America's favorite Leaders

The rebutlikens have been very good at projecting their own flaws onto their oponents.

The rebutlikens are actually pinheads :D
What the Bush's did was look at Bush's weakest points..

Draft dodger for example and then project those points onto the opponant.

Then simpleminded Ameircans confuse reality with mudslinging and dont know who to belive. If you have a bad trait and you accuse your opponant of that bad trait... well then the public cant figure out whe really has the bad trait and many just let there eyes glaze over and assume its all just equal mudslinging on both sides.

Why do you think the republican mantra of "the liberal media" has been prevalent since Regan? To discredit it of course....
And the battle to get rid of PBS and NPR, etc....
hi desh!

we are in a town called franklin maine, renting a house/cabin on a lake, fully furnished. we sold and closed on our house and have the 180k in the bank!

our furniture had to go in storage and we have not been able to buy the cape cottage we put the offer on because it has deed/tittle issues that have not been resolved.... :( we heard that the tittle could be cleared by the end of next week.... we have our fingers crossed but are continuing to look for another home to buy just in case....

where we are staying on the lake is beautiful, but it only has dial up sooooooo, to prevent totally becoming insane, i am not posting that we have been really busy...going out every day looking at homes....

the fear on the lake cabin is the steep gravel road getting down to it, when the snow hits....we need to find a plow guy, willing to do it.... :(

hope all is well with you!


Geez! I brought it up and wished you well and I don't even get a hey there hope all is well with you too. :P

GWB too liberal for you? BS, he is not liberal enough. He may spend more than you like but he doesn't spend it where you demand!!

That is the key is it not ? Where the money is spent, and where it comes from.
But now overspending is a problem no matter what your party.
That is the key is it not ? Where the money is spent, and where it comes from.
But now overspending is a problem no matter what your party.

That is what I mean. Just because he spends like a drunken liberal doesn't mean he is one. ;) Then again, just because he called himself a "compassionate conservative" doesn't mean he is either -- that being either compassionate or conservative.

well if both side dont shape up soon, we will end up with someone like jessy vantura!!:shock:

and aaaa no thanks... been there done that
Rudy will never be president.

McCain's chances are gome due to his embrace of Bush.

Obama if he ran would kick ass!
Every black person in America would vote.
The Rs would not have any real dirt on him so they would have to make stuff up like they did with Kerry.
It could really backfire on them,they dont have the same control over the media they did back then.

Describe how they lost all the control in the past 2 years from kerry to now?
Describe how they lost all the control in the past 2 years from kerry to now?

The media was forced to start showing more of the truth. They did not want their ratings to go where Bush's was going.
Just the law of supply and demand. the people did not like bush and wanted shows that reinforce their beliefs about Bush. The viewers demanded and the media supplied ;)
The media was forced to start showing more of the truth. They did not want their ratings to go where Bush's was going.
Just the law of supply and demand. the people did not like bush and wanted shows that reinforce their beliefs about Bush. The viewers demanded and the media supplied ;)

So...if its negative towards Bush (repub) must be the truth.., if its negative towards Kerry(dem).. it must be a lie?
Nope, kerry did not figure into my statement at all, just feelings twoards Bush.
A strawman there Klaatu ?