American way of life

People living around the Mediterranean don't take antidepression or antipsychotic drugs. Same is true for Asia. So why are so many Americans hooked on big pharma? Could it be something as simple as the American diet? Nutritional psychology studies show that Americans who switch to a Mediterranean diet are able to get off their meds. Lots of fruits, nuts, vegetables, and fish. Plus all the hills they have to walk up and down to get around town. Or maybe it's all the chemicals we use on our food, then spend the weekend binging on Netflix.

A good point that has been stated on the airwaves for decades. S-L-O-W-L-Y more and more people are catching on to this and other forms of a healthier diet coupled with exercise and such.
A good point that has been stated on the airwaves for decades. S-L-O-W-L-Y more and more people are catching on to this and other forms of a healthier diet coupled with exercise and such.
What do you think about all those names O'Neill mentioned that were involved in MKUltra?
Puh-leeze, junior! You're making a spectacle of yourself when you try to come of as some sort of pseudo-intellectual while you :bdh:

The chronology of the posts makes a mockery of this latest endeavor of yours...pity your ignorant pride and insipid stubbornness prevents you from seeing that. :palm: Carry on.

"When debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser"
Most of the articles on trauma bonding are about women in abusive relationships, but we know that a malignant narcissist is not gender specific. Women can also be master manipulators as we've seen here on JPP. It's important to fight back, especially when dealing with family or close friends that you can't walk away from. We all know that certain someone who can't sit down for a holiday meal without starting a fight with everyone at the table.

Get up, stand up
Stand up for your right
Get up, stand up
Don't give up the fight
No one wants to talk about MKUltra or malignant narcissists? They go hand in hand on American way of life. It led to the assassination of JFK and a bullet in Reagan.
Haven't read the book, but as with anything there's always a grain of truth.
Oswald, Manson, Kaczynski and Hinckley all being involved in a CIA mind control program is no coincidence. With the exception of Reagan, the CIA wanted to destroy any attempt of a lefty uprising.
Oswald, Manson, Kaczynski and Hinckley all being involved in a CIA mind control program is no coincidence. With the exception of Reagan, the CIA wanted to destroy any attempt of a lefty uprising.

Reagan fired union workers as priority when he entered the White House.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Haven't read the book, but as with anything there's always a grain of truth.

Oswald, Manson, Kaczynski and Hinckley all being involved in a CIA mind control program is no coincidence. With the exception of Reagan, the CIA wanted to destroy any attempt of a lefty uprising.

Like I said, I didn't read the book or really know much about the author. I'll have to do catch up and get back to you on this.
Like I said, I didn't read the book or really know much about the author. I'll have to do catch up and get back to you on this.
Tom O'Neill spent 20 years on research for the book. He tells us when he is speculating to connect the dots. I'm surprised the CIA didn't have him dispatched.
No one wants to talk about MKUltra or malignant narcissists? They go hand in hand on American way of life. It led to the assassination of JFK and a bullet in Reagan.

Biden administration quietly erasing immigration court caseload: 'De facto amnesty' Washington Times
Bungling GI Joe biding his "serve the Pope or die" megalomaniacal crusade - jihad paying illegal immigrants back for Christiananality pedophilia second coming thru 9/11 success in the destruction of the USA.....
Boomers and Gen X had child independence; we were able to ride our bikes anywhere unsupervised. We'd play hooky and take the train to see a ballgame several times a year. What caused that to end? It goes against natural development to lock kids inside for most of their life. Lockdowns only made things worse because kids weren't even allowed to go to school for 2 years. It doesn't seem that long to us but it's half of high school.