An Analysis of Off Topic - Signal to Noise Ratio of Frequent Thread Starters


on indefiniate mod break

I decided to spend some time on some very important, deep level data analysis on the posters here on the off topic forum. My goal was to find the average number of responses one gets for every thread they create. I believe this portrays an interest level on part of the responders, (no responses, little interest - simple enough) as well as discussion potential regarding the context of the topic of the thread.

My methodology was as follows:

- Scan the last 6 pages of off topic. (Not going to do this forever) - This puts us right at september 3rd, so we have a month of data to work on.

- I ignored thread starters that had under 4 thread starts. Most of the times there simply was not enough data. One person starting one thread and getting 70 responses really skews their average. Need multiple data points.

Here is the raw data:


The above is obviously ranked by the average number of responses per thread.


String cleans up very nicely in second place, with a decent average. No doubt helped by my back and forth with him earlier this month. ;)

I have no idea who unk is but he was rocking it earlier this month with a very good return on post investment.

Tom shockingly is near the bottom with his average response index. ouch.

how about some More Data???


Naturally, we see the cream rising to the top. The closer to the y axis, the more normal you are, and the higher you are on the y axis, the more interesting you are. In this analysis, we can see that the interesting level of watermark, unk, and yurt are roughly equal. String pulls slightly ahead of that group but is obviously blown out of the water by me.

Tom sadly, is a major, major outlier in this data. Even legion troll is at least in orbit. For tom to improve his normalcy rating, he should probably either post less, or, post MORE interesting stuff, to generate a higher interesting index.

Lastly, another visualization:


In conclusion, I am unsurprisingly the most interesting submitter on off topic. Tom is the most abnormal and boring, if you look at the bar graph, his data is almost the exact opposite of mine. He's basically bizarro me. A long time hypothesis in the intellectual community, this has now been actually proven by science. Thank you.
Hello, Thank you.

I find it truly fascinating that you should take time off from your busy schedule to produce this, I suppose I ought to feel flattered. Of course, there is another conclusion that is less obvious in that much of what I post in Off Topic is esoteric in nature being about scientific, computer and foreign topics. One could infer that the European image of Americans as being inward looking, ignorant and disinterested in the outside world has some validity. I notice that you never censure the likes of Bijou for posting over 30 posts a day of mostly bilge and invective or Darla for her hate filled fembottery. Do you know that I always try to click on the ads here to get you extra revenue, I wonder how many others do that? At the rate things are going you will have a board filled with Legion glove puppets, Darla Dames, Howey Hos and Rune. I still find amazing how quiet you were about Howie posting a link to a picture of two black guys getting their cocks sucked, obviously producing charts is way more important than actually enforcing the rules on porn!!

Anyway, it is my birthday today and I am off to see my youngest son at his university and get pissed tonight, I will leave you with your histograms and pie charts. I will also implore you to go out more and get laid.

Oh by the way, Rune has thanked you. You must be so proud!!
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I decided to spend some time on some very important, deep level data analysis on the posters here on the off topic forum. My goal was to find the average number of responses one gets for every thread they create. I believe this portrays an interest level on part of the responders, (no responses, little interest - simple enough) as well as discussion potential regarding the context of the topic of the thread.

My methodology was as follows:

- Scan the last 6 pages of off topic. (Not going to do this forever) - This puts us right at september 3rd, so we have a month of data to work on.

- I ignored thread starters that had under 4 thread starts. Most of the times there simply was not enough data. One person starting one thread and getting 70 responses really skews their average. Need multiple data points.

Here is the raw data:


The above is obviously ranked by the average number of responses per thread.


String cleans up very nicely in second place, with a decent average. No doubt helped by my back and forth with him earlier this month. ;)

I have no idea who unk is but he was rocking it earlier this month with a very good return on post investment.

Tom shockingly is near the bottom with his average response index. ouch.

how about some More Data???


Naturally, we see the cream rising to the top. The closer to the y axis, the more normal you are, and the higher you are on the y axis, the more interesting you are. In this analysis, we can see that the interesting level of watermark, unk, and yurt are roughly equal. String pulls slightly ahead of that group but is obviously blown out of the water by me.

