APP - Americans and Global Climate Change


That lady haggled me down to $150 for this thing. I had to create and install for that so I could get the whole job. I looked up samples to match it, but at $700 for just the medallion, they couldn't afford it. They wanted it, but couldn't afford it. Instead of telling them no, I found a way to do it. You know what that was? I worked for damn near nothing. I made the damn thing in 85 minutes from nothing. No plan either. Installed in 45 minutes. All this while making cuts in a room 10 seconds walk from the stairwell.

This contract was really sweet though because I did borders in the hallway and charged a healthy $5 each miter cut. LOL The boder install netted $1300 in 7 hrs LOL. I did the most awesome work, though. Each course was a single board and there were no non-mitered butt-joints anywhere in the borders. You'd have to be a skilled carpenter to understand why this is an important distinction, but I'll try to sum it-- No mistakes and perfectly fit like the boards grew there
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You do make a point. Appealing to authority is not the same as evidence. So, how about this then? Here are actually peer reviewed scientific publications on the status of anthropogenic climate change.

Don't have room to print them all hear but their was about 10,000 hits on peer reviewed papers supporting anthropogenic climate change. I came up with about 700 papers that were skeptical on climate change.

Many of those skeptical papers though were not skeptical about antropogenic climate change but were skeptical about the carbon basis of causality. They seem to be losing that argument in the free for all that is scientific debate and discussion.

It's still all bullshit. Peer review is just another argument to authority. A bunch of peers can still all be wrong.
once again cypress offers nothing

what i said is true...why not just admit it cypress instead of creating whiny posts

In fairness, I have stopped offering anything as well, but I have tried in the past. We all know that Cypress accepts the Royal Society inquiry as a complete defense of the science behind anthropogenic CO2 forcing (human-caused global warming) when, in fact, the inquiry didn't address that issue at all. And since there is no documentation to examine, we don't know what was found, discussed, examined, nor even considered in the supposed exonoration of the parties involved. Can you imagine a more worthless inquiry? Cypress must benefit from the alarmism somehow. He can't be a defender of ethical science or he'd definately have an issue with the inquiry. It doesn't even address the science of climate change.
Why should he respond to someone who is saying something as irrelevant as you were? You're just being a typical lawyer, not saying much but in love with the sound of you own voice. Oh well, carry on.

you're a dick mott...just in case you weren't aware :)

i notice you can't actually discuss the substance of my post, so all you do is ad hom....

Yurt, flattery will get you no where with me.

Funny, that's exactly what you were doing to Cypress. Didn't like it did you?

not true...i addressed the substance...hence my comments about global climate, however, have yet to say one word about my global climate change comments....i wonder why

thanks for proving yet again what a moron you are
The thing I find so interesting about climate change is pollution and destruction of the earth are obvious outcomes of our wasteful lifestyles, and yet some deny larger changes or impact is possible. Huh!

I have ridden a bicycle almost daily as transportation for over twenty five years, and weather is changing even to this single earth participant's limited vision. The fact we polluted rivers, lakes, and now the gulf should give even the most diehard corporate tool pause. But somehow these people who know as much about climate as they do about particle physics know this one thing. Amazing isn't it.
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Keep riding your bike, and leave everyone else free to devise their own methods of transportation, and to continue to live their free, wasteful lifestyles...
Keep riding your bike, and leave everyone else free to devise their own methods of transportation, and to continue to live their free, wasteful lifestyles...

Interesting point of view, now pray tell what is the method of transportation you have devised? No cheating it has to be yours alone.
The thing I find so interesting about climate change is pollution and destruction of the earth are obvious outcomes of our wasteful lifestyles, and yet some deny larger changes or impact is possible. Huh!

I have ridden a bicycle almost daily as transportation for over twenty five years, and weather is changing even to this single earth participant's limited vision. The fact we polluted rivers, lakes, and now the gulf should give even the most diehard corporate tool pause. But somehow these people who know as much about climate as they do about particle physics know this one thing. Amazing isn't it.
I commute to work in my bike too but I have to be honest, I do it cause I like riding my bike.
Who Could Have Predicted?

Surprisingly, after months of listening to hilarious wingnut claims that ”IPCC LIED!!!, the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency reviewed the 2007 IPCC at the request of the Dutch Government, and found that, quote:

“Overall the (IPCC) summary conclusions are considered well founded and none were found to contain any significant errors.”

The Dutch assessment also reported three errors in the regional chapters that were based on erroneous interpretation of the literature references. However, the Dutch Panel concluded that “these shortcomings do not affect the investigated 32 summary conclusions or other parts of the IPCC summaries.” Three errors in a three thousand page report isn’t unusual, especially if the errors don’t undermine the summary conclusions. I routinely write large technical documents, and I’m sure under close scrutiny and review, inconsequential errors could be found.

As for improving the IPCC process, the Dutch have some constructive suggestions. Science and policy-making aren’t easy, otherwise knuckleheads and climate gate clowns could do it. The recommendations are that IPCC should be more transparent, and IPCC should provide more holistic summary findings. ” While acknowledging the essential role of expert judgment in scientific assessments, the PBL recommends to improve the transparency of these judgments in future IPCC reports. The Dutch found that IPCC focused heavily on the negative impacts of climate change; but they also noted that this is what IPCC was required to do by the world’s governments whom commissioned the IPCC. The original premise of IPCC is that policy-makers needed to be presented with a risk-based analysis of what could go wrong under unmitigated climate change. Crap that could go wrong is generally what policy makers need to hear. Otherwise you might as well just have George Bush in charge; a dude who assumed and treated the Iraq War as an easy cake walk, ignoring the advice of experts who tried to tell him the crap that could, and probably would, go wrong.

Bottom line: amazingly, in spite of all the key board pounding, in spite of all the wingnut war cries of how IPCC was rubbish and full of lies, IPCC is overwhelmingly vindicated (with some constructive caveats on how to improve the process).

Who could have predicted this would blow up in science denier’s faces?
No matter how different authorities you appeal to, arguing based on authority is still a logical fallacy. look it up if you doubt me.