Another Bible prophecy fulfilled!

To understand the new testament and especially Revelation,you need to know the old testament.To many Christians think the Old Testament is for Jews,the New for Christians.
You couldn't be more wrong
Like Bernard Shaw, I regard Revelations as 'the ravings of a drug addict', or at least as an anti-imperialist diatribe in a code to which to which we lack the clues. The tribal myths were included only to convince Jews by the (not very convincing) 'prophecies'.
Like Bernard Shaw, I regard Revelations as 'the ravings of a drug addict', or at least as an anti-imperialist diatribe in a code to which to which we lack the clues. The tribal myths were included only to convince Jews by the (not very convincing) 'prophecies'.

Such ignorance. There are several criteria the heifer has to meet in order to be acceptable. For one, there cannot be two hairs of a different color next to each other, nor more than three total on the whole calf. It cannot have done any work. It cannot be pregnant or even have mated, plus several other requirements. Do some research next time. If you comment on something you know nothing about, you only look like a fool. You must be tired of looking the fool. You do it so often.

THAT was your defense? WTF.
I could TRY to talk down to your level of understanding. It would be extremely difficult, but I could try.

You have consistently ignored a couple of questions I posed. You asked if there were questions and I had only two. For now.

Tell us about a guy in the belly of a big fish for 3 days.
Tell us how sloths, wombats, kangaroos traveled from Turkey to Australia, unscathed, and had no offspring until they reached their destination.

I want to see this answer!
If you try to base your life on the Bible, you’ll run into big questions that non-believers can answer in four words: “The Bible Is Mythology.” See how many mental gymnastics do Christians you have to do to answer straight forward questions. As Christian's explanations pile up and start sounding stranger and stranger, consider the possibility that the reason it’s taking so long to answer these questions is you’re using cognitive dissonance to justify an irrational belief.