would be what?

She didn't go to school in another country. She went to school here. So it doesn't matter what other countries teach people English in cursive.

Her mother is the Haitian immigrant, not her.

Prove your claims with FACTS not blather

You gotta love the department of education.
well there are actually a lot of facts that do back her up. Her claim that the US had the best public schools is hyperbole but she is right that right wing politicians, particularly those in the south have systematically undermined funding public schools. That's happened in large northern metro areas too where white flight has occured though the problem there is not of the scope and pervasiveness that it is in the south.

In the south there are vast swaths in which the economically dominant cultural class (business class whites) have systematically undermined public education by politicizing it. With breath taking short sightedness they do not want to invest in public education when they do not see it as directly benefiting themselves. As a result you have a pervasive culture in the south of large groups of minorities (mainly Blacks and Latinos) and working class whites who do not have strong cultural ties to educational achievement that results in a self perpetuating cycle of ignorance and poverty.

When these types of test are performed outside of the south east and south west regions of the US the average and median scores for Americans are much higher and often place us in the top 5 of these categories. What that really shows is that the south remains largely what it has always been. An economic and cultural backwater that drags down the rest of the country and that is due mainly to the radicalized nature of southern conservative politics.

How about Detroit and Chicago? Hardly bastions of rabid tea party right wingers.
Prove your claims with FACTS not blather

No, that's not how it works.

I said you were wrong, now you have to prove you're right.

I have a link from the National Action Network saying her mother was the immigrant... but I'm withholding it until you can prove Rachel was educated overseas.
No, that's not how it works.

I said you were wrong, now you have to prove you're right.

I have a link from the National Action Network saying her mother was the immigrant... but I'm withholding it until you can prove Rachel was educated overseas.

You made a claim about the womans life first.
Prove your claim

In schools where less than 10 percent of students get free or reduced lunch, the reading score is 551. That would place those U.S. students at No. 2 on the international ranking for reading, just behind Shanghai, China which topped the ranking with a score of 556.

* In schools where 75 percent or more of the students get free or reduced lunch, the reading score was 446. That’s off the bottom of the charts, below last-place Greece’s 483.

The release of the (Program for International Student Assessment) data gives school leaders occasion to recommit to that goal” Tirozzi said. “And we hope policymakers and all with a stake in the success of U.S. schools will take this occasion as well not merely to consider the problem, but to recommit with us to solving it.”

Here’s the full chart of disaggregated U.S. reading score data from the PISA results:

When less than 10 percent of students are free and reduced lunch: 551
10 to 24.9 percent: 527
25 to 49.9 percent: 502
50 to 74.9 percent: 471
75 percent or more: 446
U.S. average: 500
International average: 493
Americans would have scored higher if the hillbilly south with all the baggers was excluded. People who are still marrying their sisters so they can legally fuck them are not capable of taking any kind of test. They're swine to start with.
More and more people graduated college
Thus they go from teabagging to progressive
Thanks for asking
Dummbass(or you could spell it D-U-M-B-A-S-S, there you go, ftfy. Don't bother thanking me college boy) teabagger
I have an associate's degree. That's all I needed and wanted, so I got it. It allows me to teach vocational school. I know my place. A very smart man once told me that just because you have a driver's license doesn't mean you know how to drive. I see proof of that adage every August, when a new class of unemployed English majors and psychology grads show up to learn welding or auto mechanics. Much love and respect for those who get advanced technical degrees,(except for the ones that develop a superiority complex, they are obnoxious) that takes a lot and hopefully they will be in demand soon.
I have an associate's degree. That's all I needed and wanted, so I got it. It allows me to teach vocational school. I know my place. A very smart man once told me that just because you have a driver's license doesn't mean you know how to drive. I see proof of that adage every August, when a new class of unemployed English majors and psychology grads show up to learn welding or auto mechanics. Much love and respect for those who get advanced technical degrees,(except for the ones that develop a superiority complex, they are obnoxious) that takes a lot and hopefully they will be in demand soon.
I only bag on teabaggers actin fall smart yet being uneducated
Kudos on your achievement
Education failure is a result of poverty. Everywhere.
I don't agree with many of your positions, but I have to say I'm with you on this one. But I get tired of "progressives" attacking the south and portraying it as an example of failed right wing policies. The truth is, the south has struggled for pretty much the entire history of this nation regardless of who is in the governor's mansions and state houses.
The south got burned to the ground, now the north laughs!
You guys are behind us.
I was poor and went to college in the south
Millions do
You made a claim about the womans life first.
Prove your claim

No, it was you who said:

that woman was NOT a person who spoke English as a first language.

what countries teach people English in cursive?

Was that question just about countries teaching English in cursive a rhetorical non-sequitur?

Or were you saying Rachel Jeantel was from another country?

Please expand...