Tom sadly, is a major, major outlier in this data. Even legion troll is at least in orbit. For tom to improve his normalcy rating, he should probably either post less, or, post MORE interesting stuff, to generate a higher interesting index.

Lastly, another visualization:


In conclusion, I am unsurprisingly the most interesting submitter on off topic. Tom is the most abnormal and boring, if you look at the bar graph, his data is almost the exact opposite of mine. He's basically bizarro me. A long time hypothesis in the intellectual community, this has now been actually proven by science. Thank you.
What about bias?
I find it truly fascinating that you should take time off from your busy schedule to produce this, I suppose I ought to feel flattered. Of course, there is another conclusion that is less obvious in that much of what I post in Off Topic is esoteric in nature being about scientific, computer and foreign topics. One could infer that the European image of Americans as being inward looking, ignorant and disinterested in the outside world has some validity. I notice that you never censure the likes of Bijou for posting over 30 posts a day of mostly bilge and invective or Darla for her hate filled fembottery. Do you know that I always try to click on the ads here to try to get you extra revenue, I wonder how many others do that? At the rate things are going you will have a board filled with Legion glove puppets, Darla Dames, Howey Hos and Rune. I still find amazing as to how quiet you were about Howie posting a link to a picture of two black guys getting their cocks sucked, obviously producing charts is way r more important than actually enforcing the rules on porn!!

Anyway, it is my birthday today and I am off to see my youngest son at his university and get pissed tonight, I will leave you with your histograms and pie charts. I will also implore you to go out more and get laid.

Oh by the way, Rune has thanked you. You must be so proud!!
Tom...nice monologue! Why that was pretty close to a rant. Good job! :)
In conclusion, I am unsurprisingly the most interesting submitter on off topic. Tom is the most abnormal and boring, if you look at the bar graph, his data is almost the exact opposite of mine. He's basically bizarro me. A long time hypothesis in the intellectual community, this has now been actually proven by science. Thank you.
Grind you self servng little twit. There's nothing worse than some nitwit who goes to the pain of rationalizing a conclusion that meets their own expectation. Congratulations, you've just proven you're the Dixie of Statistics. Why I think you just created a new field of math. The DixieStat. You use your DixieStat equation when you want to be right ONE THIRD OF THE TIME!

I mean Jesus Petey A Christ. What kind of moron draws a conclusion "Gee I'm the most interesting poster." then goes to this kind of trouble to rationalize their own debased, insecure and self centered notion about their own central position in the fucking universe? Hey Grind, it's a politics message board. When was the last time you posted a thread on politics? When was the last fucking time you had a cognizant thought on public policy you self absorbed little vacant eyed mouth breather? When? Cause if you have I can't even remember it. Hell even if you did alls you ever do is stand back in the periphery and lob hand grenades like Tom fucking Seaver or something. Get a life!

So you're the most interesting person at posting off-topic? Holy fuck cow batman, when has listening to you prattle on with some other nitwit about the glorys of snarfing volcano tacos until they stop up your lower colon and you get bloated ever equated with even being remotely interesting? Huh? Explain that one to me you snaggle toothed little cheese eater!


There that's how you write a rant. :)
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Grind you self servng little twit. There's nothing worse than some nitwit who goes to the pain of rationalizing a conclusion that meets their expectation. Congratulations, you've just proven you're the Dixie of Statistics. Why I think you just created a new field of math. The DixieStat. You use your DixieState equation when you want to be right ONE THIRD OF THE TIME!

I mean Jesus Petey A Christ. What kind of moron draws a conclusion "Gee I'm the most interesting poster." then goes to this kind of trouble to rationalize their own debased, insecure and self centered notion about their own central position in the fucking universe? Hey Grind, it's a politics message board. When was the last time you posted a thread on politics? When was the last fucking time you had a cognizant thought on public policy you self absorbed little vacant eyed mouth breather? When? Cause if you have I can't even remember it. Hell even if you did alls you ever do is stand back in the periphery and lob hand grenades like Tom fucking Seaver or something. Get a life!

