APP - Americans and Global Climate Change


MSM in America today is often a corporate tool, and as it becomes more and more concentrated and controlled, will be nothing but a voice for monied interests. The majority of Americans do not enjoy the leisure of time or reasoned information. Good information is there, but so long as Fox, Rasmussen, corporate sponsored think tanks, and talking heads fill the air with distortions, it will harder and harder to arrive at common ground. The several pieces below demonstrates that aspect of information and knowledge today in America surrounding global climate change.

'The Climate Majority' by Jon A. Krosnick

"...[N]ational surveys released during the last eight months have been interpreted as showing that fewer and fewer Americans believe that climate change is real, human-caused and threatening to people.

But a closer look at these polls and a new survey by my Political Psychology Research Group show just the opposite: huge majorities of Americans still believe the earth has been gradually warming as the result of human activity and want the government to institute regulations to stop it. "

"The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy." Alex Carey
LOL yeah, people are becoming more and more convinced that humans are the cause of climate changes. The natural earth cycles and solar cycles have nothing to do with it.
The Science-Denier Follies, Part Trois:

A Standing Challenge to “Climate Gate” Comedians……..

Please post a link to a reputable scientific body or organization, of international standing and that has expertise in climate science, whom support your speculations, assertions, and guesses that climate change of the last 50 years is due to natural factors; that liberal climate scientists committed fraudulent research; or that human influence on climate is highly dubious, insignificant, and/or extremely suspect.

I’ve been waiting for months, if not years, for science deniers to provide such a link.

”As of in 2007, no remaining scientific body of national or international standing on the planet is known to reject the basic findings of human influence on recent climate change” (Wikipedia, 2010)

Some scientific conclusions or theories have been so thoroughly examined and tested, and supported by so many independent observations and results, that their likelihood of subsequently being found to be wrong is vanishingly small. Such conclusions and theories are then regarded as settled facts. This is the case for the conclusions that the Earth system is warming and that much of this warming is very likely due to human activities.

-US National Academy of Sciences, 2010

”Observations show that warming of the climate is unequivocal. The global warming observed over the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases. These emissions come mainly from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas), with important contributions from the clearing of forests, agricultural practices, and other activities.”

--From: Definitive Report on Climate Change, 2009
By The United States Global Change Research Program
A Consortium of National Entities Including:
National Science Foundation
Smithsonian Institute
Department of Energy
Department of Defense
US Environmental Protection Agency

“Observations throughout the world make it clear thatclimate change is occurring, and rigorous scientific research demonstrates that the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are the primary driver. .These conclusions are based on multiple independent lines of evidence, and contrary assertions are inconsistent with a n objective assessment of the vast body of peer-reviewed science. … If we are to avoid the most severe impacts of climate change, emissions of greenhouse gases must be dramatically reduced.”

--Joint Statement to US Congress, 2009, by

the American Association for the Advancement of Science,
the American Geophysical Union,
the American Meteorological Society,
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (e.g., Stanford, Johns Hopkins University, UC Berkley,

and other highly reputable scientific bodies.

“A strong, credible body of scientific evidence shows that climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for—and in many cases is already affecting—a broad range of human and natural systems.”

-U.S. National Research Council, 2010

"Earth's climate is now clearly out of balance and is warming," These climate changes, best explained by the increased atmospheric abundances of greenhouse gases and aerosols generated by human activity during the 20th century."

-American Geophysical Union, 2008

“In recent decades, humans have increasingly affected local, regional, and global climate by altering the flows of radiative energy and water through the Earth system (resulting in changes in temperature, winds, rainfall, etc.), which comprises the atmosphere, land surface, vegetation, ocean, land ice, and sea ice. Indeed, strong observational evidence and results from modeling studies indicate that, at least over the last 50 years, human activities are a major contributor to climate change”.

--American Meteorological Society, 2009

“The vast preponderance of evidence, based on years of research conducted by a wide array of different investigators at many institutions, clearly indicates that global climate change is real, it is caused largely by human activities, and the need to take action is urgent,”

-American Association for the Advancement of Science, reaffirmed 2009

Compare above conclusions, with the the scientific "conclusions" of Climate Gate fans as heard on JPP (paraphrased):

Tinfoil: How can anyone believe this shit???!!!!

Damocles: What a bunch of alarmist BS

Bravo: Cypress is a peckerhead!

Dixie: The science has been PROVEN fraudulent!

