Angry dysfunctional citizens need to blame someone.

Same. And my investments are fine. I've even stopped caring about anyone in Red states that voted for trump. There is danger on the horizon when Putin takes advantage of trump leaving us defenseless. Wouldn't it be fascinating to see how people reacts when our energy grids go down?
They would cheer it, they want a dictator... as long as he is the Trump kind.
Trumpanzees lived, then without a name, under their rocks until "escalator day. "

The pigfucking orangutan inspired them to slither out from under their rocks
but they were always there, devolved mutants,
and they'll be still there after pigshit is long gone.

Reconciliation is less likely than you and I winning the lottery on consecutive billion dollar drawings.
That's my sincere view.

New England, New York, and perhaps New Jersey need to petition Canada for admission--right now.
Washington, Oregon, and California need to do the same.

Dependable Blue States not connecting to the New Canada
will have to come up with something on their own.

This dumpster fire is beyond control now.
Time to climb out of it.
Past time, actually.
When a few urban clusterfucks of democrat fools try to secede 90% of the red land mass of states it probably won't go well for them.

They should just pack their shit and move north.
Many posters responded to economic threads as irrelevant because their 401 K was doing well. That seems to have disappeared.
trump is truly a moron.
Trump is an idiot, two grades below a moron, with imbecile being in the middle and beyond his wildest aspirations.
Sadly, he's just one of at least 77 million + idiots who've brought America down.

And what does that say about us who let them do it?

Partition is the only possible solution at this point.
Any thoughts of repairing this dumpster fire of a union are delusional.
Much better, thanks.

But she seems to have gotten accustomed to being waited on hand and foot,
and I, after all, am four months older than she. <sigh>
I hope that "seems to be okay" works for you guys. In this house, Mr. Owl will know beyond a shadow of a doubt if I'm okay, or not. No "seeming" in Ravenhenge. lol

May she continue to heal and annoy the ever-loving fudge out of you.
So, your idea of a great trip to the beach is take your wife to a posh beach club and have her cook average eggs from Publix.
And just how do you know that Mrs. Jarod was just fine with getting a break away, and wanted to treat her beloved husband to breakfast she made? I guess Mrs. pEarl never even thought that you were worthy of such consideration. Tsk.

Day two of your bizarre obsession with this non-issue. We're all starting to feel really sorry about your situation.
Trump is an idiot, two grades below a moron, with imbecile being in the middle and beyond his wildest aspirations.
Sadly, he's just one of at least 77 million + idiots who've brought America down.

And what does that say about us who let them do it?

Partition is the only possible solution at this point.
Any thoughts of repairing this dumpster fire of a union are delusional.
He is not exactly an idiot, idiot savant maybe. Genius at trolling and getting weak minded people riled up.