robdastud said:Brent don't be a moron, an institution is no "luxury" lol
I work in a prison-like hospital (meaning it's maximum security, with 3 rows of razor wire and 50-foot-high walls) and they DO have modern comfort and conveniences. They have a big day room with couches and chairs. Three phones to use, two televisions with cable, a game room with a ping-pong table, a quiet room with books and typewriters, a courtyard with gardens, barbeques and basketball courts. They have unlimited supply of medicine and medical treatments, and they get to smoke all the tobacco they want. They can go to the canteen and buy food at the grill or items they need at the store section. There's a legal library, a regular library, three churches... anyway, the list could go on. Yeah, those guys in there are taken care of better than most of us. You know how much it costs to keep them there every year?
About $130,000/year....
I only MAKE about $45,000 a year working there...
robdastud said:care finally discovering the holyroller disease and the effects its taken on Brent.
robdastud said:only 45K LOL
WOW he sounds riff raffy... riff raff working with the riff raff.
Why, because one of your imaginary friends dresses up in white and kicks imaginary people when they fail to take their non-existent meds?Brent said:Here are the words of my friend who works in a psych ward in Southern California:
LadyT said:I think everyone should give BDW the benefit of the doubt, I mean its obvious he's been in them, so he'd know what kind of service they have more than any of us.
In Southern California? She better be damned young, 'cause that's paltry. She's probably a toilet scrubber.Brent said:She... and 45k is fine for a single woman.
Thanks for proving you've been OWNED.
You gave no response to what I actually said.
Who is the moron now?
OrnotBitwise said:In Southern California? She better be damned young, 'cause that's paltry. She's probably a toilet scrubber.
And one who should be fired, even so.
Just as I thought: you made her up.Brent said:She does quite well for herself, acually.
She lives in the Santa Maria area.
Funny how you liberals can't respond to anything but money.
OrnotBitwise said:Just as I thought: you made her up.![]()
Brent said:No I did not. How could I have made up that entire quote in a few minutes? You're an idiot. I can give you the fucking name of the institution, if you really want to investigate it for yourself, once I find out the name from her.
DigitalDave said:Yep, he made her up....
Brent said:Screw weak little children.
DigitalDave said:Look rob, I knew he'd come out of the closet after Lance Bass did!
Give it a rest, B. Do you think we really care whether this one person exists or not? Do you honestly think it makes one bit of difference? You need to learn to recognize when one of your chains is being yanked. Gods know you leave enough of 'em hangin' out there.Brent said:I don't lie, fellas. I did not need this example. I just remembered when she posted her story on my site, and thought I'd post it here to demonstrate.
Heck, I'll give Care the link to the original post and SHE can verify this is a real person. But there's no way in hell I'm giving ANY of you guys the link. I trust some people, others I do not.
OrnotBitwise said:Give it a rest, B. Do you think we really care whether this one person exists or not? Do you honestly think it makes one bit of difference? You need to learn to recognize when one of your chains is being yanked. Gods know you leave enough of 'em hangin' out there.
Two points for you to ponder . . . .
1) Are you familiar with the phrase "anecdotal evidence?" This story, even if true, has almost no weight at all. That's especially true in my case since I have my own experience that contradicts it. Even if I didn't, however, it wouldn't convince me of anything. Nor should it.
2) Even if these facilities were, in general, as luxurious as you seem to believe, so what? Why do you have such a hard-on to punish this woman? If the diagnosis is correct, she's already living in a hell worse than your imagination could concoct.
OrnotBitwise said:Give it a rest, B. Do you think we really care whether this one person exists or not? Do you honestly think it makes one bit of difference? You need to learn to recognize when one of your chains is being yanked. Gods know you leave enough of 'em hangin' out there.
Two points for you to ponder . . . .
1) Are you familiar with the phrase "anecdotal evidence?" This story, even if true, has almost no weight at all. That's especially true in my case since I have my own experience that contradicts it. Even if I didn't, however, it wouldn't convince me of anything. Nor should it.
2) Even if these facilities were, in general, as luxurious as you seem to believe, so what? Why do you have such a hard-on to punish this woman? If the diagnosis is correct, she's already living in a hell worse than your imagination could concoct.