Americans Are Dying In Afghanistan For The United Nations

No.. I don't think so.. Trump got excited but he's late to the game.

While Bush was fighting in Afghanistan the Chinese were building Port Gwadar in Balochistan in preparation for that market opening up.

The Chinese have done a lot of good in Afghanistan.. built a railroad, some mining operations, power plant.. there a mini economic boom on the northern border .. Small businesses have developed.
No.. I don't think so.. Trump got excited but he's late to the game.

While Bush was fighting in Afghanistan the Chinese were building Port Gwadar in Balochistan in preparation for that market opening up.

The Chinese have done a lot of good in Afghanistan.. built a railroad, some mining operations, power plant.. there a mini economic boom on the northern border .. Small businesses have developed.

War in Afghanistan (2001–present)
The War in Afghanistan (or the U.S. War in Afghanistan), code named Operation Enduring Freedom – Afghanistan (2001–14) and Operation Freedom's Sentinel (2015–present),[50][51] followed the United States invasion of Afghanistan[52] of 7 October 2001. The U.S. was supported initially by the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia[53] and later by a coalition of over 40 countries, including all NATO members. The war's public aims were to dismantle al-Qaeda and to deny it a safe base of operations in Afghanistan by removing the Taliban from power.[54] The War in Afghanistan is the second longest war in United States history, behind the Vietnam War.[55][56][57][58]

Following the September 11 attacks in 2001 on the U.S., which President George W. Bush blamed on Osama bin Laden who was living or hiding in Afghanistan, President Bush demanded that the Taliban hand over Osama bin Laden and expel al-Qaeda; bin Laden had already been wanted by the U.S. since 1998.[59] The Taliban declined to extradite him unless they were provided clear evidence of his involvement in the September 11 attacks, and declined demands to extradite others on the same grounds. The U.S. dismissed the request for evidence as a delaying tactic,[60] and on 7 October 2001 launched Operation Enduring Freedom with the United Kingdom.[61] Routinely, the allies cited policy of "not negotiating with terrorists." The two were later joined by other forces, including the Northern Alliance which had been fighting the Taliban in the ongoing civil war since 1996.[62][63] In December 2001, the United Nations Security Council established the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), to assist the Afghan interim authorities with securing Kabul. At the Bonn Conference the same month, Hamid Karzai was selected to head the Afghan Interim Administration, which after a 2002 loya jirga (grand assembly) in Kabul became the Afghan Transitional Administration. In the popular elections of 2004, Karzai was elected president of the country, now named the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.[64]

Pretty clear.
You lost me.. The Taliban defied Bush's demand for a gas pipeline... and by then OBL was on his way to set up housekeeping in Sudan.

We are there for our own interests and that's why we stay, there is always a running justification/rationalization propaganda machine to explain why america is always involved in multiple coups, wars and military actions at any given time; it is the new norm and forever righteous and altruistic.
We are there for our own interests and that's why we stay, there is always a running justification/rationalization propaganda machine to explain why america is always involved in multiple coups, wars and military actions at any given time; it is the new norm and forever righteous and altruistic.

What have we gotten in Afghanistan?
What have we gotten in Afghanistan?

Well for starters, the Pentagon cannot account for $21T it squandered between 1998-2015, someone got something, and we're glossing over the massive socialism that funds the military/industrial/surveillance economy. Funny how all these so called capitalist war profiteering corporations rely upon socialism and are tied to public funding. What did we get? Our economic system runs on endless war.
Well for starters, the Pentagon cannot account for $21T it squandered between 1998-2015, someone got something, and we're glossing over the massive socialism that funds the military/industrial/surveillance economy. Funny how all these so called capitalist war profiteering corporations rely upon socialism and are tied to public funding. What did we get? Our economic system runs on endless war.

Well there is that but what a waste.
Well there is that but what a waste.

Absolutely! But the 'proper' folk are turning a profit, and the people remain complacent. The power structure learned from Vietnam that a draft or conscription involved too wide a swath of the public.
To Global Nationalist: Once again, another liberal asshole with neither wit nor originality resorts to the last refuge of idiots —— the personal attack and nothing more.

To Global Nationalist: Get your facts straight about U.N. approval, asshole.

The U.N. did not sanction the Vietnam War which was certainly an American project, while the Korean War was a so-called United Nations Police Action.

President Truman said this about stopping Communist expansion in Korea:

“We've got to stop the sons of bitches, no matter what, and that's all there is to it.”

Truman jumped on the Soviet Union’s failure to attend a Security Council meeting; so he took the opportunity to stop Communist expansion by manipulating the United Nations; hence, a U.N. Police Action rather than a declared war. Had the Soviets attended the one and only Security Council meeting they ever missed they would have vetoed Truman’s military opposition to North Korea’s aggression. Today, China has a veto on the permanent Security Council. Trump can be sure the Chicoms will not be missing any SC meetings.

Incidentally, President Truman was right in stopping Communism, but he was wrong in getting the U.N.’s approval. Every choice Truman had remains the same for President Trump with one exception. Trump has to consider the descendants of Vietnam War traitors in Congress are much stronger today than were their forefathers were in the 1960s.

