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To WinterBorn: The practitioners of at least two religions refuse medical assistance. The Parasite Class fight those churches tooth and nail. Naturally, horror stories abound. Put it in perspective with homeschooling. Parasites in the education and medical industries fight like hell to increase their customer base. Losing customers is a sin against God and the tax collector according to tax dollar parasites. Note that regardless of religious beliefs a great many people cure a sick or wounded person when no doctor is available.
Incidentally, whether or not an individual goes to a doctor is their business. QUESTION: When a judge orders a a parent to take their child to a doctor and that child dies who is punished? ANSWER: Bet your ass it will not be the judge or the doctor.
Hettie Green was tightfisted to be sure. In the case of her son she obviously misjudged her ability to mend “Ned’s” broken leg. Had she been a bit more knowledgeable she would have saved his leg.
Edward Green was the first of two children of Hetty and Edward Henry Green. His sister Harriet Sylvia Ann Howland Green Wilks, called Sylvia, was born in 1871. Their mother amassed a fortune through her business dealings and was known as a miser.
Ned broke his leg as a child, and Hetty first tried to have him admitted to a free clinic for the poor. Charles Slack, her biographer, said that she was recognized, she did not agree to pay for the medical services and treated him herself. The boy's leg did not heal properly and had to be amputated due to gangrene. Ned had to use a cork prosthesis. He grew to 6'4" (1.93 m) and 300 lb. (136 kg) as an adult.
Green attended private schools, and then graduated from Fordham College in 1888. He later studied real estate law.
Incidentally, her son “Ned” did not object to inheriting Hettie’s money:
Edward Howland Robinson "Ned" Green (August 22, 1868 – June 8, 1936), also known as Colonel Green, was an American businessman, the only son of the miser Hetty Green (the "Witch of Wall Street"). In the late 19th century, he became a political ally in the Republican Party of William Madison McDonald, a prominent African-American politician.
After his mother's death in 1916 and his inheritance of half her fortune, Green built a mansion in Round Hill, Massachusetts. He was noted for his stamp and coin collections.
To StoneByStone: Every one of them.
Did you ever hear a Democrat say they want to disarm women? Democrat Party gun-grabber propaganda is very careful to give the impression that they only want to disarm white men.
If you watched the film you should be asking yourself why Democrats like Speaker Pelosi and Senator Di Fi are so hot to disarm women?
If you can't see the difference between refusing medical care for religious reasons and having a son lose his leg because so much time was wasted looking for a free clinic when you have millions and millions of dollars, I can't help you. She allowed her son to be a cripple because she refused to spend a relatively tiny amount of money. A small fraction of a percent of her money was more important than her son's health? That is sick on a scale that boggles my mind.
If you want to admire that sort of love of money, to the exclusion of all else, feel free. I do not share your sentiment.
And your general misogyny is laughable. The vote? That issue was settled 100 years ago. And if you think all women should not be allowed to vote, but all men should, you haven't met many of the male idiots that are so common.