Biden's prasing the likes of Antifa and BLM rioters, among other racists.
or appointing far right nationalist shitheads like Bannon as chief strategists,
Biden's appointing radical Leftist globalist shitheads instead to every position in the administration, not just chief strategists.
or imposing travel bans against people like Muslims,
Biden's only imposed travel bans on Africans, Americans, Europeans...
or calling other elected officials juvenile names,
While Biden has openly insulted--to include vulgarities--American workers, reporters, average Americans, politicians, and just about anyone else he disagrees with or gets mad at.
or penalizing certain cities for their policies,
Biden only does that if they're red / Republican run...
or outwardly telling police officers to rough up suspects,
Instead, Biden tells police they're murders and criminals and should be fired.
or lying about voters to explain his never winning the popular vote,
Biden lied to get the popular vote, so?
or calling a war hero like McCain a loser,
McCain is a loser. Maybe you should read up on him more. At least I actually got to vote against him being an Arizonan. Look up "The Keating Seven" some time for starters.
or appointing a racist shithead like Sessions as Attorney General
Compared to the insane shit Garland has and is doing Sessions was a paragon of virtue.
or stealing funds from our military to build useless walls,
Instead, Biden has stolen over a trillion in taxes to fund waste in general...
or suggesting the vaccine causes autism
Okay, better than lying that it works...
Biden is like a fucking saint compared to the last asshole.
Biden is a total fuck up and has done nothing right since entering office. Now it looks like he might get us into a potential nuclear war. How stupid is that?