America’s white majority is aging out

True Scotsman? :rofl2:

Thanks for the strawman, Terry.


Feel free to explain how I did that.
You need to go back and figure out what racism is. What is causing America's drug problem? What in culture is the cause? I never stated that White (aka classical European liberalism and enlightenment) culture was perfect, far from it. But it certainly has done better and far more than any other culture has. Your No True Scotsman fallacy doesn't fly.


What is causing America's drug problem

Who flooded the Black communities with drugs

On August 18, 1996, the San Jose Mercury News published the first installment of a three-part series of articles concerning crack cocaine, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Nicaraguan Contra army. The introduction to the first installment of the series read:

For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, a Mercury News investigation has found.

This drug network opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles, a city now known as the "crack" capital of the world. The cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosion in urban America . . . and provided the cash and connections needed for L.A.'s gangs to buy automatic weapons.

The three-day series of articles, entitled "Dark Alliance: The Story Behind the Crack Explosion," told the story of a Los Angeles drug operation run by Ricky Donnell Ross, described sympathetically as "a disillusioned 19-year-old . . . who, at the dawn of the 1980s, found himself adrift on the streets of South-Central Los Angeles." The Dark Alliance series recounted how Ross began peddling small quantities of cocaine in the early 1980s and rapidly grew into one of the largest cocaine dealers in southern California until he was convicted of federal drug trafficking charges in March 1996. The series claimed that Ross' rise in the drug world was made possible by Oscar Danilo Blandon and Norwin Meneses, two individuals with ties to the Fuerza Democratica Nicaraguense (FDN), one group comprising the Nicaraguan Contras. Blandon and Meneses reportedly sold tons of cocaine to Ross, who in turn converted it to crack and sold it in the black communities of South Central Los Angeles. Blandon and Meneses were said to have used their drug trafficking profits to help fund the Contra army's war effort
Feel free to explain how I did that.

Easy, Terry; you falsely accused me of a True Scotsman fallacy then acted like I made one. You are a true Trumper traitor, Terry.

FWIW, I also think you have a mental disorder that turned a patriotic Navy Chief into a ranting, racist moron. I'm guessing you don't get many calls from relatives anymore, do you, Terry?
Who flooded the Black communities with drugs

On August 18, 1996, the San Jose Mercury News published the first installment of a three-part series of articles concerning crack cocaine, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Nicaraguan Contra army. The introduction to the first installment of the series read:

For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, a Mercury News investigation has found.

This drug network opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles, a city now known as the "crack" capital of the world. The cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosion in urban America . . . and provided the cash and connections needed for L.A.'s gangs to buy automatic weapons.

The three-day series of articles, entitled "Dark Alliance: The Story Behind the Crack Explosion," told the story of a Los Angeles drug operation run by Ricky Donnell Ross, described sympathetically as "a disillusioned 19-year-old . . . who, at the dawn of the 1980s, found himself adrift on the streets of South-Central Los Angeles." The Dark Alliance series recounted how Ross began peddling small quantities of cocaine in the early 1980s and rapidly grew into one of the largest cocaine dealers in southern California until he was convicted of federal drug trafficking charges in March 1996. The series claimed that Ross' rise in the drug world was made possible by Oscar Danilo Blandon and Norwin Meneses, two individuals with ties to the Fuerza Democratica Nicaraguense (FDN), one group comprising the Nicaraguan Contras. Blandon and Meneses reportedly sold tons of cocaine to Ross, who in turn converted it to crack and sold it in the black communities of South Central Los Angeles. Blandon and Meneses were said to have used their drug trafficking profits to help fund the Contra army's war effort

Okay, let's assume that's 100% true. They had to have a receptive audience. That is, the Black community(s) had to be willing to buy the drugs and use them unless you are saying these drugs were forced on them including use. It isn't a one-way street. If Black culture was receptive to drug use, that's a problem, just as it is in any other culture. Doc mentioned some white sub-cultures that have that problem.
Easy, Terry; you falsely accused me of a True Scotsman fallacy then acted like I made one. You are a true Trumper traitor, Terry.