Superfreak: Some dude who sells mining company stocks for a living, on, says this is all bullshit!
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Cypress, all that is the logical fallacy known as appeal to authority. Authoritative bodies can be wrong, or can knowingly lie, as is the case with global warming. If one examines the facts themselves, it can be perceived that AGW is a lie. A dirty lie, propagated by dirty liars.
But if scientists can be paid to lie, so can economists. Some of you fiat currency control matrix lovers will now have to also love AGW lies to complete the expertization of human thought.
Cypress, all that is the logical fallacy known as appeal to authority. Authoritative bodies can be wrong, or can knowingly lie, as is the case with global warming. If one examines the facts themselves, it can be perceived that AGW is a lie. A dirty lie, propagated by dirty liars.

Yes, in technical, medical, and scientific areas requiring high levels of expertise, I rely on trained and reputable specialists. See my previous post for a very long, and yet still not comprehensive list, of world-class experts on climate change. I had to keep it short, because if I listed all the world class experts who concur with anthropogenic climate change, you would spend about an hour scrolling down through this thread.

Let me get this straight: when you need expert dental surgery, you consider going to a Veterinarian? And you advocate bridges being designed and built by botanists?

Oh don't?

Neither do I. I rely on experts. Everyone knows why you Sarah Palin fans continue this nonsense. Creationists and Climate Gate clowns, after years of offering spin and lies, became emotionally invested in denying science. And misplaced pride and hubris allowed you to paint yourselves into a corner.

This illustration may be quite helpful.......

No, you just outsource your thinking. It's an appeal to authority, a logical fallacy. You live in a world of polyanna notions you accept as fact. congratulations on a being a sheeple.
No, you just outsource your thinking. It's an appeal to authority, a logical fallacy. You live in a world of polyanna notions you accept as fact. congratulations on a being a sheeple.

He worse than that. He refuses to see how he's been duped. OK, OK, I know he's not bright enough to see the errors. You can't fix stupid
He worse than that. He refuses to see how he's been duped. OK, OK, I know he's not bright enough to see the errors. You can't fix stupid

We can't fix stupid, but we sure can recognize it....he truely believes consensus = truth....he would have been a good pinhead to have around when the consensus was saying a black man was = to 3/5 or a human, or the sun rotated around the earth.....
We can't fix stupid, but we sure can recognize it....he truely believes consensus = truth....he would have been a good pinhead to have around when the consensus was saying a black man was = to 3/5 or a human, or the sun rotated around the earth.....

Latest Update on the ClimateGate Clown Challenge:

Have the Climate Gate Clowns been able to dig up one, single, solitary reputable scientific source on climate research, to support their message board speculations?

Sadly, no!

Standing Challenge for Climate Gate Clowns, available at:

As per usual what we see is plenty of foot stomping, keyboard pounding, and yelps of Cypress being a moron.

Surprisingly, all I do is post what these organizations say about climate change:

-US National Academy of Sciences, 2010
-The United States Global Change Research Program
A Consortium of National Entities Including:
National Science Foundation
Smithsonian Institute
Department of Energy
Department of Defense
US Environmental Protection Agency
-the American Association for the Advancement of Science,
-the American Geophysical Union,
-the American Meteorological Society,
-University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
(e.g., Stanford, Johns Hopkins University, UC Berkley, etc)
-U.S. National Research Council, 2010
-American Geophysical Union, 2008
-American Meteorological Society, 2009

In the world of Sarah Palin-worship, and Glenn Beck twitters I suppose these organizations do sound like voodoo or witchcraft to the average, theocratic anti-science wingnut.

Interim Climate Challenge Note: In a small victory for science and enlightenment, all but the most crazy and fringe of NeoCons (aka, Tinfoil and Dixie) have given up trying to pass off the hilarious claims of "Climate Gate"; an alleged global conspiracy of fraudulent science perpetrated by nefarious, lying liberal climate scientists.

We’ll check back later to see if the Climate Gate clowns have anything more substantially, and scientifically-based to say. Until then, chalk the science-denier rantings up as more comedy gold!
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The same people who deny global climate change would deny the earth is round, germs and not witches cause disease, and flying is possible. It is just the way they are, no amount of reason will convince them. Did you know the earth is the center of the universe?

Would an insane person know they were insane? If you talk to a paranoid schizophrenic could you convince them with reason that no one was following them? In the lesser forms of madness how does one convince a person that life is not one massive global warming advocate conspiracy?

The world cannot argue for itself
The seas and lakes cannot say stop
The air cannot use a ventilator
A dying tree cannot see a doctor
Buffaloes wolves and bears disappear

"We challenged two leading British scientists to try to prove the science of global warming to a group of people whose views very loosely reflect national opinions.

And, as if that wasn't tough enough we asked them to do it in my kitchen.

Can they do it? Well, you can see for yourself."

