Americans Are Dying In Afghanistan For The United Nations


Verified User

If Trump had the nerve he would stay in Syria, standup to the United Nations and pull our troops out of Afghanistan. Make no mistake about this country’s longest war —— 2001 to ? —— the war in Afghanistan is a United Nations war.

Regardless of how long the war lasts, or how many Americans die fighting for the United Nations, the New World Order crowd will never allow the U.N. to take the blame for a defeat.

NOTE: Afghans defeated the Soviet Union with the weapons the U.S. provided. Admittedly, the Taliban does not fight with helicopters and tanks, but the same U.S. policy that helped defeat the Soviets can adapted to defeat the Taliban without one American dying.

Young Americans of military age better be damn sure they are being asked to fight in foreign lands for this country, and not being fobbed into dying for United Nations.

Just to be on clear. There is no objection to killing Muslims trying to kill you, while Constitution-loving Americans would cut their own throats if they fight to replace one religion with another. Americans must defeat Islam as a matter of self-defense, but they must not do it for Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Socialism, democracy, the United Nations, and certainly not for the New World Order. Fighting for their country is the only thing Americans should fight for.

Let me offer a bit of background on how the U.N. is gradually gaining control over the U.S. military. I have to begin with NATO.


Charles de Gaulle pulled France out of NATO in 1966. France rejoined NATO in 2009 under Nicolas Sarkozy.

President Trump is clearly unhappy with NATO. I do not know how he feels about the U.S. military fighting for the United Nations. Pulling out of Afghanistan will answer the question.

Parenthetically, President Trump will have to rent a spine long enough to pardon Michael New who was court-martialed and convicted for refusing to serve the United Nations.

For readers who not know about Michael New

Michael New was court-martialed for refusing to serve the U.N. He was loyal to the United States and was punished by the Clintons in the Bosnian war. Neither Bush the Younger nor the Chicago sewer rat considered giving New a pardon.

In 2007 the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear Michael New’s appeal. President Bush could have overturned his conviction and awarded Michael New an honorable discharge. If ever anybody deserves a pardon it is Michael New. A Bush pardon would have sent a message of hope to the American people; at least to those Americans who would defend this country against the United Nations. Even today, you never hear a media mouth compare Michael New to pardoning Marc Rich, Gitmo terrorists, and drug dealers.

Specialist New was punished because he refused to violate his military oath to the U.S. Constitution.

Phyllis Schlafly
What Master Do U.S. Servicemen Serve?
Nov. 2, 1995

Trump can send an unmistakable message to NATO, to the United Nations, and to the American people by pardoning Michael New. Nobody should be pardoned until Michael New is pardoned. New’s arrest, court-martial and conviction remains the biggest miscarriage of justice in this country’s military history; on par with France’s Alfred Dreyfus although Specialist New was not sent to Devil’s Island or even to prison. Alas, Michael New is the forbidden pardon. I doubt if he could buy a pardon for any price.

NOTE: Bill Clinton’s Balkan Adventure is considered the first humanitarian war. It was such a humane war the Luftwaffe was called out of retirement to take part in the NATO bombings. Jolly Fat Hermann would have loved it.


The phrase “ethnic cleansing” permeated every report about the conflict. Few Americans ever heard the phrase ‘ethnic cleansing’ until the 1990s when the United Nations popularized the term to justify touchy-feely wars. An all-inclusive political phrase was needed to cover every reason for engaging in humanitarian wars. A Commission of Experts ( I am not joking) decided that ethnic cleansing fit the bill.

Ethnic cleansing is not genocide although it is genocidal in nature according to the experts. The dictionary says this:

Ethnic Cleansing, phrase for an attempt to purge an area of an unwanted ethnic group. It can include deportation, intimidation, and acts of genocide or mass murder.

As you can see, ethnic cleansing opens the door for every possible touchy-feely war the U.N. can dream up. Ethnic cleansing even allows wars that protect open borders.

Note that a full-blown religious war disappears in “unwanted ethnic group,” yet the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia have been Christians against Muslims going back for centuries. If you want to give yourself a headache try to identify the players without using religion as the starting point.

Clinton putting America in the middle of a religious war is the only thing that should concern Americans; so I usually reduce the players to 2 main groups: Christian Serbs and Muslim Albanians. Clinton sided with Muslims, but that was okay with the United Nations/International Community (UNIC) crowd because Clinton did it to stop ethnic cleansing. Christian Serbs did not think it was okay.

Incidentally, in 2008 six ethnic Albanians plotted to kill military personnel in Fort Dix, New Jersey. I can understand Muslim jihadists attacking Fort Dix. I have never been able to figure out why ethnic Albanians would do it?

One final observation about serving the United Nations.

I offered this suggestion several message boards:

Change the Universal Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) so that no American can be ordered to serve the U.N.

It is my understanding that the commander in chief can make that change without consulting Congress. Do not hold your breath until the change is made.

In the unlikely event a president loyal to this country ever does make the change it should be so ironclad that military personnel so inclined will have every Right to refuse to serve the United Nations without fear of being punished.

Recently, Tucker Carlson asked President Trump “Why should my son go to Montenegro to defend it from attack?”

The answer to Carlson’s question is not only politically incorrect the question should never be asked —— and never, never, never, asked or answered by an American president.

The U.S. military taking part in U.N. peacekeeping operations notwithstanding, the United Nations failed at turning the U.S. military into a universal police force. Rather than stop trying, the New World Order crowd decided to increase the number of NATO countries and slowly transfer United Nations military agenda to NATO —— nation building meaning democracy.

NATO-U.N. member state Montenegro sent a whooping two dozen troops to Montehengo. (I think the flag is larger than the country.)


An overwhelming majority of Americans despise the United Nations, while they understand and accept NATO as a necessary barrier against the Soviet Union cum Russia. Now listen to Hillary Clinton stooge, Philippe Reines, doublespeak the meaning of today’s NATO.


First off, those Montenegro soldiers are not fighting to defend the U.S. against Russia’s aggression in Afghanistan, they are fighting for the United Nations.

The war in Afghanistan is a United Nations war. Hillary’s mouthpiece all but admitted Montenegro was fighting for the U.N. when he said they contributed before they became a NATO member (2017).

Hillary’s stooge also claimed NATO kept the peace since its inception in 1949. Obviously, the stooge sees Korea and Vietnam as a United Nations peace because Communists got a draw in Korea and a victory in Vietnam.

In plain English, decision makers in NATO and the U.N. fight for democracy which is all the more reason for President Trump to take NATO back to its original mandate —— or pick up this country’s marbles and depart posthaste. After the U.S. takes it on the giddyap the remaining original NATO members can call the new member states to the rescue.

Finally, labeling the Soviet Union’s attempt to enslave Afghanistan the “Soviet Vietnam” was disgusting. It was another attempt by America-haters to disparage the American men and women who fought in Vietnam by comparing them to Soviet troops. The U.S. did not go into Vietnam to conquer and enslave. The Soviets went into Afghanistan to do just that. Even when U.N.-loving experts say something negative about the defunct Soviet Union they say it in such a way they help American Communists from the Vietnam War era protect their phoney patriotic image. Nothing is more disgusting than watching Americans who brought defeat to their own country wrap themselves in the flag.

p.s. At the end of WW II, Soviet troops occupied Afghanistan and showed no signs of leaving. At that time the U.S. was the only country that had atomic bombs and the means to deliver them. I cannot find the quote so I will paraphrase what President Truman told Uncle Joe Stalin: “You have 48 hours to pack your balloons and hit the bricks.” Uncle Joe knew exactly what the Man from Missouri meant. Several days later nary a Soviet soldier could be found in Afghanistan. Decades after the Soviet Union became a nuclear power, based in part on technology provided by American Communist traitors, Soviets once again tried to enslave the Afghans.
Who let this fucking Russian asshole join our forum to post Russian propaganda?


This place is worse than Facebook!
Trump has already announced talks with Afghanistan to exploit their natural resources which are conservatively worth 3 trillion dollars.

To kudzu: Before or after President Trump pulls the troops out?

Trump plans to pull thousands of troops out of Afghanistan – report
Thu 20 Dec 2018 23.46 EST
Last modified on Fri 21 Dec 2018 00.03 EST

Yesterday, President Trump gave the country a twofer:

If Trump had the nerve he would stay in Syria, standup to the United Nations and pull our troops out of Afghanistan. Make no mistake about this country’s longest war —— 2001 to ? —— the war in Afghanistan is a United Nations war.

There is one fabulous unintended consequence benefit that comes with pulling troops out of Afghanistan. The announced withdrawal on the heels of Syria brought the U.N.-loving New World Order crowd out of the woodwork.

Regardless of how long the war lasts, or how many Americans die fighting for the United Nations, the New World Order crowd will never allow the U.N. to take the blame for a defeat.

Americans fighting and dying in Afghanistan has been a tragedy from the day the United Nations sent the U.S. military off to fight a democracy-building war. Protecting the U.N.’s grip on military strategy is being led by Lindsey Graham who is no friend of President Trump:

Sen. Lindsey Graham offered a grim response to reports that President Trump is seriously considering a “significant drawdown” of troops stationed in Afghanistan, with the South Carolina lawmaker arguing that such a maneuver could make the U.S. vulnerable for “a second 9/11.”

“The conditions in Afghanistan – at the present moment – make American troop withdrawals a high risk strategy,” the Republican politician tweeted. “If we continue on our present course we are setting in motion the loss of all our gains and paving the way toward a second 9/11.”

Lindsey Graham says withdrawing troops from Afghanistan could pave way for ‘second 9/11’
Elizabeth Zwirz

Bottom line: Graham is full of shit.

NOTE: Afghans defeated the Soviet Union with the weapons the U.S. provided. Admittedly, the Taliban does not fight with helicopters and tanks, but the same U.S. policy that helped defeat the Soviets can be adapted to defeat the Taliban without one American dying.
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To kudzu: Before or after President Trump pulls the troops out?

Trump plans to pull thousands of troops out of Afghanistan – report
Thu 20 Dec 2018 23.46 EST
Last modified on Fri 21 Dec 2018 00.03 EST

Yesterday, President Trump gave the country a twofer:

There is one fabulous unintended consequence benefit that comes with pulling troops out of Afghanistan. The announced withdrawal on the heels of Syria brought the U.N.-loving New World Order crowd out of the woodwork.

Americans fighting and dying in Afghanistan has been a tragedy from the day the United Nations sent the U.S. military off to fight a democracy-building war. Protecting the U.N.’s grip on military strategy is being led by Lindsey Graham who is no friend of President Trump:

Sen. Lindsey Graham offered a grim response to reports that President Trump is seriously considering a “significant drawdown” of troops stationed in Afghanistan, with the South Carolina lawmaker arguing that such a maneuver could make the U.S. vulnerable for “a second 9/11.”

“The conditions in Afghanistan – at the present moment – make American troop withdrawals a high risk strategy,” the Republican politician tweeted. “If we continue on our present course we are setting in motion the loss of all our gains and paving the way toward a second 9/11.”

Lindsey Graham says withdrawing troops from Afghanistan could pave way for ‘second 9/11’
Elizabeth Zwirz

Bottom line: Graham is full of shit.

Trump's Afghanistan strategy may unlock 3 trillion in natural ...
The U.S. has spent upwards of $700 billion on Afghanistan's war, and the Trump administration is hoping to recoup some of that via its vast mineral wealth. An Afghan spokesperson told CNBC that ...

Donald Trump eyes Afghanistan's $1 trillion mineral reserves ... › News › World › Middle East
US President Donald Trump is eyeing Afghanistan's mineral wealth to help pay for a 16-year war and reconstruction efforts that have already cost $117 billion. Investors who have studied the ...

Trump Finds Reason for the U.S. to Remain in Afghanistan ...
WASHINGTON — President Trump, searching for a reason to keep the United States in Afghanistan after 16 years of war, has latched on to a prospect that tantalized previous administrations ...

Trump Considers Staying in Afghanistan So He Can Exploit Its ...
Since Trump took office in January, Ghani and his government have been talking up the economic promise of Afghanistan’s mineral resources, especially lithium, a comparatively rare earth element ...

The victor, the spoils? Trump eyes Afghanistan's elusive ...
U.S. President Donald Trump is eyeing Afghanistan's mineral wealth to help pay for a 16-year war and reconstruction efforts that have already cost $117 billion. Investors who have studied the ...
To kudzu:


Trump's Afghanistan strategy may unlock 3 trillion in natural ...
The U.S. has spent upwards of $700 billion on Afghanistan's war, and the Trump administration is hoping to recoup some of that via its vast mineral wealth. An Afghan spokesperson told CNBC that ...

Donald Trump eyes Afghanistan's $1 trillion mineral reserves ... › News › World › Middle East
US President Donald Trump is eyeing Afghanistan's mineral wealth to help pay for a 16-year war and reconstruction efforts that have already cost $117 billion. Investors who have studied the ...

Trump Finds Reason for the U.S. to Remain in Afghanistan ...
WASHINGTON — President Trump, searching for a reason to keep the United States in Afghanistan after 16 years of war, has latched on to a prospect that tantalized previous administrations ...

Trump Considers Staying in Afghanistan So He Can Exploit Its ...
Since Trump took office in January, Ghani and his government have been talking up the economic promise of Afghanistan’s mineral resources, especially lithium, a comparatively rare earth element ...

The victor, the spoils? Trump eyes Afghanistan's elusive ...
U.S. President Donald Trump is eyeing Afghanistan's mineral wealth to help pay for a 16-year war and reconstruction efforts that have already cost $117 billion. Investors who have studied the ...
The interests of American politicians are the only reason anyone is involved in Afghanistan other than Afghans, obviously.
The interests of American politicians are the only reason anyone is involved in Afghanistan other than Afghans, obviously.

To iolo: Not so.

A global government administered by the United Nations is the only reason politicians send Americans to die in foreign lands when there is no military threat to the nation. Basically, today’s politicians reject the governing philosophy that made this country great as well as the envy of the world.

Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto. Thomas Jefferson

I am for free commerce with all nations, political connection with none, and little or no diplomatic establishment. And I am not for linking ourselves by new treaties with the quarrels of Europe, entering that field of slaughter to preserve their balance, or joining in the confederacy of Kings to war against the principles of liberty. Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:77

NOTE: President McKinley sent American troops to put down the Boxer Rebellion in China when this country was not threatened, but it was Woodrow Wilson’s failed League of Nations that put this country on the road to Afghanistan.

Making the World “Safe for Democracy”: Woodrow Wilson Asks for War
To iolo: Not so.

A global government administered by the United Nations is the only reason politicians send Americans to die in foreign lands when there is no military threat to the nation. Basically, today’s politicians reject the governing philosophy that made this country great as well as the envy of the world.

Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto. Thomas Jefferson

I am for free commerce with all nations, political connection with none, and little or no diplomatic establishment. And I am not for linking ourselves by new treaties with the quarrels of Europe, entering that field of slaughter to preserve their balance, or joining in the confederacy of Kings to war against the principles of liberty. Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:77

NOTE: President McKinley sent American troops to put down the Boxer Rebellion in China when this country was not threatened, but it was Woodrow Wilson’s failed League of Nations that put this country on the road to Afghanistan.

Making the World “Safe for Democracy”: Woodrow Wilson Asks for War

Hahahaha.. There will never be one world government.
To iolo: Not so.

A global government administered by the United Nations is the only reason politicians send Americans to die in foreign lands when there is no military threat to the nation. Basically, today’s politicians reject the governing philosophy that made this country great as well as the envy of the world.

Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto. Thomas Jefferson

I am for free commerce with all nations, political connection with none, and little or no diplomatic establishment. And I am not for linking ourselves by new treaties with the quarrels of Europe, entering that field of slaughter to preserve their balance, or joining in the confederacy of Kings to war against the principles of liberty. Thomas Jefferson to Elbridge Gerry, 1799. ME 10:77

NOTE: President McKinley sent American troops to put down the Boxer Rebellion in China when this country was not threatened, but it was Woodrow Wilson’s failed League of Nations that put this country on the road to Afghanistan.

Making the World “Safe for Democracy”: Woodrow Wilson Asks for War
And who controls the United Nations, kid? Venezuela, I expect! :)
Jesus Christ how unbelievably stupid.

