Americans Never Cared

The LEFT always shows you who they fear.

Jesus H. Christ. Is that the best you can do?

Go back to sucking your thumb...or whatever else you use as a pacifier, Drummie. (You did mean to use an "r" in that screen name of yours, right?)
The presidency of this nation is a public service job,

not a training program for future canonization.

The president presides over the executive branch of the federal government, usually but not always for four or eight years,
and if he/she survives that ordeal, then he/she gets to go home and play golf until infirmity and/or dementia set in.

Occasionally we'll have a President as good as FDR or as bad as the orangutan,
and the smell, be it like roses or pig shit, lingers for a while.

That's it. Babe Ruth, Frank Sinatra, and Dr. Jonas Salk are people we might possibly want to remember.
There are definitely a few broads we could include as well. I'll never forget the young Charlize Theron.

Presidents just have to be good while they have the job.
We need only think of the present one.
The presidency of this nation is a public service job,

To NiftyNiblick: No they are not. Presidents are elected officials.

If I thought you had an ounce of brains I would say you said “. . . public service. . .” deliberately. Alas, you are not bright enough to know the difference between public service and:

There is no shortage of complaints about Powell. Let me begin my observations when he was secretary of state. He gets the honor of calling United Nations parasites International civil servant. Powell made no sense to me for obvious reasons.

civil servant

A person employed in the civil service.

civil service (noun)
Abbr. CS

1. Those branches of public service that are not legislative, judicial, or military and in which employment is usually based on competitive examination.

2. The entire body of persons employed by the civil branches of a government.

No matter which dictionary you check, a civil servant has to work for a government to be defined as a civil servant. Did someone establish a global government and hire International civil servants while I was not watching? And where were the competitive exams given?
Jesus H. Christ. Is that the best you can do?

Go back to sucking your thumb...or whatever else you use as a pacifier, Drummie. (You did mean to use an "r" in that screen name of yours, right?)


you have a bad day, Frank?
I posted my first objection to BHO before he became the country’s self-appointed spiritual leader. It did not take long after being sworn in that Obama quickly turned glib horse manure into superficial inspiration, nor did it take a political genius in 2005 to know that he was bad news for the country. Sad to say, he confirmed my worst fears.

Every one of Obama’s acolytes in the photo graduated with honors from:

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The city banned smoking in most restaurants in 1995,
but continued to allow smoking in bars and the bar
areas of restaurants.Mayor Bloomberg and the City
Council Speaker, Gifford Miller, said that the city's new
law was meant to protect the employees of bars and
restaurants from the dangers of secondhand smoke.
