Scut Farkus
I understand chain of custody more than you will ever know in your life.
Your claims of fraud are hollow.
it seems like you don't know shit about chain of custody.

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I understand chain of custody more than you will ever know in your life.
Your claims of fraud are hollow.
Do it again. You are countered by rightys who were involved in the election. I have worked elections, They are extremely well done. They are foolproof. Every election is checked thoroughly and cheaters are rare and are caught. The cold fact is you have nothing but a proclivity toward conspiracies when you think they back your ill-founded suppositions.
Do it again. You are countered by rightys who were involved in the election. I have worked elections, They are extremely well done. They are foolproof. Every election is checked thoroughly and cheaters are rare and are caught. The cold fact is you have nothing but a proclivity toward conspiracies when you think they back your ill-founded suppositions.
All lies with no basis in fact
You actually have to find the fraud before you can claim they are prone to fraud.
So far, nada.
Well then, you’d just be pulling your claim out of your ass.
You’re right. Chain of custody IS a thing. No doubt.
Ah, such a good like for someone who feels left behind, eh?
I understand chain of custody more than you will ever know in your life.
Your claims of fraud are hollow.
all lies.
That is correct. You type all lies. You are becoming a worse right wing joke all the time. Two word post, about right for you.
If you note the date of this article, there were still millions of votes yet to be counted as of then. In actuality if true, it would not have been possible for Democrats to win as decisively as they have
Do we know how many of the 308 won their races?
News Flash Mr. Brain Dead, every single fraud case presented in 2020, ALL WERE REPUBLICAN LUNATICS.....its time you get with reality and get off Trump's nuts, you moron!!
Then I challenge you dick for lips, produce a case where democrats committed voter fraud. And I'm not talking about 1. If you can't come up with anything, than shut the fuck up, dick for lips, simp!!
You actually have to find the fraud before you can claim they are prone to fraud.
So far, nada.
it seems like you don't know shit about chain of custody.
Quote Originally Posted by Nordberg View Post
I have worked elections
maybe he knows about it but uses it to his advantage......he IS a demmycrat after all..... lost the House......