Americans are largely unable to find the “joy” Democrats have touted


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Gas Prices up 50 Percent Since Kamala Harris Took Office​

Americans are largely unable to find the “joy” Democrats have touted, especially when they hit the gas pumps, as prices have risen 50 percent since Vice President Kamala Harris has been in the White House.

Why would anyone vote for the party that inflicted so much pain on them?
She is tied to Biden. Biden did everything opposite of what Trump did. Reversed everything. The VP goes down with the ship.
You forget one thing Biden did that Trump started. Biden withdrew from Afghanistan. In fact, he sped the process up markedly over the original Trump agreement...
Crock of shit. Republican voters tend to be older especially in Florida. Your statistics are meaningless.
They are the numbers of dead people above the average deaths in the nation. Do you make shit up when you have no real response?
Americans are largely unable to find the “joy” Democrats have touted
By "Americans" I take it you mean the perpetually angry, miserable, forever unhappy about everything Trumper idiots?

Personally, I don't consider them Americans.

Gas Prices up 50 Percent Since Kamala Harris Took Office​


Gas prices have been steadily falling and any increases that may have occurred over the past 3½ years had nothing to do with Biden or Harris policies.

Oil is a worldwide commodity, the price of which is determined by outside factors beyond the influence or control of any US President.

Gas prices have been steadily falling and any increases that may have occurred over the past 3½ years had nothing to do with Biden or Harris policies.

Oil is a worldwide commodity, the price of which is determined by outside factors beyond the influence or control of any US President.
EWe saw what happened real time when Biden took over. Are you are some type of bot? It seems your memories are selective.
EWe saw what happened real time when Biden took over. Are you are some type of bot? It seems your memories are selective.
If you were a fraction as smart as you seem to think you are, you'd understand that oil prices have nothing to do with who the President is. Also, things that cause economic conditions don't take effect overnight. They take time to be felt by consumers. It was because Obama did such a good job on the economy that Trump looked like he was doing a good job when he took over. Obama left him with a good economy, then Trump fucked it up, got voted out and Biden inherited Trump's fuck ups.

I don't expect you to understand or acknowledge any of that because you are a low-info Trumper.
If you were a fraction as smart as you seem to think you are, you'd understand that oil prices have nothing to do with who the President is. Also, things that cause economic conditions don't take effect overnight. They take time to be felt by consumers. It was because Obama did such a good job on the economy that Trump looked like he was doing a good job when he took over. Obama left him with a good economy, then Trump fucked it up, got voted out and Biden inherited Trump's fuck ups.

I don't expect you to understand or acknowledge any of that because you are a low-info Trumper.
No. You're a pure propagandists.