Americans Never Cared


Verified User
The conspiracy to deify Barack Obama backfired and rightly so.

Media mouths and Democrats once cared about Obama. Networks will always have a soft spot in their U.N.-loving hearts for the Chicago sewer rat, while Democrats are dropping their spiritual leader like a used condom. Happily, Democrat weirdos are hopping in bed with a dead horse:


No one cares about former president Barack Obama anymore, least of all the Democratic Party's most fashionable influencers. It's almost as if his presidency never happened.

Last week, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) said President Joe Biden's first 100 days in office "have been impressive" and "exceeded" the expectations of trendy young progressives such as herself. Historians, journalists, and other liberals have anointed Biden the next FDR or LBJ—a once-in-a-generation "transformative" leader.

Not that long ago, it was Obama who was considered a hot young progressive and was hailed as the next coming of the 20th century's most transformative leaders. The similarly fawning coverage of Biden, the former running mate whose presidential ambitions he repeatedly sought to discourage, must be utterly humiliating for Obama and his excessively large ego.

ANALYSIS: No One Cares About Obama Anymore
Andrew Stiles
April 26, 2021 5:35 pm

Barack Hussein Obama first caught my attention in his first floor speech as a U.S. Senator when he objected to Janice Rogers Brown going to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Brown was finally confirmed after being stalled for two years by Senate Democrats. Obama voted against her confirmation.

In 2017:

The Wall Street Journal and Buzzfeed are both reporting that Judge Janice Rogers Brown will retire from active service on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. This decision will create a vacancy on the 11-member court and an opportunity for President Trump to nominate someone to this important court.

Brown has sat on the D.C. Circuit for a dozen years, after serving on the California Supreme Court and in state government. Brown was first nominated to the D.C. Circuit by President George W. Bush in 2003, though she was not confirmed until 2005 due to active opposition from Senate Democrats (including a filibuster of her nomination). Here, for instance, is then-Sen. Barack Obama’s speech against her confirmation.

D.C. Circuit Judge Janice Rogers Brown to step down
By Jonathan H. Adler
July 7, 2017 at 9:10 p.m. EDT

NOTE: I suggested Janice Rogers Brown as Scalia’s replacement. As it turned out, Brown was not included in Trump’s list of choices. Presumably, Brown was either too brown or too conservative.

I posted my first objection to BHO before he became the country’s self-appointed spiritual leader. It did take long after being sworn in that Obama quickly turned glib horse manure into superficial inspiration, nor did it take a political genius in 2005 to know that he was bad news for the country. Sad to say, he confirmed my worst fears.

In fact, it was the lying sack of shit’s first floor speech in 2005 that told me everything I needed to know about then-unknown Obama:

God only knows who was giving Obama advice. Certainly not people who believe judicial decisions have to be based on precedent and on law. Obama once said that, but I knew he was lying. When it came to the High Court legislating a Socialist objective Obama’s insincerity was exposed easily enough.

Discard everything else Obama said in his first and floor speech except real property Rights. The ‘constitutional scholar’ knew just enough about the U.S. Constitution to pervert it much like atheists who know just enough about the bible to claim it is a fraud. Obama’s opinions should have told every American homeowner who voted for him that he does not understand the only Right that counts. Put it in perspective this way: Without property Rights every other Right is meaningless. Indeed, what in hell good is freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press without property Rights? (To Democrats the Rights of criminals and Muslim combatants is more sacred than property Rights.)

NOTE: Obama’s EPA spent more time and resources attacking private property than it did cooling off the planet.

Here is the gist of a message I posted on another board June 2005:

Senator Barack Obama’s remarks on the Senate floor about Janice Rogers Brown before she was confirmed caught my attention. The Democrat party’s apprentice guru gushes the party line on the usual Socialist positions. The Left’s positions have been sliced and diced so many times by others more qualified than I there is no point in going over them again. Two of Barack’s critiques of Justice Brown are worth addressing.

As you will see in the excerpts, Obama employs the technique of Mix & Match in his floor speech. In the first excerpts, I am only interested in separating his views on private property from his mix of social engineering and Justice Brown’s judicial view of property Rights. The excerpts are taken from different parts of his speech. I put them together for my convenience.

