American Federal Debt To Absolutely SOAR


Diversity Makes Greatness
You think it's bad now, wait till the coming budget showdown.

Revenue is insufficient to cover expenses.

Tax hikes are indicated but Republicans will block that.

All the Republican deficit hawks are on their way back from their long hiatus.

They will refuse to do anything about the imbalanced budget, and then blame Biden for it.

Wait for it.
You think it's bad now, wait till the coming budget showdown.

Revenue is insufficient to cover expenses.

Tax hikes are indicated but Republicans will block that.

All the Republican deficit hawks are on their way back from their long hiatus.

They will refuse to do anything about the imbalanced budget, and then blame Biden for it.

Wait for it.

I hear by propose that when Congress cannot come up with a budget that the president will sign, their pay is the very first one cut, and in addition each congressional member shall be fined $1,000 a day until the president signs it!

We've cleaned up the WHITE HOUSE now- TIME TO CLEAN UP CONGRESS!

I also propose that Congress shall not be allowed to borrow any more money from the Social Security fund ever again and that they have to pay the funds already borrowed back in the very next budget!

I am sick and tired of these punk ass REPUBLICANS continuing to borrow money from SOCIAL SECURITY FUNDS to get budgets passed, and then try to cut Social Security funding at the same time all in the same breath
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I’m not trying an a*hole saying this but I honestly think you are just trolling.

The whole premise behind the Goldman Sachs report that board liberals posted multiple times was if Biden won and Democrats won the Senate there would be trillions in fiscal stimulus. And now you’re complaining that the debt is going to SOAR because we won’t pass that level of stimulus?!

Maybe this is the common core math people talk about, I’m not sure.
If we successfully support the two Democrats in the Georgia runoffs, Republicans will block nothing.
The filibuster will be history, regardless of whether or not that's a good idea.
If Kamala gets to be vote #51, we'll be OK.
If not, we'll have elephant trunks stuffed up our asses.
It's that simple. And it should be that simple to recognize.

Real debate occurs all on only one side of the aisle.
Debate requires stipulation.
We're sufficiently polarized that there are no stipulations between parties to allow debate.
Those Georgia runoffs are EVERYTHING.
It's either two Democratic wins in Georgia or continued national misery for all decent people..
We can handle debt

We could not handle a putin butt boy for four more years

The Republican Party will still have to shill to Donny

They destroyed the party

Trump longer cares wether republicans get elected.

But he still owns their base
Hello Geeko Sportivo,

I hear by propose that when Congress cannot come up with a budget that the president will sign, their pay is the very first one cut, and in addition each congressional member shall be fined $1,000 a day until the president signs it!

We've cleaned up the WHITE HOUSE now- TIME TO CLEAN UP CONGRESS!

I also propose that Congress shall not be allowed to borrow any more money from the Social Security fund ever again and that they have to pay the funds already borrowed back in the very next budget!

I am sick and tired of these punk ass REPUBLICANS continuing to borrow money from SOCIAL SECURITY FUNDS to get budgets passed, and then try to cut Social Security funding at the same time all in the same breath

It makes perfect sense to punish Congress for failing us.

Only one problem.

To do that we have to get Congress to sign off on being responsible.
Hello cawacko,

I’m not trying an a*hole saying this but I honestly think you are just trolling.

The whole premise behind the Goldman Sachs report that board liberals posted multiple times was if Biden won and Democrats won the Senate there would be trillions in fiscal stimulus. And now you’re complaining that the debt is going to SOAR because we won’t pass that level of stimulus?!

Maybe this is the common core math people talk about, I’m not sure.

Not talking about the stimulus but since you brought it up that will only make the budget imbalance worse than it is already.

And America sorely needs the stimulus.

Only half of the 22 million jobs lost to the coronavirus have been regained.

Lotta rents and mortgages going unpaid.

Trump leaves a fiscal mess.
Hello cawacko,

Not talking about the stimulus but since you brought it up that will only make the budget imbalance worse than it is already.

