An example... from an e-mail...

So your contention is China runs a surplus, and refrains from borrowing?

Is this what you're claiming?

is that directed to me?........what I am claiming is what is obvious......China is our #1 foreign creditor.....Watermark seems to believe China became successful by a stimulus program that built up a national debt as large as it's GDP, like the US did......he's forgotten about the fact that in China the government owns the capital, in China the government owns the banks, in China the government owns the factories.......did China borrow the money it loaned to us from someone else?.....
Woops, meant spending levels. If we spend what we spent then, I'll happily and with verve and gusto support a return to the tax rates when Clinton was in office.

Too bad the GOP doesn't share your commitment to balanced fiscal responsibility, even though most Americans polled have said they favor a mix of tax increases and spending cuts to get the mess under control.

All but a few Republicans have "pledged" never to vote for a tax increase, or to allow a tax cut to expire.

So, spending cuts (and more tax cuts, loopholes, and corporate welfare) are the sum total of Republican economic policy.

Not only is the GOP hamstrung at the federal level, they've done the same thing at the state and local level.