American journalism is collapsing before our eyes

WaPo is the absolute worst.....


ooooooooooooooooooooo....geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....whatta convincing argument.
much of the Clinton emails info , and the Clinton Foundation is not coming from the press. Little if ANYTHING is coming from the press!
It's coming from Judicial Watch and Citizen's United, whatever you think of them-they are acting as an investigative press.

Then the stories are never put in context -the press has no interest in discovery or reportage by anything that has to do with Clinton's scandals
Hah! Thanks for the laugh. Teabaggers shut down the govt. That means all memorials are closed. Palin/Cruz organize a riot, and they aren't happy when it doesn't work?

Oh but if it were only true! Government never shuts down! Government only shut down "non-essentials" and that amounted to less than a hill of beans. Oh but if we really could shut down the federal government and all of it's undeclared unconstitutional wars including the unconstitutional Drug War and all of the unconstitutional social and corporate welfare rackets, America's taxpayers would save trillions of $.

Further more, it takes two competing test of political wills to shut down anything in the federal government. it takes both Democrats and Republicans equally to shut down anything in the federal government. Only brainwashed partisans believe one is more guilty of the shutdown than the other. The accusation is laughable.:rofl2:




You make this toooooooooooooooooooooo easy, Goober.

How false of you to mislead with this meme. You should fact check your memes.

It wasn't a case about Fox News-

"In December 1996, WTVT hired the appellee, Jane Akre, and her husband, Steve Wilson, as a husband-and-wife investigative reporting team.   Shortly after Akre and Wilson arrived at WTVT, they began working on a story about the use of synthetic bovine growth hormone (“BGH”) in Florida dairy cattle.   Their work on this story led to what could be characterized as an eight-month tug-of-war between the reporters and WTVT's management and lawyers over the content of the story.   Each time the station asked Wilson and Akre to provide supporting documentation for statements in the story or to make changes in the content of the story, the reporters accused the station of attempting to distort the story to favor the manufacturer of BGH.In September 1997, WTVT notified Akre and Wilson that it was exercising its option to terminate their employment contracts without cause.   Akre and Wilson responded in writing to WTVT threatening to file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) alleging that the station had “illegally” edited the still unfinished BGH report in violation of an FCC policy against federally licensed broadcasters deliberately distorting the news.   The parties never resolved their differences regarding the content of the story, and consequently, the story never aired."
Liberal bias in journalism is often baked into the cake. The traditional ethos of comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable leads to demands that government solve every problem. Favoring big government, then, becomes routine among most journalists, especially young ones.

I know because I was one of them. I started at the Times while the Vietnam War and civil-rights movement raged, and was full of certainty about right and wrong.

My editors were, too, though in a different way.
Our boss of bosses, the legendary Abe Rosenthal, knew his reporters leaned left, so he leaned right to “keep the paper straight.”

That meant the Times, except for the opinion pages, was scrubbed free of reporters’ political views, an edict that was enforced by giving the opinion and news operations separate editors. The church-and-state structure was one reason the Times was considered the flagship of journalism.

Those days are gone. The Times now is so out of the closet as a Clinton shill that it is giving itself permission to violate any semblance of evenhandedness in its news pages as well as its opinion pages.

A recent article by its media reporter, Jim Rutenberg, whom I know and like, began this way:
Whoa, Nellie. The clear assumption is that many reporters see Trump that way, and it is note*worthy that no similar question is raised about Clinton, whose scandals are deserving only of “scrutiny.”
Rutenberg approvingly cites a leftist journalist who calls one candidate “normal” and the other *“abnormal.”

Clinton is hardly “normal” to the 68 percent of Americans who find her dishonest and untrustworthy
, though apparently not a single one of those people writes for the Times. Statistically, that makes the Times “abnormal.”

Also, you don’t need to be a *detective to hear echoes in that first paragraph of Clinton speeches and ads, including those featured prominently on the Times’ Web site. In effect, the paper has seamlessly *adopted Clinton’s view as its own, then tries to justify its coverage.

It’s an impossible task, and Rutenberg fails because he must. Any reporter who agrees with Clinton about Trump has no business covering either candidate.

It’s pure bias, which the Times fancies itself an expert in detecting in others, but is blissfully tolerant of its own. And with the top political editor quoted in the story as *approving the one-sided coverage as necessary and deserving, the prejudice is now official policy.

It’s a historic mistake and a complete break with the paper’s own traditions. Instead of dropping its standards, the Times should bend over backwards to enforce them, even while acknowledging that Trump is a rare breed. That’s the whole point of standards — they are designed to guide decisions not just in easy cases, but in all cases, to preserve trust.

The Times, of course, is not alone in becoming unhinged over Trump, but that’s also the point. It used to be unique because of its adherence to fairness.

Now its only standard is a double standard, one that it proudly *confesses. Shame would be more appropriate.

I disagree. I collapsed a long time ago. Now they show no pretense of objectivity. They de facto party members of the DNC

If they went after Hillary and reported on her the way they do Trump she couldn't be a candidate. There are millions who aren't even aware of her scandals thanks to the news covering for her.. Couple that with the left controlling education and entertainment industries in this country and they have a lock on the information the gullible like KKKhristiefan receive. Remember this nimrods actually think Sarah Palin said the words "I can see Russia from my house"
much of the Clinton emails info , and the Clinton Foundation is not coming from the press. Little if ANYTHING is coming from the press!

It's coming from Judicial Watch and Citizen's United, whatever you think of them-they are acting as an investigative press.

Lemme guess......when you refer to Citizen's United, you don't know what-the-Hell you're talkin'-about.....Right??

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As-far-as Judicial Watch sounds kinda official, to you.....doesn't it??



* * *

Wouldn't your time be better-spent, shopping for the new school-year?? Summer Vacation is short-timing, wouldn't you say?
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A recent article by its media reporter, Jim Rutenberg, whom I know and like, began this way:

“If you’re a working journalist and you believe that Donald J. Trump is a demagogue playing to the nation’s worst racist and nationalistic tendencies, that he cozies up to anti-American dictators and that he would be dangerous with control of the United States nuclear codes, how the heck are you supposed to cover him?”

with facts asshole

he is all that

its fucking facts
Oh! The irony of it! A Hillary Clinton supporter calling Rupert Murdoch a "liar." Simply hilarious!:rofl2::good4u::cof1:

Brain-dead partisans are such twits!:mun::rofl2:

Jesus - don't you know Murdoch is the world champion liar, with a million Olympic victories for lying of every sort, whereas Mrs Clinton is just a politician. You really do believe in witches, you weirdoes, don't you!