And America sorely needs the stimulus.

Only half of the 22 million jobs lost to the coronavirus have been regained.

Lotta rents and mortgages going unpaid.

Trump leaves a fiscal mess.

How can talk about federal debt and not discuss trillions in potential (stimulus) spending? Where do you think that money would come from?
Hello NiftyNiblick,

If we successfully support the two Democrats in the Georgia runoffs, Republicans will block nothing.
The filibuster will be history, regardless of whether or not that's a good idea.
If Kamala gets to be vote #51, we'll be OK.
If not, we'll have elephant trunks stuffed up our asses.
It's that simple. And it should be that simple to recognize.

Real debate occurs all on only one side of the aisle.
Debate requires stipulation.
We're sufficiently polarized that there are no stipulations between parties to allow debate.
Those Georgia runoffs are EVERYTHING.
It's either two Democratic wins in Georgia or continued national misery for all decent people..

Sorry, that's not going to happen.

The only one with a remote chance is Ossoff. He came close to defeating Perdue.

The other one is already lost. The Republican candidates split the vote. Only one of them advances to the runoff. If all, or even most of, those Republican votes go for the one Republican in the runoff the Dem doesn't stand a chance.

And since there is no presidential choice as a motivator, the Dem turnout will diminish, not get the needed increase to push Ossoff over.

I'll contribute but I don't think it will help.
Hello cawacko,

How can talk about federal debt and not discuss trillions in potential (stimulus) spending? Where do you think that money would come from?

It will be borrowed just like much of the budget.

That is why we need more revenue and that means taxing the rich more. Nobody else has the money.
Hello cawacko,

It will be borrowed just like much of the budget.

That is why we need more revenue and that means taxing the rich more. Nobody else has the money.

Dude, you can’t raise taxes high enough to cover all the spending they’re talking about.

It’s like the person who gets a raise, then goes out and buys a new car and new home and is in bigger debt.

If you want trillions in stimulus spending it’s all going to be borrowed I.e. debt. So yeah, it you actually care about the federal debt you better hope either they don’t do it or it’s nowhere near as big as they are talking.
You think it's bad now, wait till the coming budget showdown.

Revenue is insufficient to cover expenses.

Tax hikes are indicated but Republicans will block that.

All the Republican deficit hawks are on their way back from their long hiatus.

They will refuse to do anything about the imbalanced budget, and then blame Biden for it.

Wait for it.

They need to stop that talk about $trillions for stimulus checks and reduce spending.
They need to stop that talk about $trillions for stimulus checks and reduce spending.

He wants taxes raised, which is his right to support that position, but he hides behind a faux concern for the debt. There’s zero concern for spending or desire to cut spending, it’s simply a desire to raise taxes.
He wants taxes raised, which is his right to support that position, but he hides behind a faux concern for the debt. There’s zero concern for spending or desire to cut spending, it’s simply a desire to raise taxes.

I understand. I was just giving him a different path to prevent increasing deficits/debt. I think PoliTalker wants more taxes and more spending.
Hello NiftyNiblick,

Sorry, that's not going to happen.

The only one with a remote chance is Ossoff. He came close to defeating Perdue.

The other one is already lost. The Republican candidates split the vote. Only one of them advances to the runoff. If all, or even most of, those Republican votes go for the one Republican in the runoff the Dem doesn't stand a chance.

And since there is no presidential choice as a motivator, the Dem turnout will diminish, not get the needed increase to push Ossoff over.

I'll contribute but I don't think it will help.

You could be right, but you're looking at it from the perspective of a calm, moderate liberal, Poli.

This is bloodsport. This one will be fought as though civilization itself depends on it, and MSNBC has already rented the RVs to situate an army there.
I think we can safely say that it's a different country completely if those races both go blue.
It's either Biden getting ZERO agenda done--forget collegial governance, McConnell will see to that--or the filibuster being scrapped and the Dems having effectively one party rule as decency and sanity requires.
Real libs--not unity seekers--will treat this as though their own lives are at stake--because basically they are.
If we lose, we're tuned out from the Dems forever. Watch for AOC and the new American Social Democratic Party. I've been craving that for decades anyway.
Hello NiftyNiblick,

You could be right, but you're looking at it from the perspective of a calm, moderate liberal, Poli.

