'An Orgy of Jewish Supremacy and Antidemocratic Euphoria '


Satire for Sanity
Arm the Palestinians. Arm the Lebanese. Arm the Houthis. Arm Iran.
Each are more law-abiding than the US-backed Jewish fanatics of Israel.


Israel has done enough to prove and affirm its right to exist, unlike “Palestine”. Arabs have been trying to destroy Israel for 75 years, from the moment it was established. Since then Israel has become a prosperous democratic state with high-level science, education, health care, high tech industry, social security, etc., while the so-called “Palestine” remains the same shithole it was 75 years ago. It’s not able to provide itself even with the critical supplies like food, water, electricity and fuel, and wholly depends on Israel and foreign sponsors. Both PA and Gaza are actually failed states (though they are are not states yet). They don’t want to live like civilized people. Someone’s recognition, or even independence won’t help them. If you teach your children Quran, Jihad, and hatred for the Jews instead of science and arts, you'll get a fully predictable result.
Israel has done enough to prove and affirm its right to exist, unlike “Palestine”. Arabs have been trying to destroy Israel for 75 years, from the moment it was established. Since then Israel has become a prosperous democratic state with high-level science, education, health care, high tech industry, social security, etc., while the so-called “Palestine” remains the same shithole it was 75 years ago. It’s not able to provide itself even with the critical supplies like food, water, electricity and fuel, and wholly depends on Israel and foreign sponsors. Both PA and Gaza are actually failed states (though they are are not states yet). They don’t want to live like civilized people. Someone’s recognition, or even independence won’t help them. If you teach your children Quran, Jihad, and hatred for the Jews instead of science and arts, you'll get a fully predictable result.
Palestinians had an established civilization with a flourishing economy before the Zionist scum were allowed to invade it by the scurrilous British colonialists. Since then the Jews have engaged in a program of ethnic cleansing, theft, murder and destruction of their captive Arab state. The task now- for all states that recognize these facts and support the Palestinians - is the reversal of that damage, the removal of the pseudo-Jewish squatters and the seeking of compensation from the US-funded Zionist state. The courts are already seeking arrest warrants for the guilty Jews and the Israeli government, apartheid though it is, is under investigation for genocide and war crimes. Many Palestinians are older than Israel- and Israel is not ensured of a permanent place in history- rather, a temporary disease afflicting the Middle East which will be cured along with AIPAC America.
Jews are no more entitled to a state than other ethnic groups such as Buddhists, Pagans or Dallas Cowboys fans.

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Palestinians had an established civilization with a flourishing economy before the Zionist scum were allowed to invade it by the scurrilous British colonialists. Since then the Jews have engaged in a program of ethnic cleansing, theft, murder and destruction of their captive Arab state. The task now- for all states that recognize these facts and support the Palestinians - is the reversal of that damage, the removal of the pseudo-Jewish squatters and the seeking of compensation from the US-funded Zionist state. The courts are already seeking arrest warrants for the guilty Jews and the Israeli government, apartheid though it is, is under investigation for genocide and war crimes. Many Palestinians are older than Israel- and Israel is not ensured of a permanent place in history- rather, a temporary disease afflicting the Middle East which will be cured along with AIPAC America.
Jews are no more entitled to a state than other ethnic groups such as Buddhists, Pagans or Dallas Cowboys fans.

" This land is mine YHWH gave this land to me''!
That ' God gave Palestine to Jews ' is, of course, a myth.
Anyway- that would have been before they murdered His son.
Israel has done enough to prove and affirm its right to exist, unlike “Palestine”. Arabs have been trying to destroy Israel for 75 years, from the moment it was established. Since then Israel has become a prosperous democratic state with high-level science, education, health care, high tech industry, social security, etc., while the so-called “Palestine” remains the same shithole it was 75 years ago. It’s not able to provide itself even with the critical supplies like food, water, electricity and fuel, and wholly depends on Israel and foreign sponsors. Both PA and Gaza are actually failed states (though they are are not states yet). They don’t want to live like civilized people. Someone’s recognition, or even independence won’t help them. If you teach your children Quran, Jihad, and hatred for the Jews instead of science and arts, you'll get a fully predictable result.

siege warfare is detrimental, racist abuser.
That ' God gave Palestine to Jews ' is, of course, a myth.
Anyway- that would have been before they murdered His son.
So 2 wrongs of Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom flaming flying chariot pseudoscience as law abiding more perfect union to human reproduction immaculate virgin Mary medical pseudoscience son of Allah Jesus the Christ pedophilia make an orgy rite & jihad euphoria suicidal super ego supremacy of Islamidiotocracy according to the dark side of the moon stairway to heaven......
No- the Shoa was just part-punishment.
So as the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate drug trafficking fiefdom the not so master race not so master plan of flaming flying chariot pseudoscience Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom hasn't achieved space is the place for the human race implementing sociopsychopathilogical suicidal super ego homicidal human farming......
Justice must be seen to be done.
So this SCOTUS not so master race of Islamidiotocracy space by way of flaming flying chariot pseudoscience sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming is equal justice under Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom law.......