An excellent equation


New member
This is an equation that describes much of the universe:

A = 60 / B

Whereas A is equivalent to the intelligence of an individual

B is equivalent to boob (sic) size

And 60 is the constant

Breast size is inversely proportional to brains.

It seems that having breasts somehow "takes" material that would otherwise be used for intelligence and the refining of taste. This explains why women with larger chests have smaller minds. It also explains why men have a higher intrinsic aptitude of intelligence than women.

I'll thankyou for considering my opinion today, good sirs.
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Ah, it's Professor Von X.

You know what one of your greatest countrywoman wrote about him, yes?

"It was the face and figure of Professor von X engaged in writing his monumental work "the Mental, Moral, and Physical Inferiority of the Female Sex." He was not in my picture a man attractive to women. He was heavily built; he had a great jowl; to balance that he had very small eyes; he was very red in the face. His expression suggested that he was labouring under some emotion that made him jab his pen on the paper as if he were killing some noxious insect as he wrote, but even when he killed it that did not satifsy him; he must go on killing it. Had he ben laughed at, to adopt the Freudian theory, in his cradle by a pretty girl? For even in his cradle, the professor could not have been an attractive child. Whatever the reason, the professor was made to look very angry and very ugly in my sketch, as he wrote his great book upon the inferiority of women."
This is an equation that describes much of the universe:

A = B / k

Whereas A is equivalent to the intelligence of an individual

B is equivalent to boob (sic) size

And k is the constant

Breast size is inversely proportional to brains.

It seems that having breasts somehow "takes" material that would otherwise be used for intelligence and the refining of taste. This explains why women with larger chests have smaller minds. It also explains why men have a higher intrinsic aptitude of intelligence than women.

I'll thankyou for considering my opinion today, good sirs.

Any other math heads figure out that he stated the (supposed) conclusion incorrectly?

And of course to be obtuse, he chose a less than optimal form in which to express the equation. Let's try using k' = 1/k and substitute; thus A= k' B (a clearer format for this medium).
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This is an equation that describes much of the universe:

A = B / k

Whereas A is equivalent to the intelligence of an individual

B is equivalent to boob (sic) size

And k is the constant

Breast size is inversely proportional to brains.

It seems that having breasts somehow "takes" material that would otherwise be used for intelligence and the refining of taste. This explains why women with larger chests have smaller minds. It also explains why men have a higher intrinsic aptitude of intelligence than women.

I'll thankyou for considering my opinion today, good sirs.
you are using the wrong definition of "Boob" for your equation. it should be referring to people like you.
Any other math heads figure out that he stated the (supposed) conclusion incorrectly?

And of course to be obtuse, he chose a less than optimal form in which to express the equation. Let's try using k' = 1/k and substitute; thus A= k' B (a clearer format for this medium).

Of course, the proper mathmatical form (is such it can be considered )would be

A=Bk (B "times" K, not divided by k)
Of course, the proper mathmatical form (is such it can be considered )would be

A=Bk (B "times" K, not divided by k)
The way he expressed it - (dependent variable) A is scalar multiple (by k) of B (independent variable), therefore, bigger boobs => bigger brains.

Highbrow has tiny boobs.
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LOL. Really? Well, that's funny.

Yes, the constants K and K' are irrelevant to the relationship of A to B. In the equation he stated A= B/k, the relationship of A to B is: an increase in B causes an increase in A, and a decrease in B causes a decrease in A. That is direct proportionality, and his supposed conclusion is incorrect.

I called K a proportionality constant in a previous post. Though that is not incorrect, to avoid confusion, it should really be reffered to as a scaling constant. I corrected by editing the previous post.
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Yes, the constants K and K' are irrelevant to the relationship of A to B. In the equation he stated A= B/k, the relationship of A to B is: an increase in B causes an increase in A, and a decrease in B causes a decrease in A. That is direct proportionality, and his supposed conclusion is incorrect.

I called K a proportionality constant in a previous post. Though that is not incorrect, to avoid confusion, it should really be reffered to as a scaling constant.

Thanks...before you clarified that, I was confused. ;)

I think this was someone trolling for fun, and not serious, but who knows?
Ah, it's Professor Von X.

You know what one of your greatest countrywoman wrote about him, yes?

"It was the face and figure of Professor von X engaged in writing his monumental work "the Mental, Moral, and Physical Inferiority of the Female Sex." He was not in my picture a man attractive to women. He was heavily built; he had a great jowl; to balance that he had very small eyes; he was very red in the face. His expression suggested that he was labouring under some emotion that made him jab his pen on the paper as if he were killing some noxious insect as he wrote, but even when he killed it that did not satifsy him; he must go on killing it. Had he ben laughed at, to adopt the Freudian theory, in his cradle by a pretty girl? For even in his cradle, the professor could not have been an attractive child. Whatever the reason, the professor was made to look very angry and very ugly in my sketch, as he wrote his great book upon the inferiority of women."

Yes, that's an almost perfect description of my physique, although I like to think of myself as somewhat more muscular. Uncanny how you picked up that article with that description.

Women are unfortunately not as smart as men. Hey, it's science.
The way he expressed it - (dependent variable) A is scalar multiple (by k) of B (independent variable), therefore, bigger boobs => bigger brains.

Highbrow has tiny boobs.

Yes, I meant to switch around A and B or somenot. Stop interfering in my greater goals with your useless conflabergations.
Yes, that's an almost perfect description of my physique, although I like to think of myself as somewhat more muscular. Uncanny how you picked up that article with that description.

Women are unfortunately not as smart as men. Hey, it's science.

It's not an article. That is Virginia Woolf writing in "A Room of One's Own".

I'm surprised, being so smart, you didn't know that.
Yes, I meant to switch around A and B or somenot. Stop interfering in my greater goals with your useless conflabergations.
Get it right. It will help your credibility. I'll bet you're not smart enough to figure out how to state properly the equation you had hoped to describe.

Go for it, surprise me.

And what is a conflabergation?
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It's not an article. That is Virginia Woolf writing in "A Room of One's Own".

I'm surprised, being so smart, you didn't know that.

Virginia Woolf, very interesting person with drounding herself with the stones and such. I read "The Waves" once. Didn't understand a single sentence. She wasn't good on writing for sense.
Get it right. It will help your credibility. I'll bet you're not smart enough to figure out how to state properly the equation you had hoped to describe.

Go for it, surprise me.

But I did state it. With words. Words and math are the same thing in different forms. I was hoping you would be able to understand that.
But I did state it. With words. Words and math are the same thing in different forms. I was hoping you would be able to understand that.
Translation: No, I can't.

The problem with words is that your words conflict with your other form of words of the same thing that isn't, but is the same thing in a non-contradictory but rather contrarian sense of the word. I was hoping you would be able to understand that.