An excellent equation

This is an equation that describes much of the universe:

A = B / k

Whereas A is equivalent to the intelligence of an individual

B is equivalent to boob (sic) size

And k is the constant

Breast size is inversely proportional to brains.

It seems that having breasts somehow "takes" material that would otherwise be used for intelligence and the refining of taste. This explains why women with larger chests have smaller minds. It also explains why men have a higher intrinsic aptitude of intelligence than women.

I'll thankyou for considering my opinion today, good sirs.

So Michael Moores boobies shows he is stupid ?
Translation: No, I can't.

The problem with words is that your words conflict with your other form of words of the same thing that isn't, but is the same thing in a non-contradictory but rather contrarian sense of the word. I was hoping you would be able to understand that.
Translation: No, I can't.

The problem with words is that your words conflict with your other form of words of the same thing that isn't, but is the same thing in a non-contradictory but rather contrarian sense of the word. I was hoping you would be able to understand that.

The equation for inverse variation is exactly as I said. A = K / B. An equivalent to this would be AB = K. That's probably what you were talking about. But, good sir, that's not how mathematics works. The two equations are equivalent.

Let me further define the equation. The "Brain" size is judged by the Inverse isometric variable scalable brain mass equivalent, which is judged by the total size and weight of the brain. The average number for this 240. Of course, not all brains are the same. This number varies by at least 200 per person. The constant is 60.

However, I have noticed a certain trend that's been going around in modern men. Man breasts have become increasingly prevalent, which decreases brain size. Combined with the variable constant of the IIVSBME, a phenomna known as negative brain mass may occur in some instances. This is known by the common name as the plague of conservatism, which you yourself seem to be afflicted with. People afflicted with such a syndrome make the exact opposite of a rational choice in all instances, and will counter all rational thought with catch-phrases and slogans, to little effect. Most of them also have man-boobies, which accounts for most conservative's unappealing image. Man-boobies also unfortunately take more out of the brain than normal women-boobies, though the level of this is not exactly known.

As you can see through my abundant research, all of my facts are checked, and my equations are correct.

A = 60 / (B - V)

Whereas A is the IIVSBME

B is the breast size (Although this is exponential for men)

And V is the unkown variable of the IIVSBME.
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The equation for inverse variation is exactly as I said. A = K / B. An equivalent to this would be AB = K. That's probably what you were talking about. But, good sir, that's not how mathematics works. The two equations are equivalent.

Let me further define the equation. The "Brain" size is judged by the Inverse isometric variable scalable brain mass equivalent, which is judged by the total size and weight of the brain. The average number for this 240. Of course, not all brains are the same. This number varies by at least 200 per person. The constant is 60.

However, I have noticed a certain trend that's been going around in modern men. Man breasts have become increasingly prevalent, which decreases brain size. Combined with the variable constant of the IIVSBME, a phenomna known as negative brain mass may occur in some instances. This is known by the common name as the plague of conservatism, which you yourself seem to be inflicted with. People afflicted with such a syndrome make the exact opposite of a rational choice in all instances, and will counter all rational thought with catch-phrases and slogans, to little effect. Most of them also have man-boobies, which accounts for most conservative's unappealing image. Man-boobies also unfortunately take more out of the brain than normal women-boobies, though the level of this is not exactly known.

As you can see through my abundant research, all of my facts are checked, and my equations are correct.

A = 60 / (B - V)

Whereas A is the IIVSBME

B is the breast size (Although this is exponential for men)

And V is the unkown variable of the IIVSBME.
not that it makes the slightest damned bit of difference, but if you are talking about inverse proportions, the formula could be written as

Amongst other things, I used to teach math.
LOL, Don...

Did you actually read what he wrote? It didn't make any sense at all. I think getting an equation wrong would be the least of his stupidity if he quotes statistics like "Inverse isometric variable scalable brain mass equivalent".
LOL, Don...

Did you actually read what he wrote? It didn't make any sense at all. I think getting an equation wrong would be the least of his stupidity if he quotes statistics like "Inverse isometric variable scalable brain mass equivalent".
My comment was "DAH" but I'm sure it makes sense to him in some weird way

The fact is, I had one of those, but the wheels fell off:rolleyes: )