And yes, Tulsi is pissed

Rofl.. what about Libya? that was all Obama - who wants to stay in Syria forever? notTrump
LBJ was a Democrat -he got us into Vietnam heavy

your raping of the ME for haliburtons oil profits caused Libya idiot

We told you assholes if you took out the shit cork (sadam) it would blow the entire middle east up into a fucking mess

now the bees are everywhere along with shards of glass

Sadam was SHIT but he was a cork
your raping of the ME for haliburtons oil profits caused Libya idiot

We told you assholes if you took out the shit cork (sadam) it would blow the entire middle east up into a fucking mess

now the bees are everywhere along with shards of glass

Sadam was SHIT but he was a cork

It was more for Raytheon’s profit but you’re at least half right for a change lol.
Lots of people want rid of the the Bad Orange Man for a variety of reasons.

He’s a threat to the ‘war establishment’ for lack of a better term. Note what they are doing to Gabbard—same thing. She’s threatens the status quo. Ordinarily, the media would be fawning over a minority woman of her caliber.

But she’s a ‘Russian asset’ lol.

The POLITICAL CLASS (which our Founders did everything they could think of to keep from even existing), is AT WAR with ANYTHING/ANYONE, that is not part of them....Pres.Trump is an EXCELLENT is Gabbard.

KBR, Inc. (formerly Kellogg Brown & Root) is an American engineering, procurement, and construction company, formerly a subsidiary of Halliburton. After Halliburton acquired Dresser Industries in 1998, Dresser's engineering subsidiary, the M. W. Kellogg Co., was merged with Halliburton's construction subsidiary, Brown & Root, to form Kellogg Brown & Root. KBR and its predecessors have received many contracts with the U.S. military including during World War II, the Vietnam War, and the Iraq War. Democratic Congressman Lyndon B. Johnson, later President of the United States, was instrumental in providing government contracts for Brown & Root, in exchange for the company funding his campaigns and otherwise providing money to him.

The POLITICAL CLASS (which our Founders did everything they could think of to keep from even existing), is AT WAR with ANYTHING/ANYONE, that is not part of them....Pres.Trump is an EXCELLENT is Gabbard.

Good point.

They are birds of a feather in some respects.

The company has been involved in numerous controversies, including its involvement with Dick Cheney – as U.S. Secretary of Defense, then CEO of the company, then Vice President of the United States – and the Iraq War, and the Deepwater Horizon, for which it agreed to settle outstanding legal claims against it by paying litigants $1.1 billion.
KBR, one of Halliburton's subsidiaries at the time, paid bribes to high-ranking Nigerian officials between 1994 and 2004. Under a deal reached with the U.S. Justice Department, Halliburton has agreed to pay $382 million to settle the bribery case.[12]

KBR, Inc. (formerly Kellogg Brown & Root) is an American engineering, procurement, and construction company, formerly a subsidiary of Halliburton. After Halliburton acquired Dresser Industries in 1998, Dresser's engineering subsidiary, the M. W. Kellogg Co., was merged with Halliburton's construction subsidiary, Brown & Root, to form Kellogg Brown & Root. KBR and its predecessors have received many contracts with the U.S. military including during World War II, the Vietnam War, and the Iraq War. Democratic Congressman Lyndon B. Johnson, later President of the United States, was instrumental in providing government contracts for Brown & Root, in exchange for the company funding his campaigns and otherwise providing money to him.

just in time to lie this nation to war in the middle east
The company has been involved in numerous controversies, including its involvement with Dick Cheney – as U.S. Secretary of Defense, then CEO of the company, then Vice President of the United States – and the Iraq War, and the Deepwater Horizon, for which it agreed to settle outstanding legal claims against it by paying litigants $1.1 billion.
KBR, one of Halliburton's subsidiaries at the time, paid bribes to high-ranking Nigerian officials between 1994 and 2004. Under a deal reached with the U.S. Justice Department, Halliburton has agreed to pay $382 million to settle the bribery case.[12]

Advancing Stem Cell Research In Ethical, Responsible Ways
Research Has Justified President Bush’s Commitment To Support Responsible Research On Pluripotent Stem Cells

President Bush’s Balanced Stem Cell Policies Are Helping Advance Science And Ethics Together

In 2001, President Bush announced a balanced approach to stem cell research that would allow Federal funding for research using existing embryonic stem cell lines. This policy allowed the Federal government to support research on dozens of existing stem cell lines without sanctioning or encouraging the destruction of additional human embryos.

