And The Last Trump Sign Quietly Vanished.

He says he’s worth billions, but then again, he’s a pathological liar.
Daddy fronted him about 400-500 million over the years. And pulled strings for him behind the scenes.
Left to his own accord, he is on the level, at best, of a used car salesman. And a dishonest one at that.
I laugh at you morons that keep making these claims. He bankrupted 4 casinos. How in the fuck do you bankrupt a fucking casino. Fucked unknown numbers of people with his fraudulent Trump U. Stole from his own foundation.
Your hero is going to be considered the worst President of all time. Or pretty damn close

Nope. Trump will be the best president this country has ever voted into office. Move over Abraham Lincoln!

Damn dude you are really out there in the liberal thicket. We need to reel you back in and Trump can do that for you. IF you give him a chance. Lets address of the common misconceptions, shall we? Your total lack of understanding of Trump is about the equivalent of a dog's perception of its master. You have very vague topics and you brush with wide strokes

Amount of money when he started out is irrelevant. he is clearly a genius without equal on this planet. Trump is the most powerful man in the world. And to think,some of these democrats still believe Trump reads and writes on the 4th grade level. That is the portrait of ignorance right there. Tell me, did the Trump U issue have any impact at all on voters in 2016? No it didnt because it it was insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Trump settled the lawsuit and moved on. The issue is fading into the sunset. You can bring it up all you want but Trump is going to win in a landslide anyway so its not going to matter one way or the other.

And once again, liberals bringing up the bankruptcy issue is also resolved when you put things into perspective. And really that should be the liberal buzzword of the day...

Nope. Trump will be the best president this country has ever voted into office. Move over Abraham Lincoln!

Damn dude you are really out there in the liberal thicket. We need to reel you back in and Trump can do that for you. IF you give him a chance. Lets address of the common misconceptions, shall we? Your total lack of understanding of Trump is about the equivalent of a dog's perception of its master. You have very vague topics and you brush with wide strokes

Amount of money when he started out is irrelevant. he is clearly a genius without equal on this planet. Trump is the most powerful man in the world. And to think,some of these democrats still believe Trump reads and writes on the 4th grade level. That is the portrait of ignorance right there. Tell me, did the Trump U issue have any impact at all on voters in 2016? No it didnt because it it was insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Trump settled the lawsuit and moved on. The issue is fading into the sunset. You can bring it up all you want but Trump is going to win in a landslide anyway so its not going to matter one way or the other.

And once again, liberals bringing up the bankruptcy issue is also resolved when you put things into perspective. And really that should be the liberal buzzword of the day...



A professor called him the stupidest student he ever had. Here’s an analysis of his 4th grade vocabulary.

The ‘Art of the Deal' co-author rips Trump: He's 'incapable of reading a book, much less writing one’

Anthony Scaramucci, someone who knows Trump as well as anybody says:

Yeah, I think the president is a sociopath. And I think he has levels of mental illness. But I also think he has levels of mental decline”

Trump U proved he is nothing more than a corrupt fraud. A sociopath that doesn’t give a shit that he ripped people off for maybe millions of dollars. There would be no need to settle, you fucking idiot, if hadn’t defrauded them in the first place. A scumbag that steals from his own charity.

Bottom line, you blind, fucking idiot. Your hero is an incompetent, pathologically lying, corrupt sociopath who has the vocabulary of an 8 or 9 year old.

I can try to fix your ignorance by pointing out facts.

I can’t fix your stupid

A professor called him the stupidest student he ever had. Here’s an analysis of his 4th grade vocabulary.

The ‘Art of the Deal' co-author rips Trump: He's 'incapable of reading a book, much less writing one’

Anthony Scaramucci, someone who knows Trump as well as anybody says:

Yeah, I think the president is a sociopath. And I think he has levels of mental illness. But I also think he has levels of mental decline”

Trump U proved he is nothing more than a corrupt fraud. A sociopath that doesn’t give a shit that he ripped people off for maybe millions of dollars. There would be no need to settle, you fucking idiot, if hadn’t defrauded them in the first place. A scumbag that steals from his own charity.

Bottom line, you blind, fucking idiot. Your hero is an incompetent, pathologically lying, corrupt sociopath who has the vocabulary of an 8 or 9 year old.

I can try to fix your ignorance by pointing out facts.

I can’t fix your stupid

I usually dont mean idiot when I use it on someone else. But in this case you really are an idiot

And here we have BOZO the clown swearing up a storm and we can leave you be now. Go back to your land of make believe where you can force feed yourself more lies and deceptions.

