Americans are largely unable to find the “joy” Democrats have touted

Yeah, you Reds were stupid about Covid.
Reds started out the same as Dems with shutdowns and shots. But they stopped after Rush and other right-wingers said the crazy things, that you bought into. They paid with their lives.
Good thing they did, since the red states rebounded far faster than the blue ones, and there really was little difference in the outcomes in terms of cases of Chinese Disease and such. Also, it's clear that many cases of deaths attributed to Chinese Disease weren't so.
You forget one thing Biden did that Trump started. Biden withdrew from Afghanistan. In fact, he sped the process up markedly over the original Trump agreement...
It's so funny when you idiots try to tell us that Biden sped up the process.
Trump's agreement was to have all troops out by May 1, 2021. Biden didn't remove all troops until August 2021.

Here is the agreement which states the US will have troops out 14 months after Feb 29, 2020. Can you do the math?
It's so funny when you idiots try to tell us that Biden sped up the process.
Trump's agreement was to have all troops out by May 1, 2021. Biden didn't remove all troops until August 2021.

Here is the agreement which states the US will have troops out 14 months after Feb 29, 2020. Can you do the math?

Good thing they did, since the red states rebounded far faster than the blue ones, and there really was little difference in the outcomes in terms of cases of Chinese Disease and such. Also, it's clear that many cases of deaths attributed to Chinese Disease weren't so.
You do not have to attribute Covid deaths. We track death rates in America. The figures are well known. During Covid, you take all the deaths and subtract the normal number of deaths and it tells you how many died from Covid. The figures are actually a bit lower because deaths from auto accidents were lower from the lockdowns.
You do not think things out. You just spurt out right wing lies as if they are facts.
I'm guessing you didn't read your links which point out the lie you told.

The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.

Biden's final withdrawal didn't occur until August of 2021. Any claim that Biden sped up the withdrawal from Trump's plan is nothing but a lie.
You do not have to attribute Covid deaths. We track death rates in America. The figures are well known. During Covid, you take all the deaths and subtract the normal number of deaths and it tells you how many died from Covid. The figures are actually a bit lower because deaths from auto accidents were lower from the lockdowns.
You do not think things out. You just spurt out right wing lies as if they are facts.
The so-called "experts" told us that masks work. They didn't. We were told social distancing a sneeze shields work. They didn't. We were told lockdowns work. They didn't. Why should we believe their figures on the mortality rate?

Kam did Not sound joyful this afternoon...she looks and sounds desperate...
Wonder what's wrong?