An Atheist Visits the Creation Museum in Kentucky And Tells All


New member
Do the bold parts sound familiar? But as he states, some "theologians" are even less honest and/or crazier than Ham.


[/URL]Yesterday I walked through Ken Ham's Creation Museum in Kentucky. Without a doubt he is fitting the data into the grid of the Bible. I saw a 5 minute video where he takes the literal view that the earth existed before the stars. That is an extreme case of what I see other Christian apologists doing. It's the same thing though. They say whatever it takes to maintain their faith. Just like Ham fits the data into the grid of Genesis so do they with regard to the Bible as a whole. Ham would at least be honest about what he's doing. Others don't, or more likely, they are too blinded by faith to know they're doing the same thing. All it takes to believe is to ignore the objective facts, the facts of science. The power of the delusion is that strong. It requires Christians to deny science in favor of what some pre-scientific people wrote in an ancient set of canonized books, even though they accept the results of science in every other area except when it conflicts with their pre-scientific book!

Young Earth Creationism is Still Alive (but so is the Flat Earth Society)!

I watched in stunning amazement the Six Days of Creation Theater movie where they actually depict an earth before the creation of the billions of galaxies in the universe on the fourth day of creation, about 6,000 years ago. Yes you read that right, 6,000 years ago!
They're fleecing the gullible public with ticket costs, the high cost of filling their heads with BS.

Adult (ages 13–59) $29.95
Senior (age 60 and up) $23.95
Children (ages 5–12) $15.95
Children (under age 5) FREE
They're fleecing the gullible public with ticket costs, the high cost of filling their heads with BS.
Adult (ages 13–59) $29.95
Senior (age 60 and up) $23.95
Children (ages 5–12) $15.95
Children (under age 5) FREE

Not bad prices considering what you get. It's a great place to see whether you believe or not. Plus there's a decent restaurant there too. We spent a great family day there last November. I've spent more to go to several "denier" museums, as I call them. ;)
Not bad prices considering what you get. It's a great place to see whether you believe or not. Plus there's a decent restaurant there too. We spent a great family day there last November. I've spent more to go to several "denier" museums, as I call them. ;)

Honestly, I would like to go just out of curiosity. It's the cost that would put me off. Since I don't believe in much of what they're saying, how much bang is there for the buck? (Belief as in their assertion that dinosaurs and humans co-existed, etc. not belief in God.)

To make it clearer, for the fun of it I'd pay a few dollars at a carnival to see the two-headed lady, knowing I'm being defrauded, but not $30.

What other denier museums do you recommend?



don't you understand they are ALLOWED to trash non believers but the NON believers cant say a thing about them the hundreds of threads I've started criticizing atheist's beliefs.....

You don't start many threads or add anything useful to this forum. However, you most often base your posts on religion. I don't whine about the fact that you bring up religion nor do I try to derail the topic. I just address your points. Many threads here are started with religion as a base of support or claims of the importance of religion in society, politics or political issues. Again, I address the points instead of whining about religion being raised.

It's really telling to me that the religious claim to only want an opportunity to teach the controversy in schools. Yet, here where they can have an open discussion and do just that they whine when the topic is raised. It seems what they really want is to allow religious teachers to propagandize submissive students with nonsense behind closed classroom doors and paint anyone that challenges their fairy tales to open debate with science as a meanie.

You are just an ignorant whiner. I can't change your diaper, so save it for someone else.
if you guys wouldn't make so many mistakes I wouldn't have to mention it at all.....
??? started the thread.....obviously you weren't addressing anything I said....

You do nothing but drop the context to change the meaning of what people say and what is written in the Bible, like you did here. Pretty similar to the tactics of Ham.
the "context" of the OP appears to be "I'm an atheist and Christians are fucking stupid".......did I drop that somewhere?......

You dropped context again. You were not responding to the op in post 14.

The op is about how Christians, like Ham, try to force the facts of the natural world to fit the Bible. Ham, at least, does not clearly twist the Bible like you do.
They're fleecing the gullible public with ticket costs, the high cost of filling their heads with BS.

Adult (ages 13–59) $29.95
Senior (age 60 and up) $23.95
Children (ages 5–12) $15.95
Children (under age 5) FREE
The people of Kentuckies tax dollars at work. The south begins on the south bank of the Ohio river. This little dilly is completely representative of theSouths religious literalism and it's disdain for education.
Not bad prices considering what you get. It's a great place to see whether you believe or not. Plus there's a decent restaurant there too. We spent a great family day there last November. I've spent more to go to several "denier" museums, as I call them. ;)
please tell me that you talked to you family about what complete nonsense the museum is? Originally Hamm wanted to build it on the Ohio side but was told toot sweet we didn't want him embarrassing our State. Then KY offered him a tax break so he opened it on there side of the river..... Where it belongs.
You were not responding to the op in post 14. post 14 I was responding to your comment in post 13....that's sort of how things work.....

The op is about how Christians, like Ham, try to force the facts of the natural world to fit the Bible. Ham, at least, does not clearly twist the Bible like you do.

come on.....the OP is obviously about "I'm an atheist and Christians are fucking stupid"......