Ammo Company Tells Biden Supporters to Pound Sand

Matt=Giant cork soaker ^^^


The irony is so thick you can’t cut that shit with a chainsaw.

You can't either, because leftists do not own chainsaws. ;)
Or weedeaters, for that matter. LOL!
True story, GusBert!

Go 'head and take a pic of your chainsaw or weedeater with a piece of paper in view with your handle written on it!

I'll wait! ;)
Russian ammo sucks, all means keep buying it! :awesome:

I bought some Eastern Bloc stuff, it's terrible! I'll shoot it all up willy nilly next chance I get!
It stinks! Does not group at all like all my other ammo, either.
Pure D junk!
Gonna run that crap through a gun and be done with it.
Then I'll clean and use real ammo after that.

I don't like Russian ammo either- I only buy it for my 7.62 which I can get at ridiculous low prices.

And I don't shoot enough to invest in dies to load my own. I have a ton of brass though if anyone wants to buy it. I save all of my brass.
Fenix Ammunition?

Not Remington.
Not Winchester.
Not even Hornady or Sierra
Fenix Fucking Ammunition?.

Shit!!! What the fuck are we going to do now?