Here are the excerpts about private property mixed in with the usual litany of Socialism’s window dressings:

So when it comes to laws protecting a woman's right to choose or a worker's right to organize, she will claim that the laws that the legislature passed should be interpreted narrowly. Yet when it comes to laws protecting corporations and private property, she has decided that those laws should be interpreted broadly.


If the claimant is powerful -- if they are a property owner, for example -- then she is willing to use any tool in her judicial arsenal to make sure the outcome is one they like. If it is a worker or a minority claiming discrimination, then she is nowhere to be found.


Judicial decisions ultimately have to be based on evidence and on fact. They have to be based on precedent and on law.

In the Lochner case, and in a whole series of cases prior to Lochner being overturned, the Supreme Court consistently overturned basic measures like minimum wage laws, child labor safety laws, and rights to organize, deeming those laws as somehow violating a constitutional right to private property. The basic argument in Lochner was you cannot regulate the free market because it is going to constrain people's use of their private property. Keep in mind that that same judicial philosophy was the underpinning of Dred Scott, the ruling that overturned the Missouri Compromise and said that it was unconstitutional to forbid slavery from being imported into the free States.


It is simply intellectually dishonest and logically incoherent to suggest that somehow the Constitution recognizes an unlimited right to do what you want with your private property and yet does not recognize a right to privacy that would forbid the Government from intruding in your bedroom. Yet that seems to be the manner in which Justice Brown would interpret our most cherished document.​

Let me first deal with the Dred Scott decision. Where would black race hustlers and American Communists be without it? To American Socialists/Communists Dred Scott is justification for abolishing all private property as Communism demands. Were Obama intellectually honest he would have admitted that the on-going destruction of real property Rights should have ended after the Civil War ended. I feel confident in saying that those who effectively overturned Dred Scott by freeing the slaves never intended to abolish all property Rights. Instead of the Dred Scott decision’s ultimate irrelevance conveying finality, Communists later seized upon that decision as a wedge they could use in bringing Communism to a free people. Socialists hellbent on abolishing private property never miss an opportunity to bring up Dred Scott. Obama did not show any originality in trotting out that one.

More importantly, Obama plays the Left’s class envy card. He denounces corporations and private property. I took him to mean commercial property. The way he plays the envy card more than implies he either does not understand, or that he does not recognize, the property Rights of tens of millions of homeowners. Democrat Party’s leaders do not recognize the real property Rights of homeowners. Obama gives no indication that he believes differently on that score.

Obama said that Justice Brown will use any tool in her arsenal on behalf of powerful property owners. He does not say if Ms. Brown will also rule in favor of typical property owners —— homeowners. I cannot speak for Justice Brown. I can pray that she holds everyone’s real property Rights in the same high esteem.

The second topic I want to address is classic Communist misdirection:

Justice Brown believes, as has already been stated in the Chamber, that the New Deal, which helped save our country and get it back on its feet after the Great Depression, was a triumph of our very own "Socialist revolution." She has equated altruism with communism. She equates even the most modest efforts to level life's playing field with somehow inhibiting our liberty.

Obama falsely claims altruism on behalf of New Deal Socialists while distancing Communism from the Left’s self-proclaimed altruism. That is one hell of a neat trick. I think he was annoyed by Justice Brown because she dared connect Communism to social engineering. Obama does tentatively agree that Socialism and Communism are the same.

Leading Democrats have always called tax dollar altruism “leveling the playing field” whenever they took away a private sector Right, or transferred resources from one group to another. Either of the two takings most certainly inhibits the liberty of some —— usually the majority. The question is: Who does “our liberty” exclude in Obama-world?

From what I gathered from Obama’s comments he joined the queue with Democrat dinosaurs lined up for extinction.

Finally, the first full-blown parasite to become president convinced himself that he was smarter than all those evil white boys that created a form of government that included authentic Rights:

In sum, Obama views the Constitution as a flawed document from which we must “break free.” We need, instead, a “living” Constitution that refocuses from “negative rights” to requiring income redistribution from the Haves to provide “positive economic rights” to the Have Nots.

Why the Fuss? Obama Has Long Been On Record In Favor Of Redistribution
Paul Roderick Gregory

Judge Napolitano destroyed Obama’s Commie bullshit:


It is an entitlement not a Right when someone else is forced to pay for it. Note that not one Right in America’s original Bill of Rights had to be paid for by someone else. Those Rights are negative Rights according to Obama and Sanders. Their positive Rights must be paid for with tax dollars.

