An appeal to the MODs

The mention is me telling you. Now you know.

And it appears I called it yet again.

He's just not going to give me a straight answer...not that I'm surprised, if he did, it would only confirm his double standard.

Grind must be one incredibly thin-skinned crybaby.

That didn't take long at all.

Within DAYS of his return to JPP, Butthurt Yurt is once again reduced to posting infantile memes.

His irrational hatred for the poster ZappasGuitar and his total lack of critical thinking skills has left him with no other recourse.

That didn't take long at all.

Within DAYS of his return to JPP, Butthurt Yurt is once again reduced to posting infantile memes.

His irrational hatred for the poster ZappasGuitar and his total lack of critical thinking skills has left him with no other recourse.


Already busy stalking. Again.

Forum Creep Club

Yurt (President)
Dark Soul
I Love America
That didn't take long at all.

Within DAYS of his return to JPP, Butthurt Yurt is once again reduced to posting infantile memes.

His irrational hatred for the poster ZappasGuitar and his total lack of critical thinking skills has left him with no other recourse.


And your post is the opposite.

Already busy stalking. Again.

Forum Creep Club

Yurt (President)
Dark Soul
I Love America

Yurt wasn't even responding to me....... But I had to make a post about him.... I am obsessed with Yurt. I need him!!
Yurt wasn't even responding to me....... But I had to make a post about him.... I am obsessed with Yurt. I need him!!

Cue the theme from the Twilight Zone.

A forum creep starts a thread about me and thinks I'm the stalker.

Folks, you can't get much more bizarre and creepier than that. Much less, just batshit crazy. :rofl2: