An Easy Prediction About the Debate(s)


Back To Reality
I see no reason to believe the debate(s) will not go exactly like they went in 2020:

The first debate will have a reasonable Biden, with an insane lying trump ranting about how he got reductions in all prescription drug prices by "80 to 90 percent", and how insulin was now "cheaper than water." Less than 30% of the voters will think trump won the debate. That means many of his supporters will even realize he is a loser.

trump will realize he is way over his head, and refuse the second debate. trump will hide like a scared child.

Unlike in 2020, there is no third debate scheduled, so that is a divergence from 2020. That means there will only be one debate.

There is a real chance that trump will do far worse than this, but no realistic chance that he will do better.

If the debates are the only thing that changes between now and the election (unlikely, but hypothetically speaking), then Biden will win the election. trumpers point to polls where trump is getting 45% of the vote, and Biden is getting 40%, and say that trump is leading. trump getting the last 5% of the vote necessary to win would be difficult in the best of times. The 15% who are undecided do not like trump. Many have decided they will not vote for trump, but have not decided to vote for Biden. A terrible debate performance would mean that the undecideds and a few of the voters who were willing to vote for trump will go for Biden.

trump desperately needs something very strange to happen to turn this freight train around.
I see no reason to believe the debate(s) will not go exactly like they went in 2020:

The first debate will have a reasonable Biden, with an insane lying trump ranting about how he got reductions in all prescription drug prices by "80 to 90 percent", and how insulin was now "cheaper than water." Less than 30% of the voters will think trump won the debate. That means many of his supporters will even realize he is a loser.

trump will realize he is way over his head, and refuse the second debate. trump will hide like a scared child.

Unlike in 2020, there is no third debate scheduled, so that is a divergence from 2020. That means there will only be one debate.

There is a real chance that trump will do far worse than this, but no realistic chance that he will do better.

If the debates are the only thing that changes between now and the election (unlikely, but hypothetically speaking), then Biden will win the election. trumpers point to polls where trump is getting 45% of the vote, and Biden is getting 40%, and say that trump is leading. trump getting the last 5% of the vote necessary to win would be difficult in the best of times. The 15% who are undecided do not like trump. Many have decided they will not vote for trump, but have not decided to vote for Biden. A terrible debate performance would mean that the undecideds and a few of the voters who were willing to vote for trump will go for Biden.

trump desperately needs something very strange to happen to turn this freight train around.
I wouldn't be surprised if Biden flakes out of a debate (or debates) again... like he did with the foreign policy debate in 2020. There's a reason why that particular debate didn't happen.
Trump will focus on the last debate and how Biden lied to America about his scum family. About how the Biden DOJ is the real threat to demcoracy by lying and using deep state to win elections

the mods will try desperately to let Biden off the hook, just like last time, but Trump's people will tell him to focus on these things.

I imagine Biden will lose his temper and get very upset as he does when he is actually challenged
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I wouldn't be surprised if Biden flakes out of a debate (or debates) again... like he did with the foreign policy debate in 2020. There's a reason why that particular debate didn't happen.
You are misremembering. It was trump that flaked out on the second debate in 2020.
Trump will focus on the last debate and how Biden lied to America about his scum family. About how the Biden DOJ is the real threat to demcoracy by lying and using deep state to win elections

the mods will try desperately to let Biden off the hook, just like last time, but Trump's people will tell him to focus on these things.

I imagine Biden will lose his temper and get very upset as he does when he is actually challenged
That would be a mistake for trump to do. The more trump attacks Biden's son for being with prostitutes, having an illegitimate child, and having drug problems, the less presidential trump looks. And it allows Biden to attack trump for being with prostitutes, having an illegitimate child, and having a drug problem. trump does not want to allow Biden to attack him on personal issues.

The end of that debate would be most Americans deciding they will never vote for Hunter Biden, or donald trump. Only one of those two is actually running.
Trump will focus on the last debate and how Biden lied to America about his scum family. About how the Biden DOJ is the real threat to demcoracy by lying and using deep state to win elections

the mods will try desperately to let Biden off the hook, just like last time, but Trump's people will tell him to focus on these things.

I imagine Biden will lose his temper and get very upset as he does when he is actually challenged
I see no reason to believe the debate(s) will not go exactly like they went in 2020:

The first debate will have a reasonable Biden, with an insane lying trump ranting about how he got reductions in all prescription drug prices by "80 to 90 percent", and how insulin was now "cheaper than water." Less than 30% of the voters will think trump won the debate. That means many of his supporters will even realize he is a loser.

trump will realize he is way over his head, and refuse the second debate. trump will hide like a scared child.

