americans wont stand for abuse

Actually Damo I think it speaks well for Nike as he has not been convicted yet.
Not a wise marketing and public relations move though.
And I in no way support Vick , just the old innocent until proven guilty myth thing....
I never supported Vick he was always just a worthless football jock anyway.
People are fools to idolize these types.
You were answering the wrong person. Beefy is not Damo.
Well it's been pretty obvious. Instead of playing good cop bad cop, he's been playing good moderator horny moderator.
LOL. Is there a difference? I should start calling you "thirsty" and really confuse the issue.
No need for confusion. Damo = Beefy. Vick = innocent and we love him.

I've been on the phone with Nike all morning, telling them not only should they keep him, but I'd like to get a Vick t-shirt with a picture of him and pit bull on it. The marketing people seemed to think it was a visionary idea.
I've been on the phone with Nike all morning, telling them not only should they keep him, but I'd like to get a Vick t-shirt with a picture of him and pit bull on it. The marketing people seemed to think it was a visionary idea.
'Dawg is going to crap his drawers when he reads this...
I've been on the phone with Nike all morning, telling them not only should they keep him, but I'd like to get a Vick t-shirt with a picture of him and pit bull on it. The marketing people seemed to think it was a visionary idea.

I like it. Just make sure Vick has a big thumbs up and huge smile while he's turning on a light switch.
I just talked to a rep at Nike. They are standing by Vick and he will not be dropped. Also, in suprise turn of events, he's also going to be the new spokes person for PETA.
I just talked to a rep at Nike. They are standing by Vick and he will not be dropped. Also, in suprise turn of events, he's also going to be the new spokes person for PETA.

Wow. You see? If you really are determined to affect change, you can. All it took was some phone calls for Nike to do the right thing.

The power of the people man. I'm so f'ing moved right now.
I've been on the phone with Nike all morning, telling them not only should they keep him, but I'd like to get a Vick t-shirt with a picture of him and pit bull on it. The marketing people seemed to think it was a visionary idea.

Good idea, I'll call them in a minute.