President Bush is the first President to provide Federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research. Since 2001, the Administration has made more than $170 million available for research on stem cell lines derived from human embryos that had already been destroyed. In addition, the Administration has provided nearly $3.7 billion for research on all forms of stem cells, including those from adult and other non-embryonic sources.

The President opposes any attempt to compel American taxpayers to pay for research that relies on the intentional destruction of human embryos. He believes that by enacting appropriate policy safeguards while encouraging the development of new scientific techniques, it is possible to advance science and medicine without violating moral principles.

President Bush has encouraged scientific advancement of stem cell research within ethical boundaries by avoiding techniques that destroy life, while vigorously supporting alternative approaches. Research indicates that pluripotent stem cells – those that have the potential to develop into nearly all the cell types and tissues in the body – can be derived without using or harming embryos. The President has long supported these non-embryonic techniques, and there has been exciting progress over the past couple of years:

In November 2007, several new studies showed the potential of reprogramming adult cells, such as skin cells, to make them function like embryonic stem cells.
Since then, researchers have increasingly used these ethically uncontroversial cells in the same kinds of research for which embryonic stem cells had been used, and numerous published studies have now shown their usefulness.
As of October 2008, it is estimated that more than 800 labs are now using these new uncontroversial cells.
The President has acted to strengthen our Nation’s commitment to conduct research on pluripotent stem cells. In June 2007, he signed an Executive Order to expand support for these non-destructive research methods and make it more likely that exciting advances in this area will continue. The Order:

Invited scientists to work with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to add new ethically derived, human pluripotent stem cell lines to the list of those eligible for Federal funding.
Directed the Department of Health and Human Services and the NIH to ensure that any human pluripotent stem cell lines produced in ways that do not create, destroy, or harm human embryos will be eligible for Federal funding.
Expanded the NIH’s Embryonic Stem Cell Registry to include all types of ethically produced human pluripotent stem cells. The NIH is planning to add to the Registry new pluripotent stem cell lines that are not derived from embryos.
Renamed the registry the Pluripotent Stem Cell Registry – so that it reflects what the stem cells can do, instead of where they come from.
In September 2007, the NIH implemented the President’s Executive Order. The plan contained a number of new or accelerated activities, including two fresh funding streams to stimulate research on human pluripotent stem cells derived from non-embryonic sources:

The NIH Stem Cell Task Force developed a pair of program announcements to solicit grant applications for research on human pluripotent stem cells derived from non-embryonic sources.
In addition, the Stem Cell Task Force developed another funding opportunity to rapidly stimulate research in human pluripotent stem cells from non-embryonic sources. This initiative awarded additional funding to NIH-supported researchers already working in stem cell research to supplement certain areas of their work that are of particular interest to NIH."

He did that as part of a compromise with Democrats after trying to eliminate funding didn't work. Notice how this is calling it a "balanced" approach.

I will give Bush credit, though. Unlike Trump, he was willing to compromise with Democrats.
The Left (democrats) defended the 9/11 attacks against America by Muslims as justified jihad. They defend giving Muslim Iran a path to nuclear weapons. They defend the Muslim Palestinian claim to the land of Israel. They defend the Muslim slaughter of Christians in the ME. They defend Ilhan's and Tlaib's Muslim anti Jew remarks. They defend the Muslim killing of homosexuals, repression of women's rights, and Sharia law in Afghanistan.

Which Democrats defended 9/11 and said that the terrorists were justified?
Yes, if Israel has nukes, so should Iran.
Which Democrats think Palestinians should own all of Israel? At best, Democrats believe Palestinians should have a country, which is a pretty fair and moderate position.
What Anti-Jew remarks did Omar and Tlaib make? I remember Omar saying that Israeli lobbyists control our foreign policy, which is 100% true, and all of the other Democrats made her apologize. If anything, this shows that the DNC is Pro-Jew.
Which Democrats defend persecution of gays and oppression of women?

They condemn Christianity (except for Blacks) and scream for more Muslim immigration.

Which Leftists condemn Christianity?

Before you use me as an example, I condemn ALL religion.

If there is no religious Left, then the term religious right is meaningless as there is no contrast.. Why don't you use the term Christian extremism? ... it is because you are a democrat political hack, and you don't want to include Blacks in your condemnation of Christianity.

"The Religious Right" refers to a culture on the Right of mixing religion and politics. The contrast is with other Conservatives, who don't do this.
Personally, I use the term "extremism" to refer to terrorists. And I have used the term Christian extremism to refer to Christian terrorists in Africa. Since you make everything about race, I want to make a point of saying these terrorists are BLACK.
So what what does that have to do with Trump being impeached and cruelly and unusually executed for massive corruption? :palm: