I heard something really sad tonight about her and her son...
That she was 17 when she delivered him and his father ran away when he was a month old, and she raised him herself....she became a stripper...then met that billionaire guy there, married him, he died....yahdeedah...
But they were saying that her son was her pride and joy...that he was a straight ace...never did drugs like his mom and a rather shy kid, but good, all around, and that she was very proud of him...
Then they showed all of this video of her and him including their most recent one together....
And I looked at her and how she hugged him and looked at him in every single shot that they had....
And you could see it...the love she had for him, the pride she had in him, the joy she took in him being around......
May God forgive me for thinking all those horrible things about her all of these years....I didn't even know she had a son....that she CHOSE to have her son out of wedlock and chose to raise him, however which way she could....and her body may have been all she had...she certainly has no brains, imo.... I am not saying I agree with her lifestyle or with her constant drug state or any of that....I am just saying that I can't and should not have thrown that first stone at her, because I did not know her "story" that lead her there and I did not know how proud she was of her son being a "good" kid....compared to herself....
I sure hope this doesn't turn out to be his use of some of his mother's drugs....I am sure that would be devastingingly worse for her....
Anyway....I feel for her....
That she was 17 when she delivered him and his father ran away when he was a month old, and she raised him herself....she became a stripper...then met that billionaire guy there, married him, he died....yahdeedah...
But they were saying that her son was her pride and joy...that he was a straight ace...never did drugs like his mom and a rather shy kid, but good, all around, and that she was very proud of him...
Then they showed all of this video of her and him including their most recent one together....
And I looked at her and how she hugged him and looked at him in every single shot that they had....
And you could see it...the love she had for him, the pride she had in him, the joy she took in him being around......
May God forgive me for thinking all those horrible things about her all of these years....I didn't even know she had a son....that she CHOSE to have her son out of wedlock and chose to raise him, however which way she could....and her body may have been all she had...she certainly has no brains, imo.... I am not saying I agree with her lifestyle or with her constant drug state or any of that....I am just saying that I can't and should not have thrown that first stone at her, because I did not know her "story" that lead her there and I did not know how proud she was of her son being a "good" kid....compared to herself....
I sure hope this doesn't turn out to be his use of some of his mother's drugs....I am sure that would be devastingingly worse for her....
Anyway....I feel for her....