FWIW, I also think you have a mental disorder that turned a patriotic Navy Chief into a ranting, racist moron. I'm guessing you don't get many calls from relatives anymore, do you, Terry?

Well, you did. You tossed out some counter-examples trying to prove what? That by taking a single example out of the entirety of a culture and focusing on it, you could somehow prove the general point wrong? Because, that is what you did.
Well, you did. You tossed out some counter-examples trying to prove what? That by taking a single example out of the entirety of a culture and focusing on it, you could somehow prove the general point wrong? Because, that is what you did.

I asked you questions and you became a Trumper. Then you lied about a Trumper. It's not the first time you've proved yourself to be a racist Terry. This entire thread is about the fear racists like you have of losing something that is a social construct: superiority by skin-tone. Do you know how fucking stupid you'll look by 2050, Terry? How hateful you'll appear to be? You'll look like these racists:

I asked you questions and you became a Trumper. Then you lied about a Trumper. It's not the first time you've proved yourself to be a racist Terry. This entire thread is about the fear racists like you have of losing something that is a social construct: superiority by skin-tone. Do you know how fucking stupid you'll look by 2050, Terry? How hateful you'll appear to be? You'll look like these racists:


Feel free to prove me wrong, rather than continue to indulge in insults and ad hominem.
The Black population is responsible for a good portion of the problems in the US, and that's a demonstrable fact. I'll give you that the radical Left is a problem (defund police, gut the military, etc.) but that isn't one tied to race but rather politics.
History of Lynchings in the South Documents Nearly 4,000 Names
DALLAS — A block from the tourist-swarmed headquarters of the former Texas School Book Depository sits the old county courthouse, now a museum. In 1910, a group of men rushed into the courthouse, threw a rope around the neck of a black man accused of sexually assaulting a 3-year-old white girl, and threw the other end of the rope out a window. A mob outside yanked the man, Allen Brooks, to the ground and strung him up at a ceremonial arch a few blocks down Main Street.

South of the city, past the Trinity River bottoms, a black man named W. R. Taylor was hanged by a mob in 1889. Farther south still is the community of Streetman, where 25-year-old George Gay was hanged from a tree and shot hundreds of times in 1922.

And just beyond that is Kirvin, where three black men, two of them almost certainly innocent, were accused of killing a white woman and, under the gaze of hundreds of soda-drinking spectators, were castrated, stabbed, beaten, tied to a plow and set afire in the spring of 1922.

The killing of Mr. Brooks is noted in the museum. The sites of the other killings, like those of nearly every lynching in the United States, are not marked.
Today, that's not true. Natives created most of those problems from having a poor culture that allows it to cultivate. For example, here in Arizona, the Salt River Pima tribe runs a number of casinos. Every tribal member starting at 16 gets a cut of the profits from that twice a year. Virtually all of the teens take their glob of cash out and buy a new vehicle, drugs, and booze, drop out of school and burn through it as fast as they can. They then wander back to school when the money runs out until the next check arrives.
Tribal leaders try to keep their culture separate from the rest of US culture. It's a self-imposed apartheid. That's the number one cause of Native problems today.

You are making excuses for the white culture and how it creates failure and is still try to. Even as we type this DeSantis is trying to, once again wipe out black culture and deny it. The SC is trying to ensure generational advantages for whites for decades to come. And all you see and say is 'it is PoC fault'. FLOL.

No, I'm not. I saying there are superior and inferior ideas and cultures. All cultures are not equal. Those that are inferior, whoever's they are, should change in ways for the better. Arguing to the contrary is to deny reality as you are doing.

Okay, take S. Africa or Zimbabwe. Both had White minority rule overturned and local Black culture became the new norm. Nothing there holding the new Black majority rule to anything. Yet, in both countries, the culture and society took a major turn for the worse. Whites didn't impose that on them. Blacks imposed it on themselves and the Whites that remained. Zimbabwe took a hard turn politically to the Left too, and that had disastrous results. That nation was a net exporter of food prior to Black rule. Today, Zimbabwe can't produce enough food to feed their own population.