BBC - Ethical Man blog: In praise of scepticism

IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

400,000 year view global warming
James Balog: Time-lapse proof of extreme ice loss * Video on

We will be all be dead regardless of who is right - oblivion comes too soon for genuine care. What We Leave Behind (9781583228678): Derrick Jensen, Aric McBay: Books@@AMEPARAM@@
there is climate change....

so what, there has been climate change for thousands of years

the big fear mongers out there are pounding the war drums in order to make money...exhibit A:

there is climate change....

so what, there has been climate change for thousands of years

the big fear mongers out there are pounding the war drums in order to make money...exhibit A:

From: The UK Met - UK’s National Weather and Climate Service
FAQ webpage

Aren’t all these changes down to the Sun and natural factors?

No. Many factors contribute to climate change. Only when all the factors are considered can we explain the size and patterns of climate change over the last century.

Although some people claim that the Sun and cosmic rays are responsible for climate change, measured solar activity shows no significant change in the last few decades, while global temperatures have increased significantly. Since the Industrial Revolution, additional greenhouse gases have had about ten times the effect on climate as changes in the Sun’s output.

Much of the relatively small climate variability over the last 1,000 years, but before industrialisation, can be explained by changes in solar output and occasional cooling due to major volcanic eruptions. Since industrialisation, CO2 has increased significantly. We now know that man-made CO2 is the likely cause of most of the warming over the last 50 years.


No, you just outsource your thinking. It's an appeal to authority, a logical fallacy. You live in a world of polyanna notions you accept as fact. congratulations on a being a sheeple.

You an anonymous message board poster with zero scientific credentials.

I gave you a list of at least two dozen of the world’s most reputable scientific organizations.

Do you have any reputable science links to give me, or am I supposed to accept the scientific musings, speculations, and conjectures of message board poster AssHatZombie?

Surely, you jest.


He worse than that. He refuses to see how he's been duped. OK, OK, I know he's not bright enough to see the errors. You can't fix stupid.

Give me your links to reputable scientific sources.


We can't fix stupid, but we sure can recognize it....he truely believes consensus = truth....he would have been a good pinhead to have around when the consensus was saying a black man was = to 3/5 or a human, or the sun rotated around the earth.....

This is just dumb. And yet, oddly hilarious. A earth centric universe and the subhuman nature of the blackman bullshit weren’t based on the scientific method.

Modern climate science is. A Climate Gate Clown's Illustrated Guide to the Scientific Method...available at:

Carry on. Get back to me when you Climate Gate Clowns have some real, reputable, and credible scientific sources. Keyboard pounding, yelping, and braying just doesn’t cut it.
as usual....cypress agrees me, but can't admit it....

nothing i said was untrue...but cypress will throw out crazy links in a weak attempt to bolster his point...and deflect

he can't actually debate the point himself, he is beholden to links, other people's thoughts, he has no thoughts of his own
as usual....cypress agrees me, but can't admit it....

nothing i said was untrue...but cypress will throw out crazy links in a weak attempt to bolster his point...and deflect

he can't actually debate the point himself, he is beholden to links, other people's thoughts, he has no thoughts of his own
Why should he respond to someone who is saying something as irrelevant as you were? You're just being a typical lawyer, not saying much but in love with the sound of you own voice. Oh well, carry on.
Cypress, all that is the logical fallacy known as appeal to authority. Authoritative bodies can be wrong, or can knowingly lie, as is the case with global warming. If one examines the facts themselves, it can be perceived that AGW is a lie. A dirty lie, propagated by dirty liars.
You do make a point. Appealing to authority is not the same as evidence. So, how about this then? Here are actually peer reviewed scientific publications on the status of anthropogenic climate change.

Don't have room to print them all hear but their was about 10,000 hits on peer reviewed papers supporting anthropogenic climate change. I came up with about 700 papers that were skeptical on climate change.

Many of those skeptical papers though were not skeptical about antropogenic climate change but were skeptical about the carbon basis of causality. They seem to be losing that argument in the free for all that is scientific debate and discussion.
as usual....cypress agrees me, but can't admit it....

nothing i said was untrue...but cypress will throw out crazy links in a weak attempt to bolster his point...and deflect

You think the National Academy of Science, and National Research Council, and NASA are "crazy links"? HaHa, thanks man, that was awesome!

he can't actually debate the point himself, he is beholden to links, other people's thoughts, he has no thoughts of his own

Oh, you've done climate research? I'd be willing to look at your calculations, and peer reviewed papers if you want to link me up.

The Climate Gate Clown’s Stages of Denial.