In short: Parasites do not want your labor, they want your money:
Firstly, you clearly dont know what the opposite of a dixiecrat is. Secondly, you dont have a clue what a conspiracy is. and thirdly, its always in everyone's best interests to vet a presidential candidate, except to democrats, it seems.

For a fourth point might be a reiteration of the second.
The New Deal, which helped save our country and get it back on its feet after the Great Depression, was a triumph of our very own "Socialist revolution." She has equated altruism with communism. She equates even the most modest efforts to level life's playing field with somehow inhibiting our liberty.

Sounds like a perfected dixiecrat slave imho. But w/e.

The new deal only worked because it was a disribution scheme to divide up all the nazi gold we just had looted. The new deal had much less to do with americas success than the mountain of solid gold. I think it was fair and unusual to divide up the loot with the people rather than hand it over to some filthy domestic aristocrats but who is to that that is indeed the case. Hitler left it to us instead of the british quite intentionally. Near the end of the war hitler was actualy one of our best spies. It was most important to him that the british didnt get the loot. It was best then that british loyalist domestic aristocrats particularly not get a cut. Hence, new deal.

A deal like that does in fact depend on having a mountain of gold to do it with so... get that, then we'll talk. Not sooner. The last one is already all gone.

I could/would never recommend anyone so oblivious.
Last edited:
The new deal only worked because it was a disribution scheme to divide up all the nazi gold we just had looted.

To ]2epo]v[an: Asshole. Parasite schemes never worked. The Democrat Party’s scheme set in motion by FDR had nothing to do with the spoils of war. Parasitic economic schemes never last because:

Parasites transcend time. Socialism just happens to be the ideology 20[SUP]th[/SUP] parasites preach to sell utopia.

Parasites will always find a way to get paid for doing nothing more than preaching their moral garbage. That is why parasites brought down every civilization, every empire, every country, every culture that ever was, than did any other factor. This country will be no different so long as income is taxed.

p.s. Try and get a grip on every economy’s history:

1. Capitalism is an economic system that works to perfection for the most people in a severely limited form of government.

2. Socialism is a form of government that works for the least number of people.

3. Socialism and capitalism are, and always will be, incompatible.
Sounds as though the American right is still railing at getting their asses kicked as hard as they were kicked.


Sounds as though the American right is still railing at getting their asses kicked as hard as they were kicked.



The Right have for a very long time been useless fucks...And they still are......we do both understand this correct?

How have you been Pal?
I think it was fair and unusual to divide up the loot with the people rather than hand it over to some filthy domestic aristocrats but who is to that that is indeed the case.

Face facts, this is the point youre trying to counter.

For the first time since our nation's founding we had a currency the british couldnt manipulate. America's prosperity had everything EVERYTHING to do with dishing out the loot from ww2. With a strong population we had a strong economy for the next nearly 100 years.

Say what you want about the guy, i dont care. But it's absolutely true that we owe all that we are to hitler.

The rest of our future looks darker than the 1920s.
Face facts, this is the point youre trying to counter.

To ]2epo]v[an: The piece of garbage selling the same Shangri-La that parasites have been selling throughout history is the only point I am countering. Last night the filthy piece of scum added new items to the ancient sales pitch:

April 29, 2021
‘Worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War!’ Can Biden really be this dumb?
By Patricia McCarthy


Carney: Biden Pitches Vision of America on Training Wheels — Forever
by John Carney
28 Apr 2021


Crippling Taxes, Strangling Regulations, and Completely Unsecure Elections in Prime-Time Speech
By Jennifer Van Laar
Apr 29, 2021 12:00 AM ET

For the first time since our nation's founding we had a currency the british couldnt manipulate. America's prosperity had everything EVERYTHING to do with dishing out the loot from ww2. With a strong population we had a strong economy for the next nearly 100 years.

To ]2epo]v[an: What in hell are you talking about? Organized religion’s priesthoods and governments always taxed labor as the best way to crush individual freedoms. America became the greatest country the world had ever seen until 1913 when a new priesthood —— Socialists/Communists —— implemented the ancient system of governing by taxing labor. At least the taxpayers of old did not have to file a:
Note that filing an income tax form amounts to testifying against yourself.

