Angry dysfunctional citizens need to blame someone.

Now see with that kind of attitude you would be sure they would take the wager... Someone takes a vacation from JPP for a year... What a hero.... Unless you lose... Which they would...;)
Trunt wishes so hard to get all non magats to stop posting. She'll even go as far as doxxing herself and proving she was never a teacher. The amount of stupidity from this "woman" is incredible.
"Hotdogs" is actually 2 words.
Well, no.

AI Overview

How Did Hot Dogs Get Their Name?

Both "hot dog" and "hotdog" are correct spellings for the food item. "Hot dog" is a compound word, which means that the words "hot" and "dog" combine to create a new word with a different
Well, no.

AI Overview
How Did Hot Dogs Get Their Name?

Both "hot dog" and "hotdog" are correct spellings for the food item. "Hot dog" is a compound word, which means that the words "hot" and "dog" combine to create a new word with a different

"With a different" what?

The key is consistency. To use both "hotdog" and "hot dog" in the same post is lacking.