Anna Nicole Smith's Son


JPP Modarater

For some strange reason, I feel so bad for her. Even moreso compared to when other celebs have tragedies and I don't know why either. I mean to wake up in a hospital no less to find your child dead - the guilt she must be feeling is unparalleled. I can't imagine. I'm sure she wants to be happy about hte birth of her daughter, but she won't be able to.
Don't want to sould cold, but I guess I will anyway ;)
I don't know the lady and could personally care less, other that just a vauge generalized sympathy that I feel for all that suffer in the world. I do know of a family here that lost their 3 yr old son to cancer though. I gave $100 towards his burial....The hospital bills had literally bankrupted them.
Never met Nicole Smith.
Don't want to sould cold, but I guess I will anyway ;)
I don't know the lady and could personally care less, other that just a vauge generalized sympathy that I feel for all that suffer in the world. I do know of a family here that lost their 3 yr old son to cancer though. I gave $100 towards his burial....The hospital bills had literally bankrupted them.
Never met Nicole Smith.

Man. That's really sad. No son and no money. I normally don't this bad for celebs, but something about ANS's story that just rubbed me the wrong way.
Yeah , lots of hard luck storys all over. Nothing at all against you LadyT, I like and respect ya, but I have no interest in media heroes. Just abby normal I suppose in that respect.

That family had only the one son and were doing ok with a mid level home and all before the cancer hit their son a year or so ago. They finally got on public medical assistance after the medical bills had already forced them into bankruptcy.
They are pretty well devastated now in all ways except lacking in friends....
And they were ones that had climbed up from very poor roots, so their families cannot help much finiancially, but are providing them a place to live.
They did get enough help from friends to avoid going into debt for the funeral, and their gratidude is a bit embaressing to me and most others who have helped them. Good people with bad luck.
Like me when Bush falls on his face ? Yep I can admit that I enjoy that :)
I just don't feel it. I didn't like it when I watched the Ds do it (Dukakis in Tank, Hart "Why don't you follow me around!").

It just kept reminding me that it wasn't just them that it hurt.... these people were our "leaders". It just got me embarrassed... Just because they are part of a different ideology like Bush is to me or Democrats are to me doesn't mean I take joy when they mess it up.
I just don't feel it. I didn't like it when I watched the Ds do it (Dukakis in Tank, Hart "Why don't you follow me around!").

It just kept reminding me that it wasn't just them that it hurt.... these people were our "leaders". It just got me embarrassed... Just because they are part of a different ideology like Bush is to me or Democrats are to me doesn't mean I take joy when they mess it up.

Yes it is sort of bittersweet, because of what the fool does reflects on our country.
Don't like slapstick comedy Damo ?
It depends on type. If all it is is people hitting each other... no.

If it's OJ Simpson spiking a baby after catching it... yes.
Yeah [pretty much me too, it depends on how someone is hit. slapped with a fish works :)
Leslie Neilson is great!
Oh, I definitely enjoy a bit of schadenfreud every now and then. When delay went down in flames, I luxuriated in it. Pretty much anytime I see a neo-con politically disgraced, I smile inside. To tell you the truth, there may be something a little immoral about it, but I really don't care.

But I'm a little suprised I'm personalizing this soo much because I can't really stand to watch her. I think she's a disgusting dumba$$, but my heart really goes out to her and I don't understand why either.
Yeah, but I can't stand her. She's visibly high all the time, she talks like a retard and she really doesn't do much to impress me in the least. I'm thinking TV would make me not care or make me real cynical about it and say something off color, but I really feel for the crackhead. Maybe its some kind of feminine comradery (sp?). But whatever it is, I don't like it. I need some "Grind" serum.
Yeah, but I can't stand her. She's visibly high all the time, she talks like a retard and she really doesn't do much to impress me in the least. I'm thinking TV would make me not care or make me real cynical about it and say something off color, but I really feel for the crackhead. Maybe its some kind of feminine comradery (sp?). But whatever it is, I don't like it. I need some "Grind" serum.

LOL, everyone needs just a very tiny touch of grind serum. Large doses are very detrimental though ;)
Too much sympathy/empathy is not a good thing, just as too much shelfishness is not. Balance in all things. But a tough goal, so much of it goes against our basic human nature.
Oh, I definitely enjoy a bit of schadenfreud every now and then. When delay went down in flames, I luxuriated in it. Pretty much anytime I see a neo-con politically disgraced, I smile inside. To tell you the truth, there may be something a little immoral about it, but I really don't care.

But I'm a little suprised I'm personalizing this soo much because I can't really stand to watch her. I think she's a disgusting dumba$$, but my heart really goes out to her and I don't understand why either.

It might be because she's pathetic in some important, but hard to define way Tiana.

Actually, I feel the same way. I was just watching it on Olberman (while waiting for damned primary results that aren't in) and I just felt such a terrible sadness for her. .