Say what you want about the guy, i dont care. But it's absolutely true that we owe all that we are to hitler.

To ]2epo]v[an: I do not know whether to laugh or to cry at your responses. The scum in the White House proves that Americans are governed by a growing Parasite Class. They owe everything to:
Note that the income tax did the opposite:

The rest of our future looks darker than the 1920s.

To ]2epo]v[an: Much darker thanks to the Parasite Class.
There is something cathartic about watching American conservatives go ape-shit like they do in threads like this.

What a bunch of goofballs.

But fair is fair...and I thank you all (sincerely) for providing me with so much fun.

There is something cathartic about watching American conservatives go ape-shit like they do in threads like this.

What a bunch of goofballs.

But fair is fair...and I thank you all (sincerely) for providing me with so much fun.


whats even better is that you fucking retards STILL post threads about trump. His dick must taste awfully good in your mouth because you definitely arent a spitter.
whats even better is that you fucking retards STILL post threads about trump. His dick must taste awfully good in your mouth because you definitely arent a spitter.


You mean that has-been who still has lots of ignorant Americans worshiping him.

If are the ones doing the sucking.

I love you all. Ya never fail to show how angry and hurt you are.


Biden never had an original thought in his life, nor has he ever been right about anything. He is a morally sick man trying to legislate love before he turns into a vegetable. That is his last shot at being remembered as a decent man.

Let me repeat a few observations and original thoughts I posted on message boards many times:

“You cannot legislate morality!” is a common battle cry today. It is thought to be a quintessentially American idea, even though the Founding Fathers never expressed such a sentiment.

The Founding Fathers legislated morality in a very limited form of government. Basically, their morality was expressed as ‘Thou shall not.’ as Mr Duke pointed out:

. . . prohibiting murder — we have legislated morality.

May 29, 2016
Why Morality is the Only Thing We Should Legislate
By Selwyn Duke

Unfortunately, the morality of our Founding Fathers has become so perverted it is difficult to separate common sense morality from institutional morality. I do know one thing for certain. America’s Founders sure as hell expressed Thou shall not legislate charity.

If you want morality legislated go live in a theocracy. The instant you legislate morality as such you end up with spiritual leaders like the former piece of garbage that used to lived in the White House —— Barack Obama —— or you end up with an organized religion priest like asshole Pope Francis.

NOTE: Everybody is free to follow religious leaders of every size, shape, and color. Just do not force me to go along. More importantly, do not use the power of government to force me to support your choice —— or your morality. I prefer making my own mistakes.

Bottom line: YOU CANNOT LEGISLATE CHARITY is, or should be, the heart and soul of our Constitution.

Morality, love, and charity

Socialism/Communism is all about legislating love expressed as ‘Thou shall’ rather than ‘Thou shall not.’ Once the freaks got their hands on the public purse they legislated love and morality under the pretext of legislated charity. Example: The Affordable Care Act encompassed love, morality and charity.

Follow the money

Do-gooder Socialist priests in the Congress had to hide their lust for power and money because without tax dollars their sick religion would vanish overnight. Unlike Supreme Deity religions, Socialism cannot survive without tax dollars. Nobody in their right mind would voluntarily contribute to Socialism; hence, the need to legislate charity.

As I said many times, every one of the U.N.’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights has to be paid for with tax dollars; hence, Americans must surrender their Right in order to pay for the U.N.’s charity ripoffs. The Administration’s latest underhanded scheme to hand taxing authority to the United Nations is rooted in a philosophical argument that goes back to at least the 19th century. That argument became law in 1945.

NOTE: The ugliest document ever written, the U.N.’s 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is the most devious compendium of institutional morality ever devised. That is why Obama preached positive Rights for the United Nations as opposed to “negative” Rights in our Bill of Rights. His positive Rights is nothing more than justifying tax dollars being collected by government Good Samaritans, while not one negative Right in the Bill of Rights forces someone else to pay —— as the U.’N.’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights aimed for.

Voluntary charity is the stuff Good Samaritans are made of. Coerced charity is the stuff dictators are made of. In that sense, I never saw a Socialist/Communist who was not afflicted with a twisted Messianic complex if there is such a thing.

