Agreed. Predictions for tonight....
Bill Clinton will
1) mention his imaginary surplus at least 10 times.
2) Forget to mention that the Enron/Worldcom/Global Crossing etc... fraud occured while he was in office
3) Forget to mention that the economic downturn began in March of 2000 (not that the downturn was his fault).... in turn he will blame Bush for the downturn
4) act as though he had anything to do with the internet/tech/telecom/biotech boom that occured in the 90's
5) forget to mention that his signing the bills that dismantled Glass Steagall were a large part of the financial mess we have now. But I am sure he will blame Bush for it.
6) let his ego take control and take at least one underhanded swipe at Obama.
"They took us from record surpluses to an exploding debt; from over 22 million new jobs to just 5 million; from increasing working families' incomes to nearly $7,500 a year to a decline of more than $2,000 a year; from almost 8 million Americans lifted out of poverty to more than 5.5 million driven into poverty; and millions more losing their health insurance."
Well, I got the first five correct. Billy played nice and didn't take a swipe at Obama. He simply lied about his impression of Obama to the American people. But we are all used to him lying to us.
1) Mentioned his imaginary surplus and acted as though the debt didn't rise every single year of his Presidency. Blamed Bush for the downturn, even though the downturn began in March of 2000.... almost a full year before Bush took office.
2) Yep, no mention of all the fraud that occured when he was President and the contribution to the lost jobs and downturn in the market that occured as a result of that.
3) Yep... pretended the downturn was a result of Bush.
4) Acted like he had anything to do with the new jobs being created during the tech/internet/telecom/biotech boom of the 1990s and pretended that it was Bush's fault when the bubble burst.... despite the fact that the bubble burst when he was in office.
5) Yep, no mention of the FACT that the bills he signed taking apart Glass Steagall coupled with the Fair Lending Act he signed made a significant contribution to the current mess we are seeing in the housing market and the subsequent echo into the credit card market.