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SHut the fuck up, anyoldiron. Don't be a petulant douche.
SHut the fuck up, anyoldiron. Don't be a petulant douche.
Pull your ego out of your arse.
Britain turned the nazi war machine round in the battle of Britain, halted them in their tracks and sent them reeling into the Russian winter. As we did in North Africa at el alamein.
As for the value of material goods, they did put a price on it. An extortionate price. Whilst Britain was fighting the evils of Nazi Germany alone, and the US was sitting on the fence selling to the nazis as well, the US made a huge profit out of our struggle.
You shouldn't learn your history from 'band of brothers'.
Cracking retort Asshat. You must be in your high school debating team.
Our nation is unique, or at least, the first of its kind.
On the contrary Dixie, America is a mish-mash of concepts already existing at the time of its founding.
Its concepts of individual freedom, capitalism and democracy came from Great Britain, who in turn developed them from earlier civilisations.
Even the names of its institutions are not original.
America is a great nation, however it isn't exceptional. In fact, it is yet to achieve a position of the greatest nations in history. It doesn't have the global supremacy that Helenistic Greece, Rome or Great Britain had, as America is yet to go head to head in a knockout war with its major competitors (Russia, China).
Its industrial achievements fade into comparison with the global upgrading created by Rome and Britain, and its academic acheivements fade in comparison to that of ancient Greece / europe.
America is a great nation, but it doesn't justify exceptionalism.
can't be....I think I'm better than Auburn University.....
There is no doubt about Germany losing the this particular just don't understand the reason why....and the why is that their resources were being spent fighting other battles,....battles against the US and numerous other allies throughout Europe......and in spite of those battles, the Brits were barely holding on
Ermmm. Your history is all over the place.
The US wasn't even involved in WWII when the Battle of Britain occurred, at the time they had conquered mainland Europe and were at peace with Russia.
Nazi Germany threw all its resources at cracking us, and were beaten back.
As for the debt, yeah, classy. Making a massive profit over the fight for the world's future. You should be proud.
if we werent' so awesome you wouldn't be here trying to destroy our collective self esteem.
you're an abuser.
Guilt and pscychological sabotage is the only way to destroy the truly strong.
AnyOldIron = giant handwringing pussy.
As far as achievements are concerned, I would say the development of the http is an exceptional achievement, and there have been many others.
Who is handwringing? Its you that is feeling abused. Maybe I'm a giant dick and balls, and it is you that is the pussy!
You deserve to be guilty about fleecing us when we were fighting alone against the Nazis!
pscychological sabotage? Sounds fun! But not me.
I am only here to debate. If you give me all this about you saving us, what do you expect me to do?
You're a handwringing whiner. We did save you.
I am not whining about anything.
You're whining about stupid bullshit.
Is that the best you have got?
Really, if you listen to US media and Americans you would think they won WWII single-handedly!