Unlike in 2020, there is no third debate scheduled, so that is a divergence from 2020. That means there will only be one debate.

There is a real chance that trump will do far worse than this, but no realistic chance that he will do better.

If the debates are the only thing that changes between now and the election (unlikely, but hypothetically speaking), then Biden will win the election. trumpers point to polls where trump is getting 45% of the vote, and Biden is getting 40%, and say that trump is leading. trump getting the last 5% of the vote necessary to win would be difficult in the best of times. The 15% who are undecided do not like trump. Many have decided they will not vote for trump, but have not decided to vote for Biden. A terrible debate performance would mean that the undecideds and a few of the voters who were willing to vote for trump will go for Biden.

trump desperately needs something very strange to happen to turn this freight train around.
There will be no debates, just as there was no trump testimony in the criminal trial. He will back out because Biden won't agree to drug testing.

Any polling that shows trump ahead is from those who are not likely to vote, and pay little attention to politics or the news.
There will be no debates, just as there was no trump testimony in the criminal trial. He will back out because Biden won't agree to drug testing.

Any polling that shows trump ahead is from those who are not likely to vote, and pay little attention to politics or the news.
Joe can't get though a scripted 20 minute speech these days without multiple screwups ... wnd that's with a teleprompter... How could he possibly get through an entire debate?
The televised "debates" are nothing but sound bytes to entertain idiots.
Very little of the America public would have the patience and attention span to sit through
an intelligently formatted "real" debate.

Trump, more than anybody else, wouldn't even consider participating in anything like that.
His handlers would never allow it if he were.

The Republicans actually have some people--very few-- who could do it.
Cancun Raffy Cruz is totally insane but pretty smart, for example.
Christie could do it, but of course, he's not Republican enough to be a nominated POTUS candidate.
That would be a mistake for trump to do. The more trump attacks Biden's son for being with prostitutes, having an illegitimate child, and having drug problems, the less presidential trump looks. And it allows Biden to attack trump for being with prostitutes, having an illegitimate child, and having a drug problem. trump does not want to allow Biden to attack him on personal issues.

The end of that debate would be most Americans deciding they will never vote for Hunter Biden, or donald trump. Only one of those two is actually running.
You misunderstand. the focus is on Joe biden being a liar. Sprinkle in how he is not of sound mind as well.

He looked into the camera and told people that laptop was fake. Focus on that. Focus on how this is a pattern and the liberal media has been complacent now when they were not before. Decades ago he looked into our eyes as he stole speeches and insisted the media was wrong about him cheating in school and lying about grades. Remind all Americans - young especially about these things. focus on how the media coddles him, he is a bad guy, and is not deserving of being president

hammer those things over and over. He constantly makes up stories, is a serial liar, and had help lying in the last debate. just make that be the focus
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You know Joe is in trouble when they send doctor Jill to the View... To talk about someone not being able to complete a
Joe can't get though a scripted 20 minute speech these days without multiple screwups ... wnd that's with a teleprompter... How could he possibly get through an entire debate?
You poor, sad, pathetic thing. Seek help before it's too late. Your terror of Biden, on the other hand, is quite delicious. lol
No it wasn't. It was Team Biden that didn't want it to happen.
I will amend my predictions for the 2024 debates.

trump will refuse to go to the second debate, because he will say it is fixed. That part of my prediction remains the same. The new part is trump will not only refuse to attend, he will also announce that it was Biden who refused to attend the debate trump will also claim is fixed for Biden.
You misunderstand. the focus is on Joe biden being a liar. Sprinkle in how he is not of sound mind as well.
If trump attacks Biden for having a son who in turn had an illegitimate daughter, it makes trump look desperate, AND allows Biden to attack trump for having an illegitimate daughter himself. In the end, we will think both donald trump and Hunter Biden are scumbags... But only one of them is running for president.
There will be no debates, just as there was no trump testimony in the criminal trial. He will back out because Biden won't agree to drug testing.

Any polling that shows trump ahead is from those who are not likely to vote, and pay little attention to politics or the news.
Realistically, there is a good chance trump will not want to give Biden the opportunity to show how much more competent he is.
Trump has been complaining that the debates are unfair. Why did he agree to them then? I don't see him doing them and using some lame excuse to wiggle out.