This is bloodsport. This one will be fought as though civilization itself depends on it, and MSNBC has already rented the RVs to situate an army there.
I think we can safely say that it's a different country completely if those races both go blue.
It's either Biden getting ZERO agenda done--forget collegial governance, McConnell will see to that--or the filibuster being scrapped and the Dems having effectively one party rule as decency and sanity requires.
Real libs--not unity seekers--will treat this as though their own lives are at stake--because basically they are.
If we lose, we're tuned out from the Dems forever. Watch for AOC and the new American Social Democratic Party. I've been craving that for decades anyway.

I like this answer to the question of what party are you in:

"I am not a member of an organized political party. I am a Democrat."

The reason we join political parties is not to be guaranteed we will get our way. It is to join together with like-minded others so that we can increase our power. If we begin to splinter off into more narrow objective-focused smaller groups, then our power is diminished and we are assured of getting nothing.

We must learn to listen to others whose ideas do not match our own. We must do this within a political party because we will surely have to do this when we go up against the opposing party.

The only way we are going to match the power of a unified and motivated opposition is to remain together with strength in numbers.
Hello NiftyNiblick,

I like this answer to the question of what party are you in:

"I am not a member of an organized political party. I am a Democrat."

The reason we join political parties is not to be guaranteed we will get our way. It is to join together with like-minded others so that we can increase our power. If we begin to splinter off into more narrow objective-focused smaller groups, then our power is diminished and we are assured of getting nothing.

We must learn to listen to others whose ideas do not match our own. We must do this within a political party because we will surely have to do this when we go up against the opposing party.

The only way we are going to match the power of a unified and motivated opposition is to remain together with strength in numbers.

The two party system is a one party system for the party in the majority.
If the government is split, then we have total gridlock because the two parties have ZERO overlap in their values.
This doesn't fit with your belief system, perhaps, but it's what's proven itself to be.

Multiple viable parties would prevent majorities ever.
Governing would then require coalitions which themselves would require dialogue we don't need to have--and actually cannot with the very real polarization-- in the present two party system.

Yes, that would toss every presidential race into the House of Representatives, but with no majorities there, compromises and deals would finally have to be made.
It's not like the general electorate does a bang up job choosing the president.
We almost got Trump for a second term.
An asteroid striking the Earth and breaking it in two would have been a far better result. I'm completely serious about that.
Dude, you can’t raise taxes high enough to cover all the spending they’re talking about.

It’s like the person who gets a raise, then goes out and buys a new car and new home and is in bigger debt.

If you want trillions in stimulus spending it’s all going to be borrowed I.e. debt. So yeah, it you actually care about the federal debt you better hope either they don’t do it or it’s nowhere near as big as they are talking.

Debt is money and money is debt. The day America pays off its entire debt is the day it goes broke.
Hello NiftyNiblick,

The two party system is a one party system for the party in the majority.
If the government is split, then we have total gridlock because the two parties have ZERO overlap in their values.
This doesn't fit with your belief system, perhaps, but it's what's proven itself to be.

Multiple viable parties would prevent majorities ever.
Governing would then require coalitions which themselves would require dialogue we don't need to have--and actually cannot with the very real polarization-- in the present two party system.

Yes, that would toss every presidential race into the House of Representatives, but with no majorities there, compromises and deals would finally have to be made.
It's not like the general electorate does a bang up job choosing the president.
We almost got Trump for a second term.
An asteroid striking the Earth and breaking it in two would have been a far better result. I'm completely serious about that.

Yeah, I know you have this vision of two Americas split along political lines but the only problem with that is people don't live in easily divided according to politics areas. It doesn't matter where you propose to place the boundaries, they will always be fought over. Like India and Pakistan.

I just can't see that working.