In the 1990s it was Stage One:

“Nothing’s Happening!’
“The earth isn’t warming!”
“The data is insufficient….we need more study”

These stage of denial have been abandoned by the science denier, obviously the earth is getting warmer, and three decades of intensive climate research has made it one of the most studied scientific topics of the last century. So, let’s assess the current state’s of denial.

Stage Two

”It’s cold in Walla Walla today!....and Al Gore is fat!”

Local weather and global climate are two different things. But, Al Gore is fat so chalk up one for the science deniers

Stage Three

”It’s all natural variation!”


Stage Four

”The temperature records are all unreliable!”

This isn’t a horrible a point to make, although as per usual Science Deniers end up coming to the wrong conclusion.

Indeed, homogenizing and calibrating tens of thousands of temperature records from across the planet, taken in different ways, spanning decades of time is a bitch.

Scientists have spent decades compiling and processing the data to make it consistent, but it’s still a bitch. No one said science was easy. Otherwise, even a republican could do science. After all that painstaking work, scientists finally were able to confirm with temperature records that the earth was warming.

But, forget about surface temperature records. Good science is about testing hypothesis with multiple lines of independent data that collectively verify and confirm each other. Global warming is also confirmed with these other temperature and temperature-proxy data:
• Satellite measurements
• Weather balloons
• Borehole analysis
• Proxy Reconstructions
• Rising ocean temperature

All of these are completely independent datasets, measuring a range of climatic parameters and metrics. And they all collectively show the same thing – the earth is warming. Those dudes at NASA and CRU know what they’re doing.

Stage Five:

”Liberal Climate scientists lied!!! Their research has been proven fraudulent!!”

Wrong. .

Stage Six:

”It hasn’t warmed since 1998!”


Stage Seven

"There is TONS of uncertainty, and plenty of scientists disagree with global warming!’

It’s true that you can travel the globe, and find thousands of people who have a bachelors, masters degree, or even PhD in dozens of scientifically disciplines who might say there’s no global warming.

But, we don’t poll dentists for their opinion on neurosurgery. The opinions of neurosurgeons is given more credence than dentists on brain surgery. The fact that there earth is warming, and that it is very likely humans have caused most of the warming of the last half century is settled scientific fact:

Stage Eight

"Cypress is a moron, peckerhead, idiot!!!”

When Stage Eight is reached, all I can say is “Mission Accomplished”. My work here is done.
Nor does the ignorance of GED bearing lawn mower repair men who live in trailer parks.
you should at least get the insult correct. I'm a nail-driving lumber-jockey dust -ball . I'm quite proud of my work and have customers who made videos to tell the world how awesome my service is. I have 700 pdx business followers in my twitter group and,so far, I've been in business here for only 10 months. You have no idea who I am and the magic I work with zero resources. I work completely alone in a trade that usually requires two people simply to carry the equipment. I carry it alone. I do more in 10 minutes than a squid like you could possibly do in an hour, and that includes mental tasks. Test me if you think you can stump me. I love to solve any riddle you can think up. so try it, warmer. You obvioulsly don't understand statistics. that right there tells me there's no way you can stump me. You have never posted a link to a study. I doubt if you've ever read the criticisms of CO2 theory since you lack the physics background. Despite going to "a community college" right after HS, I did manage 3 semesters of physics, and science is still science. You can't fake solving for equations. I went on to attend finance course when I decided a major at Western Conn state University, or WatseCann as it's known in Ct. You guys wonder where i get my opinion of worthless college degrees, it comes from liberal connecticut. Worse damn teachers ever. A computer teacher ruined my outlook by criticizing my code for being "too short". I dropped that course, since I apparently didn't understand how to write bloated code. One statistics course, 201 I think, I had a teacher who couldn't speak clear english and I spent the whole class trying figure out WHAT he was saying so there was little to be gained from the classes. It was too late to drop after I tried too long to make it work. Failed. I got an A next semester with a different teacher. While all this was happening I quit working for the bank, since they paid peanuts, and I went back to the lucrative(to a 20 year old) floor trade. This time I was self-employed, but the IRS didn't yet have the deduction for tuition. I gambled and lost that I'd be able to finish school. I fell into debt really bad with the IRS after using their tax money to pay tuition/rent/food(100% MY fault for not learning to be a tax expert before starting a business) and I spent my entire 30's trying to outrun their debt program. I finally battled back and now I know how to expertly administer my tax decisions. I even showed a Jackson Hewitt rep a few things she didn't know. (big mistake that was. The MILF was gonna do me, but that killed it)

please try to get it right next time.

I got nothing to do with lawn mowing. Well, my brother and I DID mow lawns in PDX when we were pre-teens. We did for a few years until we could get real jobs and Burger King. LOL

You got me! this whole post should be erased.