Another Crappy Jobs Report

Truth Detector

Well-known member
Anither crappy jobs report in the NON-Recovery and unemployment drops to 7.2% because there are fewer workers participating in the work force.

How many more months of such anemic pathetic jobs reports will the American sheeple tolerate until they finally wise up to the massive train wreck this Residents policies represent; three more years.

148,000 mostly part time and low wage jobs created; what a recovery!!
Your team sabotages our country OVER and OVER to RUIN the American people lives so you can please your insane base and then you want to complain about the results of your actions?

fuck you very much
It's the Republicans fault...

That is what the economic sector is saying.

because its the truth.

You shut down the government then scream about what the shut down is doing to the people then pretend its someone elses fault?

no wonder your party is dying
Contrary to Desh's claim:

October 22, 2013
Delayed Jobs Report Finds U.S. Adding Only 148,000 Jobs

American employers added 148,000 jobs in September, a discouraging report that may still be too optimistic about the job market.

The report from the Labor Department is based on data collected before the recent government shutdown even started, so it doesn’t factor in the recent furloughs. Adding to the uncertainty, the coming data releases will be delayed, making it difficult to get an accurate picture of the economy.

The weakness in the jobs figures — coupled with the complications about the upcoming releases — is expected to further delay the Federal Reserve’s decision to start tapering its stimulus programs.

The pace of employment growth was slower than the average rate over the previous year, which was 185,000 jobs per month. The unemployment rate ticked down to 7.2 from 7.3 percent the previous month, a change that was not statistically significant.


she was pro Iraq war and is anti abortion.


As a New York Times-CBS-MTV survey demonstrated in June, we lean left on many issues, such as gay rights and health-care coverage. But most of us also support many traditionally Republican positions, such as limiting or banning abortion and staying relatively optimistic about the Iraq war. Our political beliefs, like our music, aren't bundled the way our elders' are. You older types buy into albums and political platforms; we prefer hit singles.

can you say government shut down threats?

its what you fucking wanted

Five years the economy and employment has been in the gutter, with little to no improvement and you're gonna blame a 2 week, PARTIAL, shutdown ....

You must think you everyone is an idiot like you....98% of the country didn't even notice it....and the unemployment number actually went down a notch, but

nothing to brag really are a moron about every subject you take on.
Bush had an average of 5.2 % unemployment rate....thats considered FULL employment for most naturally
job creation when everyone that wants to work is already working is low....

desh, you're a moron.....
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what will republicans do about it, TD?

Not much they can do about it with the current asshat in the White House and dimwitted Democrat dumbasses running the Senate.

What does a dimwit like you think politicians can do about an anemic economy other than getting the F out of the way, passing budgets and balancing their budgets without spending trillions they don't have?

I know; you wouldn't know because you are a dimwit and really are THAT stupid.
Five years the economy and employment has been in the gutter, with little to no improvement and you're gonna blame a 2 week, PARTIAL, shutdown ....

You must think you everyone is an idiot like you....98% of the country didn't even notice it....and the unemployment number actually went down a notch, but

nothing to brag really are a moron about every subject you take on.

She really is THAT stupid which is why.....This message is hidden because evince is on your ignore list.