APP - Another Anti-American Disrespects Our National Anthem

No...I taught you...I mentioned multiples before you did;)...and corrected the "1/4" comment...You're welcome;)
School did start today:)
LMAO. You posted a video of the first segment of the song, claiming that you are familiar. I'll admit to only being familiar with 4 verses. Can you link us to the fifth?
LMAO. You posted a video of the first segment of the song, claiming that you are familiar. I'll admit to only being familiar with 4 verses. Can you link us to the fifth?
Check out my videos and see what's posted there...Just google... very easy to find.... Homework for you...:)
Check out my videos and see what's posted there...Just google... very easy to find.... Homework for you...:)
So no fifth. That's what I thought. Nice try, though. Most of the people you post with just take you at your word. Now about the racist lyrics...have you done your due diligence?
So no fifth. That's what I thought. Nice try, though. Most of the people you post with just take you at your word. Now about the racist lyrics...have you done your due diligence?
You couldn't find it? Try again;) No racist lyrics to be found....
How terribly embarrassing for our country that people need to bring our heinous acts to the world stage for all to see. The anthem has nothing to do with our military. It has to do with our racist origins that continue to this day.

291 athletes Did Not take a knee during the anthem ceremonies at the Pan Am games....
Time to get back to the OP...Gwen may face disciplinary action for the fist, as well...
All athletes sign an agreement not to make political, religious, or racial remarks/demonstrations during the games...they did not comply with the contract....
Race?....Gwen?....protest when ever you like....just not when you're representing your team....and us (the US)....
Rules are rules;)
Thanks....You'll learn;)
It's so sad that these idiots must put politics ahead of pride and respect for our country.
He should be both heavily fined and suspended for life. He doesn't represent our country at all.

^Exactly what a dictator would do so you may see it happen with trump.
So no fifth. That's what I thought. Nice try, though. Most of the people you post with just take you at your word. Now about the racist lyrics...have you done your due diligence?

Here's a few. "Freemen" should read "all men."

"No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:

"...when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!"
How terribly embarrassing for our country that people need to bring our heinous acts to the world stage for all to see. The anthem has nothing to do with our military. It has to do with our racist origins that continue to this day.

On September 14, 1814, U.S. soldiers at Baltimore's Fort McHenry raised a huge American flag to celebrate a crucial victory over British forces during the War of 1812. The sight of those “broad stripes and bright stars”*inspired*Francis Scott Key to write a song that eventually became the United States*national anthem.
So no fifth. That's what I thought. Nice try, though. Most of the people you post with just take you at your word. Now about the racist lyrics...have you done your due diligence?

Everything's racist to you leftists, oh, unless it's you blurting out your bullshit and lies.
Your hatred and ignorance blinds you, you take everything out of context then run with it.
On September 14, 1814, U.S. soldiers at Baltimore's Fort McHenry raised a huge American flag to celebrate a crucial victory over British forces during the War of 1812. The sight of those “broad stripes and bright stars”*inspired*Francis Scott Key to write a song that eventually became the United States*national anthem.
Very nice. Now read the lyrics. All of them.