I like the way the Founders thought better than the way Europeans think.
The founders were short-sited idiots.
I like the way the Founders thought better than the way Europeans think.
Hey, if I had my choice, we would be electing Mike Huckabee right now. I want a died-in-the-wool conservative who will stand on conservative principles and not bend. Unfortunately, that candidate is not one of my choices in this election. I have my pick... McCain or Obama. Given that choice, I have to go with McCain. Given the choice of polarization or the possibility of bipartisanship, I will take my chances with bipartisanship... maybe I will regret that, maybe not.... I think it's better to not have complete gridlock in government. Obama isn't going to "unite" a damn thing, mark my words. 4 years of partisan rhetoric and republican obstructionism is what you will have, and nothing will change that with Obama. McCain at least has a chance of being able to compromise and get along enough to get something done.
Palin is not a "retard" ...far from it. She is a bright articulate conservative who is pro-life and she has appeal to a wide section of the base. The sad thing is, she has not been able to speak for herself during this election, the McCain people have kept her silenced, and it was a huge mistake, in my opinion. She had the chance to really change the dynamic for McCain, and he blew it. It's also sad, the way politics go, she will be on the losing ticket this election, and we'll probably never hear from her again. I do think she is the kind of person the Republican party has yearned for since Ronald Reagan, my opinion hasn't changed one bit on that.
Republicans who have criticized Palin, are beltway insiders, who naturally don't like ANYONE from the outside. They did the same thing with Reagan when he first gained national prominence.
No, the best of the bunch (NY and NE) were pragmatic and conservative. They were joined by older pragmatists outside of the region from the left and right (Franklin, Washington). Besides, its blasphemy to diss the FF you ignorant prick!!!!!!!The founders were short-sited idiots.
The fact that you just called her articulate negates anything you have ever fucking said.