Announcing the I-Lid

You sure it twarn't eastern Kentucky?

It could be a Teeside accent, they sound similar. I am from the Southern England although I live in the North these days and it always amazes me how accents and dialects are still so localised. Around London and the South East, nearly everybody speaks so called Estuary English.

Do you not understand what he is saying?

Estuary English - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Is that good? The I-Pad doesn't have Flash, cannot make calls despite being 3G enabled and having a microphone. As they say in the North of England, it is all fur coat and no knickers.

I know. I hate Apple. Ever since they decided to market a mp3 player way above other market prices with a proprietary power source and invasive software (iTunes), I have boycotted them. Their products suck.

It's a tablet computer, with a shitty touch screen. That's all.