So you're the most interesting person at posting off-topic? Holy fuck cow batman, when has listening to you prattle on with some other nitwit about the gloreis of snarfing volcano tacos until they stop up your lower colon and you get bloated ever equated with even being remotely interesting? Huh? Explain that one to me you snaggle toothed little cheese eater!


There that's how you write a rant. :)

Holy shit, I have a three hour drive ahead of me to get to my son's uni and you are stopping me, damn your eyes sir!! :) Oh and yes I know that Americans drive further than that just to go shopping but we are a small island!!

I have to say that's a nice rant, I think I was trying to be too subtle which rarely works around here. At least Bijou can't accuse you of fence sitting, she will be using the C-word, namely curmudgeonly, on you afore long.
Holy shit, I have a three hour drive ahead of me to get to my son's uni and you are stopping me, damn your eyes sir!! :) Oh and yes I know that Americans drive further than that just to go shopping but we are a small island!!

I have to say that's a nice rant, I think I was trying to be too subtle which rarely works around here. At least Bijou can't accuse you of fence sitting, she will be using the C-word, namely curmudgeonly, on you afore long.
Subtlety is pretty much wasted on us Americans Tom. You're better off smacking us over the head with a cinder block. Gets our attention, if you know what I mean?

Say "Hey" to your son and have a good time. Happy B-day!

I decided to spend some time on some very important, deep level data analysis on the posters here on the off topic forum. My goal was to find the average number of responses one gets for every thread they create. I believe this portrays an interest level on part of the responders, (no responses, little interest - simple enough) as well as discussion potential regarding the context of the topic of the thread.

My methodology was as follows:

- Scan the last 6 pages of off topic. (Not going to do this forever) - This puts us right at september 3rd, so we have a month of data to work on.

- I ignored thread starters that had under 4 thread starts. Most of the times there simply was not enough data. One person starting one thread and getting 70 responses really skews their average. Need multiple data points.

Here is the raw data:


The above is obviously ranked by the average number of responses per thread.


String cleans up very nicely in second place, with a decent average. No doubt helped by my back and forth with him earlier this month. ;)

I have no idea who unk is but he was rocking it earlier this month with a very good return on post investment.

Tom shockingly is near the bottom with his average response index. ouch.

how about some More Data???


Naturally, we see the cream rising to the top. The closer to the y axis, the more normal you are, and the higher you are on the y axis, the more interesting you are. In this analysis, we can see that the interesting level of watermark, unk, and yurt are roughly equal. String pulls slightly ahead of that group but is obviously blown out of the water by me.

Tom sadly, is a major, major outlier in this data. Even legion troll is at least in orbit. For tom to improve his normalcy rating, he should probably either post less, or, post MORE interesting stuff, to generate a higher interesting index.

Lastly, another visualization:


In conclusion, I am unsurprisingly the most interesting submitter on off topic. Tom is the most abnormal and boring, if you look at the bar graph, his data is almost the exact opposite of mine. He's basically bizarro me. A long time hypothesis in the intellectual community, this has now been actually proven by science. Thank you.

Good work Grind. About time someone notified "Tom" of the futility of his narcissistic euro-centric "off topic" humor less posts.
What a whining drooler "Tom" is. He treats the off topic forum like his personal dust bin.

Tom; Good luck with your personal pissing contest. I hope you win and your car stays un-crushed.
Subtlety is pretty much wasted on us Americans Tom. You're better off smacking us over the head with a cinder block. Gets our attention, if you know what I mean?

Say "Hey" to your son and have a good time. Happy B-day!

There ya go Mott, encourage twit, while you are at it, give him some more ammo, because his view of you is not negative enough yet.
i didn't go into this to make fun of tom, but I couldn't help but laugh when I started seeing the results. It's all in good fun tombro. even if you make boring threads. When you are on the top of the food chain of post making like me, you can't help but throw out some jabs now and then
Well thanks, but if you take at my own responses (which are probably the majority even with yours)???

I am the most schizophrenic!!!
