Americas Birthday Traditions

Extended family and church friend gathering at my cousin’s house. Lots of food … this year I’m making smoked queso burgers. Play some parlor games.

Lots of fireworks set off by the kiddos as the adults sit and watch from the front yard. My cousin and I will fire the cannon two or three times. A nice, relaxing evening.

The venue has been the same (my cousin’s house) for the past 10 years. Before that it was my mom and dad’s place. Before that, my grandmother’s. Without fail we celebrate with food and lots of fireworks.


So here's 50 years of SCOTUS Christian Nation Fourth Reich July 9/11 ruling the laws of nature & nature's God don't exist in their Christiananality pedophilia Islamidiotocracy "man is God" interpretation of "one nation under God with equal justice under law".....
Go to small town parade where public drinking in the streets is not only allowed but encouraged....;) Have a couple Gin and Tonics. Have cookout with family and friends. Have a couple more Gin and tonics. Take late afternoon siesta. Go to evening fireworks show then go to local bar and watch an ass kicking live band. Consume multiple more Gin and tonics. . Happy birfday Merica! :) :shots::woot:
Extended family and church friend gathering at my cousin’s house. Lots of food … this year I’m making smoked queso burgers. Play some parlor games.

Lots of fireworks set off by the kiddos as the adults sit and watch from the front yard. My cousin and I will fire the cannon two or three times. A nice, relaxing evening.

The venue has been the same (my cousin’s house) for the past 10 years. Before that it was my mom and dad’s place. Before that, my grandmother’s. Without fail we celebrate with food and lots of fireworks.

Sounds like a good time, Rev.

I've spent the day snoozing in my recliner.
Probably won't sleep much tonight because of it.

The kids did whatever they did, today, and we have no other family, having both been only children.
Most of the time, it's a blessing, but it does make for very quiet holidays.
Can't complain, though.
Quiet works fine at my age.
God Bless America!! So much food and fun!! This whole community just finds a way to come together... Most of the country did as well...
There's Hope!!

Just as Jordan Peterson says "I behave as if God exists" I operate as if hope for Western civilization exists.

My last breath will be as a Free Man.
God Bless America!! So much food and fun!! This whole community just finds a way to come together... Most of the country did as well...
There's Hope!!

Decades ago used to be as lived a block away from War Memorial Park where they set off fireworks after dark and if winds were out of the west debris landed in the neighborhood. Was a baseball, apple pie, hot dogs & cheeseburger time that has gone by the way for this Christiananality pedophilia nation Islamidiotocracy survival of the fittest fascists crusade - jihad celebrations....
Decades ago used to be as lived a block away from War Memorial Park where they set off fireworks after dark and if winds were out of the west debris landed in the neighborhood. Was a baseball, apple pie, hot dogs & cheeseburger time that has gone by the way for this Christiananality pedophilia nation Islamidiotocracy survival of the fittest fascists crusade - jihad celebrations....

Those times have not gone by the way...
Those times have not gone by the way...

Neither has saltydancin I'm afraid..

We're in a cultural dark age as our species

decides either to have an emergency surge of much needed further evolution

or to become mercifully extinct.

[I believe the latter is more likely and perhaps more practical.]

If we do have another renaissance, it's obviously not coming in time for me to see it.

Saltydancin's syntax would be a capital offense if we were making any effort to become civilized.
Neither has saltydancin I'm afraid..

We're in a cultural dark age as our species

decides either to have an emergency surge of much needed further evolution

or to become mercifully extinct.

[I believe the latter is more likely and perhaps more practical.]

If we do have another renaissance, it's obviously not coming in time for me to see it.

Saltydancin's syntax would be a capital offense if we were making any effort to become civilized.

I think that's the first time I ever replied to salty.. perhaps because it's the first time they he or she ever replied to me... I think we're both going to be around to see changes that will please us... all fads go by the wayside... if you pay close attention you'll see change is coming... and good old times returning...
Those times have not gone by the way...

As evidenced by this current PGA business with Saudi golf since those Christiananality pedophilia national religion crooks on Capital Hill are just continuing that Islamidiotocracy "one nation under God with equal justice under law" 9/11 more perfect union "serve the Pope or die" with "death to the infidels" business as usual.....
I think that's the first time I ever replied to salty.. perhaps because it's the first time they he or she ever replied to me... I think we're both going to be around to see changes that will please us... all fads go by the wayside... if you pay close attention you'll see change is coming... and good old times returning...

I've been paying close attention.
I'm seeing nothing change for the better, or at least very little,
and no consensus among us that the old times were that good in many respects.

I guess that we've already agreed that the same changes would be unlikely to please both of us anyway,
and changes made by the present SCOTUS have already confirmed that.

It's not in my nature to be optimistic, admittedly,
but my pessimism has had a dishearteningly consistent record of accurate predictions.

It's not necessarily good for a realist to be right that consistently.
The pollyannas have less stress, and perhaps my resentment over that
speaks to my lack of patience with them.

Fads fall by the wayside, true enough, but trends can be lethal.
I've been paying close attention.
I'm seeing nothing change for the better, or at least very little,
and no consensus among us that the old times were that good in many respects.

I guess that we've already agreed that the same changes would be unlikely to please both of us anyway,
and changes made by the present SCOTUS have already confirmed that.

It's not in my nature to be optimistic, admittedly,
but my pessimism has had a dishearteningly consistent record of accurate predictions.

It's not necessarily good for a realist to be right that consistently.
The pollyannas have less stress, and perhaps my resentment over that
speaks to my lack of patience with them.

Fads fall by the wayside, true enough, but trends can be lethal.
Perhaps I see positive things happening because I'm out and about a little more then you...I rely more on what I actually see happening then what I read or see here or on TV... I also realize however that I'm focused on what's going on where I live and interact so that may not be exactly what's taking place everywhere else though my sister keeps me posted on happenings down south and abroad... they're overseas right now... I haven't heard the word Pollyanna for quite some time... interesting perspective but then you always do have the most thought-provoking posts... I don't know if you've seen me post this video before but I love it even if it is old the group still exists and keeps getting bigger and bigger all the time.. I'm proud that there are so many people doing good things where I live...
My high school is doing great things theses days... made national news... I may send you a link someday... Enjoy...
Neither has saltydancin I'm afraid..

We're in a cultural dark age as our species

decides either to have an emergency surge of much needed further evolution

or to become mercifully extinct.

[I believe the latter is more likely and perhaps more practical.]

If we do have another renaissance, it's obviously not coming in time for me to see it.

Saltydancin's syntax would be a capital offense if we were making any effort to become civilized.

As compared to syntax of your cross conditioned premeditated with malice aforethought Freudian slip Islamidiotocracy as Christian Nation SCOTUS fabricated misnomer diatribe Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam & Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement fabricated stolen voting ballot incident since there's never been a political candidate qualified to uphold "one nation under God with equal justice under law" in my voting lifetime....