Yes we got UN approval to go after Afghanistan but clearly it was from the get go an American project. UN approval was just a diplomatic formality.
Jesus Christ how unbelievably stupid.

To Global Nationalist: Once again, another liberal asshole with neither wit nor originality resorts to the last refuge of idiots —— the personal attack and nothing more.

Yes we got UN approval to go after Afghanistan but clearly it was from the get go an American project. UN approval was just a diplomatic formality.

To Global Nationalist: Get your facts straight about U.N. approval, asshole.

The U.N. did not sanction the Vietnam War which was certainly an American project, while the Korean War was a so-called United Nations Police Action.

President Truman said this about stopping Communist expansion in Korea:

“We've got to stop the sons of bitches, no matter what, and that's all there is to it.”

Truman jumped on the Soviet Union’s failure to attend a Security Council meeting; so he took the opportunity to stop Communist expansion by manipulating the United Nations; hence, a U.N. Police Action rather than a declared war. Had the Soviets attended the one and only Security Council meeting they ever missed they would have vetoed Truman’s military opposition to North Korea’s aggression. Today, China has a veto on the permanent Security Council. Trump can be sure the Chicoms will not be missing any SC meetings.

Incidentally, President Truman was right in stopping Communism, but he was wrong in getting the U.N.’s approval. Every choice Truman had remains the same for President Trump with one exception. Trump has to consider the descendants of Vietnam War traitors in Congress are much stronger today than were their forefathers were in the 1960s.

I always put these questions to U.N.-loving traitors:

Do you oppose the Korean War in hindsight?

If they answer “Yes” they admit that fighting against Communism is what they oppose.

If they answer “No.” I ask them why not? since Korea and Vietnam were fought for the same reason.

p.s. Your screen name is a contradiction. Do not bother answering my questions about the Korean War. You are not smart enough to say anything I have not heard a hundred times before, but I would to like hear what you say about your screen name since no one can be a Globalist and a Nationalist at the same time.
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If Trump had the nerve he would stay in Syria, standup to the United Nations and pull our troops out of Afghanistan. Make no mistake about this country’s longest war —— 2001 to ? —— the war in Afghanistan is a United Nations war.

War in Afghanistan (2001–present)
The War in Afghanistan (or the U.S. War in Afghanistan), code named Operation Enduring Freedom – Afghanistan (2001–14) and Operation Freedom's Sentinel (2015–present),[50][51] followed the United States invasion of Afghanistan[52] of 7 October 2001. The U.S. was supported initially by the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia[53] and later by a coalition of over 40 countries, including all NATO members. The war's public aims were to dismantle al-Qaeda and to deny it a safe base of operations in Afghanistan by removing the Taliban from power.[54] The War in Afghanistan is the second longest war in United States history, behind the Vietnam War.[55][56][57][58]

Following the September 11 attacks in 2001 on the U.S., which President George W. Bush blamed on Osama bin Laden who was living or hiding in Afghanistan, President Bush demanded that the Taliban hand over Osama bin Laden and expel al-Qaeda; bin Laden had already been wanted by the U.S. since 1998.[59] The Taliban declined to extradite him unless they were provided clear evidence of his involvement in the September 11 attacks, and declined demands to extradite others on the same grounds. The U.S. dismissed the request for evidence as a delaying tactic,[60] and on 7 October 2001 launched Operation Enduring Freedom with the United Kingdom.[61] Routinely, the allies cited policy of "not negotiating with terrorists." The two were later joined by other forces, including the Northern Alliance which had been fighting the Taliban in the ongoing civil war since 1996.[62][63] In December 2001, the United Nations Security Council established the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), to assist the Afghan interim authorities with securing Kabul. At the Bonn Conference the same month, Hamid Karzai was selected to head the Afghan Interim Administration, which after a 2002 loya jirga (grand assembly) in Kabul became the Afghan Transitional Administration. In the popular elections of 2004, Karzai was elected president of the country, now named the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.[64]–present)

$1 Trillion Trove of Rare Minerals Revealed Under Afghanistan

Pretty damn all american isn't it.