Charity hustlers were always confident that they were in hog heaven at the feed tub where accountability, the bane of charity hustlers, is non-existent. In practice, that meant that soliciting funds from individuals and private institutions became a thing of the past. Governments would administer all charity with tax dollars with no Right of refusal granted to taxpayers.

A political system of involuntary charity allows wealthy sharpshooters to protect their fortunes worldwide as well as take credit for being caring human beings. Naturally, such a system requires taxpayers to pick up the tab for good works as defined by wealthy charity hustlers. This is the secret the public is not supposed to know: Take tax deductions away from the wise guys and they would not donate a penny out of their own pockets. Corporate wise guys cash in twice. They get the deduction then double dip by raising the retail prices on their products.

Here is my suggestion for legislation. Make it a capital crime to eliminate competition in the market place by any means.

Today, tax dollar charity is the Parasite Class’ economy. Indeed, Democrats along with many Republicans would have American taxpayers believe that tax dollar charity is too virtuous to fail.

Touchy-feely bullshit artists always ignore human nature. Coerced charity is the prime mover that destroys everything that makes life worth living.

Diseased morality insists that everybody work for strangers, yet not one parasite who believe it ever left the country for a Communist country where the government would take care them. Instead of making the country stronger with the freedom to work for themselves and their loved ones, they will down this country by forcing everyone to contribute to their morality. Biden is so sick he actually believes that an ever-growing parasite class is good for everybody.

Coerced charity is a sickness so destructive the worst of humankind are importing parasites from every Third World shit-hole so can they live on everybody’s labor as soon as they arrive.

Let me remind you of what parasites are. Perhaps someone can tell me what contribution Obama’s aunt ever made before she died:

There are millions just like her already here with millions more in the pipeline.
The conspiracy to deify Barack Obama backfired and rightly so.

Media mouths and Democrats once cared about Obama. Networks will always have a soft spot in their U.N.-loving hearts for the Chicago sewer rat, while Democrats are dropping their spiritual leader like a used condom. Happily, Democrat weirdos are hopping in bed with a dead horse:

No one cares about former president Barack Obama anymore, least of all the Democratic Party's most fashionable influencers. It's almost as if his presidency never happened.

Last week, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) said President Joe Biden's first 100 days in office "have been impressive" and "exceeded" the expectations of trendy young progressives such as herself. Historians, journalists, and other liberals have anointed Biden the next FDR or LBJ—a once-in-a-generation "transformative" leader.

Not that long ago, it was Obama who was considered a hot young progressive and was hailed as the next coming of the 20th century's most transformative leaders. The similarly fawning coverage of Biden, the former running mate whose presidential ambitions he repeatedly sought to discourage, must be utterly humiliating for Obama and his excessively large ego.

ANALYSIS: No One Cares About Obama Anymore
Andrew Stiles
April 26, 2021 5:35 pm

Barack Hussein Obama first caught my attention in his first floor speech as a U.S. Senator when he objected to Janice Rogers Brown going to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Brown was finally confirmed after being stalled for two years by Senate Democrats. Obama voted against her confirmation.

In 2017:

The Wall Street Journal and Buzzfeed are both reporting that Judge Janice Rogers Brown will retire from active service on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. This decision will create a vacancy on the 11-member court and an opportunity for President Trump to nominate someone to this important court.

Brown has sat on the D.C. Circuit for a dozen years, after serving on the California Supreme Court and in state government. Brown was first nominated to the D.C. Circuit by President George W. Bush in 2003, though she was not confirmed until 2005 due to active opposition from Senate Democrats (including a filibuster of her nomination). Here, for instance, is then-Sen. Barack Obama’s speech against her confirmation.

D.C. Circuit Judge Janice Rogers Brown to step down
By Jonathan H. Adler
July 7, 2017 at 9:10 p.m. EDT

NOTE: I suggested Janice Rogers Brown as Scalia’s replacement. As it turned out, Brown was not included in Trump’s list of choices. Presumably, Brown was either too brown or too conservative.

I posted my first objection to BHO before he became the country’s self-appointed spiritual leader. It did take long after being sworn in that Obama quickly turned glib horse manure into superficial inspiration, nor did it take a political genius in 2005 to know that he was bad news for the country. Sad to say, he confirmed my worst fears.