So, rather than the vague generalities, and empty platitudes you offer, reality shows that there are different cultures and not all are equal or worthy of adoption. You substitute race for culture as if the two were interchangeable. That's not true either. The whole radical Leftist concept of diversity is a delusion that ignores reality in favor of racism.
Your racism is showing. Oops.

Why don't you take the USA and Canada and the difference in relationship with the PoC brought over as slaves that ended up in both countries and how that changed post slavery?

How the US has used one system of repression and discrimination, after another as their PoC while Canada has mostly allowed the PoC to compete equally and rise up. Not perfect in Canada either but miles better than the US. Suddenly those 'culture' issues seem to not really stand out. Funny how a constant boot on the neck all too often has that effect.
You need to go back and figure out what racism is. What is causing America's drug problem? What in culture is the cause? I never stated that White (aka classical European liberalism and enlightenment) culture was perfect, far from it. But it certainly has done better and far more than any other culture has. Your No True Scotsman fallacy doesn't fly.


The drug problem was a deliberate fabrication by white America with drugs deliberately flooded into black ghetto areas. ONe of the systemic abuses i mention above.

Again you are blaming Bagdad for being at war with one another while ignoring what America did to foment and cause that.

the fuel for the drug war is unlimited guns coming from Republican laws and the SC that will not restrict guns. Guys buying dozens and dozens of guns at gun shows and trading them to Mexican gangs, who have no easy to guns, for drugs.

You understanding of the problems is at a grade 2 level.
Okay, let's assume that's 100% true. They had to have a receptive audience. That is, the Black community(s) had to be willing to buy the drugs and use them unless you are saying these drugs were forced on them including use. It isn't a one-way street. If Black culture was receptive to drug use, that's a problem, just as it is in any other culture. Doc mentioned some white sub-cultures that have that problem.

FLOL at 'receptive audience'.


- you take a segment of people and make them slaves
- when slavery ends you give the slavers reparations and cash and give the slaves nothing
- you then race to create laws criminalizing vagrancy and not having jobs so you can round up and arrest all the former slaves, now as criminals
- you create a system where the prisons can hire the prisoners out to Plantations to work in contract slavery that was worse than the prior form of slavery
- after decades and decades of contract slavery you roll into Jim Crow laws
- and then as you have the populace ghettoized and trapped with limited job opportunities and ways to create wealth you flood the zone with CIA provided drugs

- then when a percent of the repressed populace seizes on the way to get rich quick you have racist like Terry say 'see that is basic default within Black Culture. White people would never do the same if they went thru the same as they are superior'.

Daniel de Visé
Mon, August 7, 2023

Generation Z will be the last generation of Americans with a white majority, according to census data. The nation’s so-called majority minority arrived with Generation Alpha, those born since about 2010.

Generational data from the 2020 census shows the upward march of racial diversity by age group. Non-Hispanic white people make up 77 percent of the over age 75 population, 67 percent of the age 55-64 population, 55 percent of the 35-44 cohort, and barely half of the 18-24 age group. America’s children are only 47 percent non-Hispanic white, according to an analysis released this week by William Frey, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.

In the decades to come, that wave of diversity will wash across the generations, yielding an America with no single racial group that can claim a numerical majority.

By 2045, according to census projections, non-Hispanic white people will fall below 50 percent as a share of the American population. By 2050, non-Hispanic white people will represent less than 40 percent of the under-18 population.

The headline is misleading.

If you group all non-white, non-Anglo Saxon European ethnicities together, they may be over 50% while whites drop below 50%, but whites will still be the largest single ethnicity by far of all others.

Also, many Hispanics identify as white and side with white issues especially over blacks.

The way things have been going for decades and don't seem to be changing, black people are going to remain one of the smallest minorities at around 12%, and it looks like they'll remain on the bottom rung of the ladder of society.

So it's really not what it sounds like.

Whites will continue to be the largest and most dominant ethnic group for a long, long time.