An Oakland Charter School for (mostly inner-city) black boys

I think some ppl are missing the point this is a charter school, not a public school.

NO school is supposed to be segregated....public or private....

If you want "seperate but equal" I'd be more than happy to support your effort......FOR EVERYONE....
That's because I lived in the South for Seven years and traveled widely throughout the region. In principle I agree with trying new and innovative approaches to improving public education where it has historically done poorly in this country. Namely urban inner cities and the south but I have just seen how the game with Charter schools is played in the south and how the primary intent is not to improve public education but to undermine it and essentially resegragate education, which they have essentially suceeded in doing in most of the Southern States. There are some exceptions, North Carolina for example. You can't try to implement these kinds of programs Wacko and be niave about the political motives of others.

What is the political motive of Democrats and liberals in OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA with starting up this school?
More bullshit....thats the blacks excuse for everything.....2+2=4 in all schools....for all genders....for all races......
Blacks have been integrated into our schools from grade 1 to grade 12 for over 50 freakin' years.....

Because white kids actually speak English instead of gibberish.....if someone can't speak on the level of a five year old white kid on entering first grade, there is
something wrong all right, and it ain't because of racism.
How the hell are they 'skewed' ?....
Because most white kids actually wear their pants at their hips and don't have their ass hanging out...

The only thing 'skewed' is your excuse filled thinking.....

The point of this school is to help address some of these issues that kids growing up without a father around (at home and in the community) need to learn. If all you see is other kids sagging your clothes you're likely to do the same. If you don't have someone at home teaching you how to look someone in their eye and shake their hand you aren't going to know how to do that. That's what this school is set up to address. Everyone's arguing their political ideology while not giving a shit about these children.
Rana, since you agreed with many of Mott's posts against charter schools what do you think of what my former class mate, a black woman, thinks of this school targeting young black males?

I have very mixed feelings, but I also understand that in some areas education for certain groups needs to be improved, and if this has been successful, well, it is hard to argue against it, but Mott is right in his assessment of charter schools and hw they are principally being used to privatize education.
What is the political motive of Democrats and liberals in OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA with starting up this school?
To improve inner city education....again....I don't have a problem with this conditionally. That is as long as these efforts are not used to undermine public education or used to resegregate public schools.
The point of this school is to help address some of these issues that kids growing up without a father around (at home and in the community) need to learn. If all you see is other kids sagging your clothes you're likely to do the same. If you don't have someone at home teaching you how to look someone in their eye and shake their hand you aren't going to know how to do that. That's what this school is set up to address. Everyone's arguing their political ideology while not giving a shit about these children.

My sons had a father at home and still sagged their pants in high school. It was the style. They learned on their own that in order to get a job, you need to wear your pants in an adult approved fashion.
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My sons had a father at home and still sagged their pants in high school. It was the style. They learned on their own that in order to get a job, you need to wear your pnts in an adult proved fashion.

A lot of these kids don't know that, that's the difference.
More bullshit....thats the blacks excuse for everything.....2+2=4 in all schools....for all genders....for all races......
Blacks have been integrated into our schools from grade 1 to grade 12 for over 50 freakin' years.....

Because white kids actually speak English instead of gibberish.....if someone can't speak on the level of a five year old white kid on entering first grade, there is
something wrong all right, and it ain't because of racism.
How the hell are they 'skewed' ?....
Because most white kids actually wear their pants at their hips and don't have their ass hanging out...

The only thing 'skewed' is your excuse filled thinking.....

For over 50 years? You might want to recheck that. It is just now closing in on 45, but not there yet and certainly not over 50.
So now we're extolling segregation again?


Hell, no.