In fact, it was the lying sack of shit’s first floor speech in 2005 that told me everything I needed to know about then-unknown Obama:

God only knows who was giving Obama advice. Certainly not people who believe judicial decisions have to be based on precedent and on law. Obama once said that, but I knew he was lying. When it came to the High Court legislating a Socialist objective Obama’s insincerity was exposed easily enough.

Discard everything else Obama said in his first and floor speech except real property Rights. The ‘constitutional scholar’ knew just enough about the U.S. Constitution to pervert it much like atheists who know just enough about the bible to claim it is a fraud. Obama’s opinions should have told every American homeowner who voted for him that he does not understand the only Right that counts. Put it in perspective this way: Without property Rights every other Right is meaningless. Indeed, what in hell good is freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press without property Rights? (To Democrats the Rights of criminals and Muslim combatants is more sacred than property Rights.)

NOTE: Obama’s EPA spent more time and resources attacking private property than it did cooling off the planet.

Here is the gist of a message I posted on another board June 2005:

Senator Barack Obama’s remarks on the Senate floor about Janice Rogers Brown before she was confirmed caught my attention. The Democrat party’s apprentice guru gushes the party line on the usual Socialist positions. The Left’s positions have been sliced and diced so many times by others more qualified than I there is no point in going over them again. Two of Barack’s critiques of Justice Brown are worth addressing.

As you will see in the excerpts, Obama employs the technique of Mix & Match in his floor speech. In the first excerpts, I am only interested in separating his views on private property from his mix of social engineering and Justice Brown’s judicial view of property Rights. The excerpts are taken from different parts of his speech. I put them together for my convenience.

Here are the excerpts about private property mixed in with the usual litany of Socialism’s window dressings:

So when it comes to laws protecting a woman's right to choose or a worker's right to organize, she will claim that the laws that the legislature passed should be interpreted narrowly. Yet when it comes to laws protecting corporations and private property, she has decided that those laws should be interpreted broadly.


If the claimant is powerful -- if they are a property owner, for example -- then she is willing to use any tool in her judicial arsenal to make sure the outcome is one they like. If it is a worker or a minority claiming discrimination, then she is nowhere to be found.


Judicial decisions ultimately have to be based on evidence and on fact. They have to be based on precedent and on law.

In the Lochner case, and in a whole series of cases prior to Lochner being overturned, the Supreme Court consistently overturned basic measures like minimum wage laws, child labor safety laws, and rights to organize, deeming those laws as somehow violating a constitutional right to private property. The basic argument in Lochner was you cannot regulate the free market because it is going to constrain people's use of their private property. Keep in mind that that same judicial philosophy was the underpinning of Dred Scott, the ruling that overturned the Missouri Compromise and said that it was unconstitutional to forbid slavery from being imported into the free States.


It is simply intellectually dishonest and logically incoherent to suggest that somehow the Constitution recognizes an unlimited right to do what you want with your private property and yet does not recognize a right to privacy that would forbid the Government from intruding in your bedroom. Yet that seems to be the manner in which Justice Brown would interpret our most cherished document.​

Let me first deal with the Dred Scott decision. Where would black race hustlers and American Communists be without it? To American Socialists/Communists Dred Scott is justification for abolishing all private property as Communism demands. Were Obama intellectually honest he would have admitted that the on-going destruction of real property Rights should have ended after the Civil War ended. I feel confident in saying that those who effectively overturned Dred Scott by freeing the slaves never intended to abolish all property Rights. Instead of the Dred Scott decision’s ultimate irrelevance conveying finality, Communists later seized upon that decision as a wedge they could use in bringing Communism to a free people. Socialists hellbent on abolishing private property never miss an opportunity to bring up Dred Scott. Obama did not show any originality in trotting out that one.

More importantly, Obama plays the Left’s class envy card. He denounces corporations and private property. I took him to mean commercial property. The way he plays the envy card more than implies he either does not understand, or that he does not recognize, the property Rights of tens of millions of homeowners. Democrat Party’s leaders do not recognize the real property Rights of homeowners. Obama gives no indication that he believes differently on that score.

Obama said that Justice Brown will use any tool in her arsenal on behalf of powerful property owners. He does not say if Ms. Brown will also rule in favor of typical property owners —— homeowners. I cannot speak for Justice Brown. I can pray that she holds everyone’s real property Rights in the same high esteem.

The second topic I want to address is classic Communist misdirection:

Justice Brown believes, as has already been stated in the Chamber, that the New Deal, which helped save our country and get it back on its feet after the Great Depression, was a triumph of our very own "Socialist revolution." She has equated altruism with communism. She equates even the most modest efforts to level life's playing field with somehow inhibiting our liberty.

Obama falsely claims altruism on behalf of New Deal Socialists while distancing Communism from the Left’s self-proclaimed altruism. That is one hell of a neat trick. I think he was annoyed by Justice Brown because she dared connect Communism to social engineering. Obama does tentatively agree that Socialism and Communism are the same.

Leading Democrats have always called tax dollar altruism “leveling the playing field” whenever they took away a private sector Right, or transferred resources from one group to another. Either of the two takings most certainly inhibits the liberty of some —— usually the majority. The question is: Who does “our liberty” exclude in Obama-world?

From what I gathered from Obama’s comments he joined the queue with Democrat dinosaurs lined up for extinction.

Finally, the first full-blown parasite to become president convinced himself that he was smarter than all those evil white boys that created a form of government that included authentic Rights:

In sum, Obama views the Constitution as a flawed document from which we must “break free.” We need, instead, a “living” Constitution that refocuses from “negative rights” to requiring income redistribution from the Haves to provide “positive economic rights” to the Have Nots.

Why the Fuss? Obama Has Long Been On Record In Favor Of Redistribution
Paul Roderick Gregory

Judge Napolitano destroyed Obama’s Commie bullshit:


It is an entitlement not a Right when someone else is forced to pay for it. Note that not one Right in America’s original Bill of Rights had to be paid for by someone else. Those Rights are negative Rights according to Obama and Sanders. Their positive Rights must be paid for with tax dollars.

In short: Parasites do not want your labor, they want your money:

barry soetero , will go down as the highest achieving crackhead in history.

even joe called him clean and articulate. that's the highest form of praise from a crackercrat like joey b.
Parasites transcend time. Socialism just happens to be the ideology 20[SUP]th[/SUP] parasites preach to sell utopia.

Parasites will always find a way to get paid for doing nothing more than preaching their moral garbage. That is why parasites brought down every civilization, every empire, every country, every culture that ever was, than did any other factor. This country will be no different so long as income is taxed.​

Put aside G7 doublespeak and the Parasite Class is going all-out to create a permanent global welfare state. Forty trillion tax dollars is the first payment:

President Joe Biden will announce during talks with world leaders at the G7 summit on Saturday a global $40 trillion infrastructure plan to “Build Back Better for the World.”

During their meeting, World leaders at the G7 summit plan to meet about the importance of a “fair, sustainable, inclusive global economy,” including a discussion about China.

The White House previewed the initiative in a call with reporters, promoting a plan that would compete with China’s Belt and Road Initiative. (A White House official branded Biden’s Build Back Better for the World proposal as “B3W” as opposed to China’s “BRI.”)

“We’ve seen the Chinese government demonstrate a lack of transparency, poor environmental and labor standards, and a course of approach that’s left many countries worse off,” a senior official said.

Biden’s plan would offer a different option for the world, the official noted, competing with China by offering a plan with the “highest labor and environmental standards.”

“This is about providing an affirmative, positive, alternative vision for the world than that is presented by China and, in some similar ways but also in some different ways, Russia,” the official said.

The White House stated that Biden would work with Congress to increase overseas infrastructure financing and coordinate funding from other G7 nations and the private sector to help fund infrastructure for low- and middle-income countries.

They cited a needed $40 trillion investment estimation by the World Bank through 2035 for their price tag.

“[W]e’re aiming for an ambitious and credible scale,” an official said.

One official noted that the G7 nations will also discuss the problems with China’s practice of forced labor in Xinjiang.

“The point is to send a wake-up call that the G7 is serious about defending human rights and that we need to work together to eradicate forced labor from our products,” the official said.

Joe Biden Goes Global with $40 Trillion ‘Build Back Better for the World’ Infrastructure Plan
by Charlie Spiering
12 Jun 2021
He's my lawyer. That's my psychiatrist.

I'm going to send you back to your mother the same way I got you.

She's associating with people that had their kids taken from them. I have no money. Give me money.
I'm in the union, my kid smokes weed. I'm on the job. Keep following me around. :palm:

What Does A Law Guardian Do?