However, if you want to debate you need to up your game. You make yourself look like a fool with posts like this. Please clean up your act and please dont repeat the claim that Trump is unable to read or write.

If Trump cant read or write, How the hell does he get through campaign speeches at rallies? You do realize he has had two or three rallies in the past month? And he's up there on stage reading from a teleprompter for well over an hour each time? I've never heard him stutter or take one misstep. Hes speeches are essentially perfect. You are a very very very brainwashed individual.
I will not stoop to your level with the swear words so if you want to debate lets do it clean.

Last edited:
I usually dont mean idiot when I use it on someone else. But in this case you really are an idiot

And here we have BOZO the clown swearing up a storm and we can leave you be now. Go back to your land of make believe where you can force feed yourself more lies and deceptions.

However, if you want to debate you need to up your game. You make yourself look like a fool with posts like this. Please clean up your act and please dont repeat the claim that Trump is unable to read or write.

If Trump cant read or write, How the hell does he get through campaign speeches at rallies? You do realize he has had two or three rallies in the past month? And he's up there on stage reading from a teleprompter for well over an hour each time? I've never heard him stutter or take one misstep. Hes speeches are essentially perfect. You are a very very very brainwashed individual.
I will not stoop to your level with the swear words so if you want to debate lets do it clean.


It’s impossible to discuss reality with an idiot of your stature. If this fuck isn’t dead last as President, he’ll be in the bottom 3.

10 counts obstruction of justice- Mueller
Refer to the Ukraine phone call - solicitation of political favors from a foreign entity.
Denial of congressional subpoenas-more obstruction of justice.
Refer to the request on camera for China to investigate Biden. Soliciting of political favors from a foreign entity.
Toss in an abuse of power when he stole funds allocated for the military for his wall.

The rallies? If you actually listened, you fucking idiot, you would notice that 4th grade vocabulary. But you’re so taken up
by the red meat he’s throwing you, combined with your own stupidity, you don’t notice. The other tactic he employs? The two things he’s best at. An unending string of insults and lies.

Teleprompter. Dubious. When he reads from the teleprompter, it comes across as this bizarre and laughable singy songy thing.

Last edited:
It’s impossible to discuss reality with an idiot of your stature. If this fuck isn’t dead last as President, he’ll be in the bottom 3.

10 counts obstruction of justice- Mueller
Refer to the Ukraine phone call - solicitation of political favors from a foreign entity.
Denial of congressional subpoenas-more obstruction of justice.
Refer to the request on camera for China to investigate Biden. Soliciting of political favors from a foreign entity.
Toss in an abuse of power when he stole funds allocated for the military for his wall.

The rallies? If you actually listened, you fucking idiot, you would notice that 4th grade vocabulary. But you’re so taken up
by the red meat he’s throwing you, combined with your own stupidity, you don’t notice. The other tactic he employs? The two things he’s best at. An unending string of insults and lies.

Teleprompter. Dubious. When he reads from the teleprompter, it comes across as this bizarre and laughable singy songy thing.


Will you ever grow up, dickhead?
Prove one, dickhead.

They’re all documented, you dumfuck.

In letters
On a TV interview
In the Mueller report

Are you that fucking stupid?

Now, try to meet the challenge, Einstooge. Refute one.

I’ll understand why you can’t

A professor called him the stupidest student he ever had. Here’s an analysis of his 4th grade vocabulary.

The ‘Art of the Deal' co-author rips Trump: He's 'incapable of reading a book, much less writing one’

Anthony Scaramucci, someone who knows Trump as well as anybody says:

Yeah, I think the president is a sociopath. And I think he has levels of mental illness. But I also think he has levels of mental decline”

Trump U proved he is nothing more than a corrupt fraud. A sociopath that doesn’t give a shit that he ripped people off for maybe millions of dollars. There would be no need to settle, you fucking idiot, if hadn’t defrauded them in the first place. A scumbag that steals from his own charity.

Bottom line, you blind, fucking idiot. Your hero is an incompetent, pathologically lying, corrupt sociopath who has the vocabulary of an 8 or 9 year old.

I can try to fix your ignorance by pointing out facts.

I can’t fix your stupid

If that professor is so good at what he teaches, why is he teaching and not doing. Typical academic. If he had to work in the real world, he'd starve to death.

511 of 515 is a 99.2% success rate. If Boise State performed at half that last Saturday, they may have beaten the then 2-4 BYU Cougars.
They’re all documented, you dumfuck.

In letters
On a TV interview
In the Mueller report

Are you that fucking stupid?

Now, try to meet the challenge, Einstooge. Refute one.

I’ll understand why you can’t

“That which has be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” There is no need to refute something that hasn't been supported with facts, boy.
Hello Iron-Merc,

... it it was insignificant in the grand scheme of things. .... Trump settled the [Trump U ] lawsuit ... Trump is going to win in a landslide anyway so its not going to matter one way or the other.

"[ the Trump U lawsuit ] was insignificant in the grand scheme of things."

Thanks for letting me know how you justify supporting a conman. It is a matter of simply disregarding very troubling news.

"Trump settled the [Trump U ] lawsuit"

Why do you think he settled? Trump never settles unless he thinks he is going to lose. He was guilty of fraud. That's why he settled.

"going to win in a landslide"

Extremely doubtful. This is a political figure who never got over half the nation to approve of him, no matter what he does. And that is quire remarkable because the economy is doing quite well. Every other time in history when the economy is doing very well, the sitting President enjoys a very strong approval rating. But not Trump. The reason is because while he can fool some of the people all the time he cannot fool all or even most of the people even some of the time. He barely squeaked by the 2016 election on a fluke. One things is certain. If Trump even makes it to the election no way he is winning by a landslide. If he wins at all it will be just barely. And I seriously doubt that. He lucked out one time and the conditions which allowed that to happen will never be created again.
Hello Iron-Merc,

Trump will be the best president this country has ever voted into office. Move over Abraham Lincoln!]

Only in some alternate universe.

I would be really surprised if history doesn't rate Trump as the absolute worst. He is an angry, mean, vindictive man who, if anybody criticizes him in any way, plays the victim card and puts on this totally fake Mr. Innocent act which can be seen through like glass from a mile away.

I had him figured for a complete fool when he turned 30 as a billionaire and didn't retire right then and there to live a life of ease. He had it made 100 times over. He had no need to ever work again. But he couldn't stop. Obviously it wasn't for the money; so it had to be for bragging rights. He got plenty of beautiful women, but loved none of them. They were like toys to him which he grew tired of and cheated on every one of them. What a fool.

Basically, the power he had went to his head.

And it's not like his work was making any great contribution to the world. He built luxury hotels, condos and golf courses. He spent his whole life catering to the rich, made no meaningful contribution to society other than providing new forms of luxury and pass times for the richest. He served the desires of the .01%.

The only perceivable point to his life's work was for bragging rights, a very shallow calling.

It's hard to understand why he didn't simply stop at age 30, invest everything, and just sit back and enjoy life, find a woman he could really love, raise a family he could provide for and spend meaningful time with. But no. He hired nannies to look after the kids as he spent his whole life obsessing over getting more money, even though he already had more than enough to live a life of total luxury. He wasn't interested in spending any time with his children until they grew up. His only interest in Ivanka as a child was wondering how big her boobs were going to be.

He only ran for President for the free publicity to further his brand, his name. And now he has messed that up too. His brand has lost nearly all it's value since the world has scrutinized just what sort of man he is. Customers are fleeing his businesses now that they are learning more about the man.

He only became President because all the attention at his rallies went to his head. Having thousands of people cheering for his hateful rhetoric went to his head and he forgot that he should not live a public life because he has so many skeletons in the closet. Melania knew better. She was pissed at him for going through with becoming President. You could see it in her eyes on the night of the inaugural ball.

It was obvious he didn't originally intend to become President when he offered Kasich 'the most powerful Vice Presidency ever." Kasich knew a bad deal when he saw it and promptly turned it down. Kasich has a good head on his shoulders. BTW, Republican Kasich came out in favor of impeachment.
Hello Iron-Merc,

"[ the Trump U lawsuit ] was insignificant in the grand scheme of things."

Thanks for letting me know how you justify supporting a conman. It is a matter of simply disregarding very troubling news.

"Trump settled the [Trump U ] lawsuit"

Why do you think he settled? Trump never settles unless he thinks he is going to lose. He was guilty of fraud. That's why he settled.