I always put these questions to U.N.-loving traitors:

Do you oppose the Korean War in hindsight?

If they answer “Yes” they admit that fighting against Communism is what they oppose.

If they answer “No.” I ask them why not? since Korea and Vietnam were fought for the same reason.

p.s. Your screen name is a contradiction. Do not bother answering my questions about the Korean War. You are not smart enough to say anything I have not heard a hundred times before, but I would to like hear what you say about your screen name since no one can be a Globalist and a Nationalist at the same time.

Holy fuck you're retarded.
It's such an irony how the whole nation is fooled by their propaganda. I just wish they could see a pattern in what they are doing. Targetting nations that have no strong military and are rich of natural resources.

Specialist New was punished because he refused to violate his military oath to the U.S. Constitution.

Phyllis Schlafly
What Master Do U.S. Servicemen Serve?
Nov. 2, 1995

Trump can send an unmistakable message to NATO, to the United Nations, and to the American people by pardoning Michael New. Nobody should be pardoned until Michael New is pardoned. New’s arrest, court-martial and conviction remains the biggest miscarriage of justice in this country’s military history; on par with France’s Alfred Dreyfus although Specialist New was not sent to Devil’s Island or even to prison. Alas, Michael New is the forbidden pardon. I doubt if he could buy a pardon for any price.

So how come Trump refuses to pardon Micheal New? The answer is twofold:

1. Trump is another United Nations ass-kisser.

2. Trump’s pardons must benefit Trump:

President Trump Pardons 4 American Heroes Persecuted by Biden
Wed Dec 23, 2020
Daniel Greenfield
Just to be on clear. There is no objection to killing Muslims trying to kill you, while Constitution-loving Americans would cut their own throats if they fight to replace one religion with another. Americans must defeat Islam as a matter of self-defense, but they must not do it for Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Socialism, democracy, the United Nations, and certainly not for the New World Order. Fighting for their country is the only thing Americans should fight for.

The French people are now faced with the same choices Americans have been lied to since the United Nations tore down national borders:

1. Fight for the United Nations’ one government world.

2. Fight for their nation’s sovereignty.

3. Fight for Christianity.

4. Fight for Islam.


In 1971, first-time novelist Frederick Forsyth, a former RAF pilot, journalist, and war correspondent, published “The Day of the Jackal,” a grippingly realistic thriller about an anonymous hired assassin known only as the Jackal, who very nearly assassinates French president Charles de Gaulle in revenge for his abandonment of France’s long-time colony of Algeria in 1962. Outraged at what they saw as a national betrayal, a disaffected section of the French army, which had failed to unhorse de Gaulle in a coup attempt the year before, continued to make attempts on de Gaulle’s life, only to see each one fail.

The novel, a worldwide bestseller, was unique in several respects. For one thing, it tracked as closely as possible to actual history in order to make the tale believable. For another, it kept the reader in suspense even though everybody knew the ending before starting the book: De Gaulle died of natural causes at home in 1970.

For a third, it had you rooting for the nominal bad guy—the amoral, inventive and coolly expert Jackal—against one of the major figures of the 20th century. When, at the climax, the Jackal is taken down by the unflappable, plodding commissioner Lebel, you feel a moment of sadness for all that hard work, lost to chance.

Cut to France today, where last week some 20 retired French generals and other officers and enlisted men (some of them still serving) penned a startling open letter, directly addressed to president Emmanuel Macron, his government, and the rest of the nation, warning of the possibility—no, the necessity—of a military coup if the country doesn’t get a grip on its restive Muslim “hordes” in the ghettos called “banlieues,” and on the manufactured leftist social unrest that calls itself “anti-racism.”

The letter, published in the conservative magazine Valeurs Actuelles, came on the 60th anniversary of the abortive 1961 putsch.

“The hour is late, France is in peril, threatened by several mortal dangers,” the letter begins. “Though retired, we remain soldiers of France, and cannot, under the present circumstances, remain indifferent to the fate of our beautiful country … The peril rises, violence increases every day. Who could have predicted, ten years ago, that a teacher could one day have his head cut off as he left his middle school?

“As servants of the Nation, who have always been ready to pay the ultimate price for our service, we cannot remain passive spectators of such actions. Therefore, the leaders of our country must absolutely find the courage required to eradicate those dangers.”

Strong stuff. But do not dismiss it as mere Gallic braggadocio. Polls suggest widespread approval of the letter, and nearly half the population would support the military should it act in the interests of France.

Some 73 percent of respondents actively fear the country is coming apart thanks to immigration, while a whopping 86 percent agreed that there are now parts of France where French law no longer rules.

The Macron government has already begun to take action against at least 18 of the soldiers now on active duty who signed the letter—but that’s unlikely to deter the French patriots ready to intervene “in a perilous mission of protection of our civilizational values.”

Coups are, after all, nothing new to the French. The Jacobins and others overthrew the monarchy during the French Revolution; Napoleon dispatched the revolutionaries while building an empire that shook the peace of Europe. Heck, in 1851, the French president, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (the Little Corporal’s nephew), overthrew his own government and established the Second Empire with himself as Emperor Napoleon III.

He, in turn, was overthrown after the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, after which the Third French Republic was proclaimed. It was followed in turn by the Fourth Republic after World War II, and the Fifth Republic in 1958, which under De Gaulle overthrew its predecessor and changed the form of government to one headed both by a strong president (Macron) and a prime minister (Jean Castex).

To top it off, the early medieval French national epic, the Song of Roland, celebrates the last stand of a knight called Roland at the Roncevaux Pass against Muslim armies from Spain, which are personally routed after the death of Roland and his men by Charlemagne himself, who slays the Muslim commander Baligant on the field of battle. When the French finally rouse themselves to the defense of their civilization, they can be among the most ferocious peoples of Europe.

Macon’s likely opponent in the April 2022 elections, Marine le Pen, hailed the letter and called upon the signers to “join us in taking part in the coming battle, which is the battle of France.” To bolster her appeal, Le Pen has been shedding some of her far-right associations and expanding her base of support to include women and gays, along with Euroskeptics and anti-immigrationists who are her natural allies.

For his part, Macron has been more vocal in defending French customs and traditions against Islamic incursion lately, but he’s badly underwater in the polls with a 38 percent approval rating, thanks to his repressive treatment of the working-class protesters called the Gilets Jaunes (yellow vests), who have been demonstrating and striking against his economic and, latterly, COVID-19 policies for nearly three years.

Whoever ultimately wins, it’s clear France—which together with Germany forms the heart of the European Union—is at a crossroads. During the Revolution, the French pillaged churches and murdered the Catholic clergy, creating a secular state. But large-scale Muslim immigration (from Algeria, among other places in the Islamic ummah) is testing that policy, known as “laïcité,” as Islam rushes into the spiritual vacuum that has followed the death of Christianity, not just in France but across Europe.

The generals, therefore, are in reality defending “laïcité,” although the international Left naturally depicts their stance as “racism,” further muddying the waters and bringing one of the oldest nations in Europe ever closer to either a coup or a civil war.

We Americans may think the Europeans have become too effete and demoralized to stand up for themselves any longer (we should talk!)… but then again, that’s what everybody thought about the Germans in 1933.

This time, the Jackal may not miss.

France Stands at Crossroads, as Members of Military Demand Action
Michael Walsh
May 4, 2021 Updated: May 4, 2021

Note that France also lost South Vietnam because President Eisenhower would not use U.S. air power to support the the French in Dein Bein Phu:

Ike made a major military blunder in Dien Bien Phu. Had Eisenhower deployed carrier based fighter jets armed with napalm, along with heavy bombers, to support France’s meager air power, the Viet Cong would have eventually been forced to withdraw. No fixed military position can withstand that kind of punishment.

NOTE: Before Lefties mount their moral high horse they should ask themselves if the Vietnam War would have been necessary had the French won at Dien Bien Phu

In the late 1960's American Communists and traitors like John Kerry and then-Senator Joe Biden knew what they were doing when they handed South Vietnam to the North.

My point: The French fighting in, and for, their homeland rather than fighting to hold onto a faraway colony will get no help from the same American traitors.

For these reasons to which the former fake and lawlessly hacked in tRump sh!t insurgency put on President Biden's lap with a red ribbon.

Timeline: What we know about the Russia bounties intelligence and Trump
Three months later, the United States still hasn’t responded, and Trump is now calling it a “hoax” — despite significant GOP concern.

Trump’s long, aspirational, tortured relationship with Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, entered one of its most controversial chapters this past weekend. The New York Times first reported — with The Washington Post and others confirming — that U.S. intelligence has assessed that a Russian military spy unit offered bounties to Taliban-linked fighters in Afghanistan to kill coalition troops, including American ones. The Post further reported that the bounties have indeed been linked to U.S. troop deaths.

There has been intense debate within the intelligence community, dating back to March, about how to respond. Three months later, though, the Trump administration still hasn’t responded. In the intervening period, Trump has described Russia and Putin as friends of the United States, has sent humanitarian aid to Russia and has continued to push for its inclusion into the Group of Seven summit.

Since the news broke, Trump has also repeatedly dismissed the bounties story as a “hoax” — breaking with many in his own party who are taking it seriously, as well as with administration officials who have suggested that the intelligence is still being analyzed.

The potential scandal here is readily apparent: the idea that a president and an administration would do nothing about an antagonistic foreign power funding the killing of Americans.

There’s still plenty we don’t know, including which attacks on U.S. troops might have been linked to the bounties. But below is a timeline of what we know, when it happened and what Trump has done vis-a-vis Russia since the intelligence community’s conclusion.

April 2017: Army Gen. John Nicholson, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, appears to confirm reports that Russia is arming the Taliban. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis adds, “Any weapons being funneled here from a foreign country would be a violation of international law unless they were coming to the government of Afghanistan.”