An MSNBC Guest Called Meghan Markle "Five Clicks Up From Trailer Trash" On Air ...

His parents were Irish. He knew where the Money was, and was quick to begin sucking the English Cock.
(My Irish ancestors are rolling over in their graves listening to this Traitor)

Jesus Fucking Christ!! An Irishmen sucking British cock??? WTF?

Agreed about Irish ancestors. I'm 19% Irish and have nothing but disdain for the monarchists.
Jesus Fucking Christ!! An Irishmen sucking British cock??? WTF?

Agreed about Irish ancestors. I'm 19% Irish and have nothing but disdain for the monarchists.

"Jesus Fucking Christ!! An Irishmen sucking British cock??? WTF?"
Jack: Yes. An embarrassment to us all.

"Agreed about Irish ancestors."
Jack: I think there's a reason why Havana 'Anything for a Quid' Moon has never been to the New World.

"I'm 19% Irish and have nothing but disdain for the monarchists."
Jack: :thumbsup:
"Jesus Fucking Christ!! An Irishmen sucking British cock??? WTF?"
Jack: Yes. An embarrassment to us all.

"Agreed about Irish ancestors."
Jack: I think there's a reason why Havana 'Anything for a Quid' Moon has never been to the New World.

"I'm 19% Irish and have nothing but disdain for the monarchists."
Jack: :thumbsup:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but he's a British cocksucker living in North Ireland or in England itself?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but he's a British cocksucker living in North Ireland or in England itself?

He's in Thailand driving a Baht Bus, living off his Thai wife. Claims she's a 'Doctor'. I think he has a brother there that sharecrops a poppy field and Havana makes Bamboo Bong Pipes in his spare time.

He's in Thailand driving a Baht Bus, living off his Thai wife. Claims she's a 'Doctor'. I think he has a brother there that sharecrops a poppy field and Havana makes Bamboo Bong Pipes in his spare time.

If that's true, then I'm sure he can find employment as a "cleanup boy" at a Thai "Steam'n'Cream" catering to Brits.
EnglishBoy likes to live in the 1600s, likes to pretend he's a Duke or Baron (rather than the Serf he and his ascendants were), and enjoys paying a stiff British Tax to support the 'Royal Family' whom he claims are MORE than DisneyLand (think Magic Kingdom) caricatures.
(I'm guessing this poor thing has never been to the New World)

You're such an ignorant ignorant prick Jacqui, my oldest son went to Boston and San Francisco several times last year on business with Cisco. My d-i-l did four circuits of the US on business last year, starting in New York and then going to Boston, San Francisco and Seattle. Finally flying back via Boston. I told you this shit before but it just goes in and then goes out again. I myself have been several times to the US but not in the recent times. It's pretty damned obvious that your view of the UK and Thailand stems from over forty years back, you'd be embarrassed if you knew just how stupid some of the stuff you say is, too late for you now I'm afraid.
Pretty generous really. Im thinking three clicks tops.

It's what she does best, alienates people and then fucks off. She come between two brothers that were so close one time. She is incredibly shallow and only wants fame and glory, that poor bastard Harry is not much more than her butler these days, he'll be surplus to requirements soon enough.