"going to win in a landslide"

Extremely doubtful. This is a political figure who never got over half the nation to approve of him, no matter what he does. And that is quire remarkable because the economy is doing quite well. Every other time in history when the economy is doing very well, the sitting President enjoys a very strong approval rating. But not Trump. The reason is because while he can fool some of the people all the time he cannot fool all or even most of the people even some of the time. He barely squeaked by the 2016 election on a fluke. One things is certain. If Trump even makes it to the election no way he is winning by a landslide. If he wins at all it will be just barely. And I seriously doubt that. He lucked out one time and the conditions which allowed that to happen will never be created again.
Especially since the economy is deteriorating due to his trade policy.

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Hello Iron-Merc,

Only in some alternate universe.

I would be really surprised if history doesn't rate Trump as the absolute worst. He is an angry, mean, vindictive man who, if anybody criticizes him in any way, plays the victim card and puts on this totally fake Mr. Innocent act which can be seen through like glass from a mile away.

I had him figured for a complete fool when he turned 30 as a billionaire and didn't retire right then and there to live a life of ease. He had it made 100 times over. He had no need to ever work again. But he couldn't stop. Obviously it wasn't for the money; so it had to be for bragging rights. He got plenty of beautiful women, but loved none of them. They were like toys to him which he grew tired of and cheated on every one of them. What a fool.

Basically, the power he had went to his head.

And it's not like his work was making any great contribution to the world. He built luxury hotels, condos and golf courses. He spent his whole life catering to the rich, made no meaningful contribution to society other than providing new forms of luxury and pass times for the richest. He served the desires of the .01%.

The only perceivable point to his life's work was for bragging rights, a very shallow calling.

It's hard to understand why he didn't simply stop at age 30, invest everything, and just sit back and enjoy life, find a woman he could really love, raise a family he could provide for and spend meaningful time with. But no. He hired nannies to look after the kids as he spent his whole life obsessing over getting more money, even though he already had more than enough to live a life of total luxury. He wasn't interested in spending any time with his children until they grew up. His only interest in Ivanka as a child was wondering how big her boobs were going to be.

He only ran for President for the free publicity to further his brand, his name. And now he has messed that up too. His brand has lost nearly all it's value since the world has scrutinized just what sort of man he is. Customers are fleeing his businesses now that they are learning more about the man.

He only became President because all the attention at his rallies went to his head. Having thousands of people cheering for his hateful rhetoric went to his head and he forgot that he should not live a public life because he has so many skeletons in the closet. Melania knew better. She was pissed at him for going through with becoming President. You could see it in her eyes on the night of the inaugural ball.

It was obvious he didn't originally intend to become President when he offered Kasich 'the most powerful Vice Presidency ever." Kasich knew a bad deal when he saw it and promptly turned it down. Kasich has a good head on his shoulders. BTW, Republican Kasich came out in favor of impeachment.
He's a pathological narcissist. Everything he does or says is to feed his narcissism. Nothing else matters to him.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Hello rjhenn,

Especially since the economy is deteriorating due to his trade policy.

Can you imagine how low his approval rating would go if the economy crashed?

The economy is the ONLY thing keeping him in office. If it weren't for inheriting a great economy there would be little to like. And make no mistake. It wasn't his hateful immigration policy that produced the good economy. It wasn't like keeping the people out who take the least desirable jobs all of a sudden made all the difference with the economy. The economy began to build under Obama with sensible policy (that Republicans disagreed with at the time) and it continued to build, slowly but surely, the remaining 7 years Obama was in office, and then has continued that build despite Trump's trade wars, which have hurt the economy slightly. Imagine how good it would be if we didn't have the trade wars!

Talk about believing in all the wrong things. Trump fans own that.

Trump is just one recession away from getting tossed out of office. He better hope there is no major crash any time soon.
Hello rjhenn,

Can you imagine how low his approval rating would go if the economy crashed?

The economy is the ONLY thing keeping him in office. If it weren't for inheriting a great economy there would be little to like. And make no mistake. It wasn't his hateful immigration policy that produced the good economy. It wasn't like keeping the people out who take the least desirable jobs all of a sudden made all the difference with the economy. The economy began to build under Obama with sensible policy (that Republicans disagreed with at the time) and it continued to build, slowly but surely, the remaining 7 years Obama was in office, and then has continued that build despite Trump's trade wars, which have hurt the economy slightly. Imagine how good it would be if we didn't have the trade wars!

Talk about believing in all the wrong things. Trump fans own that.

Trump is just one recession away from getting tossed out of office. He better hope there is no major crash any time soon.
If only we can get rid of him before he crashes the economy. 3rd quarter projection is for 2.1% GDP growth, with 4th quarter projection at 1.8%. At least it is, hopefully, staying positive.

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